

Home Range and Roost-site Use of Arborophila Ardens

【作者】 韦锋

【导师】 梁伟; 史海涛;

【作者基本信息】 海南师范大学 , 生态学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 2006年11月至2007年7月,在海南霸王岭国家自然保护区,利用无线电遥测技术,对海南山鹧鸪的雨季活动区及夜栖息地利用进行了研究。结果显示,海南山鹧鸪在雨季的月活动区面积为22.72±11.99 ha (95% KH)、10.53±7.08 ha (90% HMT)、核心区面积为8.72±9.49 ha(50% KH);日活动区面积为0.74±0.32 ha(90% HMT)、3.43±1.72 ha(95% KN)、核心面积为0.63±0.36 ha(50% KN)。海南山鹧鸪在在原生林的活动区大于在次生林的活动区;在雨季的月活动区面积及日活动范围都大于旱季。推测造成其雨季活动区面积扩大的原因可能包括:食物的缺乏、繁殖期对生境面积的要求。其中No.760和302个体3—7月活动区面积及位置经历了这样一个过程:减小—迁移、增大—再减小,通过参考他人对雉类繁殖期雌鸟活动区变化所做的研究,猜测样本760和302可能都为雌性,并且都经历了两次失败的繁殖经历,第一次是2-4月,第二次是5-6月;样本364、495、499捕捉于同一地区,且三个个体活动区的重叠度非常大,猜测这三个个体可能属于同一个活动群,其中样本495与499在捕获地及捕获时间上的相同及在相同月份活动区的几乎完全重叠,判断样本495和499可能来自同一家族群。样本364的活动区在5、6月份与样本495、499有相当大的重叠,但在7月份的重叠度极度降低,判断样本364可能为游荡的个体,临时和样本495、499组成一个活动群。海南山鹧鸪单独栖息在离地面5-6m高的侧枝上,这与以往研究中描述有异。海南山鹧鸪以逐步向上的方式到达合适的夜栖位置,到达夜栖位置后发出持续约5-10min“hu-hu, hu-hu……”的双音节鸣叫,鸣叫停止后开始夜栖。在阴天的夜栖时间比晴天平均长96分钟;上树的最早时间比在晴天要提前约37分钟,下树最早时间推迟41分钟。夜栖醒来后,整理完羽毛才下树,下树后立即离开夜栖树。海南山鹧鸪夜栖息点均靠近其活动区的边缘,与MCP活动区图边缘的最小垂直距离为89.25±35.36m,与当日活动中心的距离为268.57±33.21m。夜栖位置距离地面5.23±0.55m,与夜栖树主干距离2.56±0.58m。一般栖息于坡的中上位置,坡度为6.07±5.94o,植被高度多在12—14m之间。海南山鹧鸪夜栖处地势虽然较缓,栖息处下方很空旷,但其选择的树种多为阔叶树种,能为其提供很高的郁闭度,选择这样的地形可能有利于海南山鹧鸪的安全,也有利于其观察周围的环境。虽然海南山鹧鸪每晚都不会夜栖息在同一棵树上,但其有固定的夜栖范围,因此其夜栖地具有较强的稳定性。

【Abstract】 Home range and roost-site use of Arborophila ardens in rain season have been studied from Nov. 2006 to Jul, 2007, in Bawangling NR, Hainan, China, by radio tracking. The present result shows that, the month home range size in rain season of Hainan Partridge is 22.72±11.99 ha (95% KH)、10.53±7.08 ha (90% HMT),and the core area is 8.72±9.49 ha(50% KH). The day home range size are 0.74±0.32 ha(90% HMT)、3.43±1.72 ha(95% KN), with the core area is 0.63±0.36 ha(50% KN). The home range size in primary forest is larger than in secondary forest, and the month and day home range in rain season is larger than that in dry season. This might be due to the lack of food and a requirement about habitat in breeding season.The area and position of home range about No. 760 and 302 was varied. We suggest that the sex of sample 760 and 302 should be the female, and they all underwent an experience of twice failing breeding. The first time was from February to April, and the second time was from May to June. No.364, 495 and 499 were captured in the same area, and they had a large overlap of home range in the same month, so the three might be from the same group. No.495 and 499 had the same captured time, captured area and the completely overlap of home range, and it seemed that the two came from the same family.Hainan Partridge sleeps lonely in the collateral of tree, 5-6 m from the ground, it was so different from the studies before.Hainan Partridge fly to the suitable roost-site step by step. They sleep after a disyllable sound“hu-hu,hu-hu…..”, which last 5-10 min. The sleep time in rainy days is longer than in sunny days for 96 mins, advance 37 mins fly to the roost-site position, and postponed 41 min s down the tree. When the Partridge wake up, after dressing their feathers, they get down the tree, and go away immediately.The roost-site position near the edge of MCP home range, the minimum vertical distance to the edge is 89.2±35.3 m, and 268.5±33.2m to the MCP home range centre. The distance is 5.2±0.5 m from the roost-site position to the ground, and 2.5±0.5 m to the trunk of the tree. The roost-site position usually on the part of the hill, the slope is 6.0±5.9o, and the vegetation height is most among 12-14 m. Below the tree is very open, but the tree Partridge chosed were broad-leaved species, and it can provide high canopy density for itself. Thought Hainan Partridge would not sleep in the same tree, it has a fixed scope of roost-site, so the roost-site of Hainan Partridge is stability.
