

Study and Present Situation on Talents’ Cultivation of Youngster Soccer in Changchun

【作者】 李旭升

【导师】 陈钢;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国青少年足球人才的培养在足球运动发展中处于显著的战略地位。因为青少年足球人才是我国足球运动未来的活力和生力军所在,是提高我国足球运动水平和实力的践行者。总体上看,世界上各个国家的体育发展,传统体育强国的长盛不衰,极为重视青少年体育人才的储备与培养就是他们的共同之处。到目前为止,我们国家还没有量体裁衣,就是根据青少年足球运动员的生长及训练规律、足球竞技水平发展的一般规律建立起比较系统的、完善的、适合我们本国国情的青少年足球运动员训练、竞赛体系。伴随着我国足球运动职业化改革的推进,长春市青少年足球人才的培养体系正经历着由单一向多元、由封闭向开放的转变,这种转变并不是对“传统”的彻底否定,而是青少年足球人才培养系统中内部构成因素比例的重新调整,各种形式的相互融合发展壮大。长春市作为全国17个足球重点城市之一,为我国足球运动的发展做出了一定的贡献。但是近几年来,长春市从事青少年足球运动训练的运动员总体数量急剧下降,社会力量办的业余俱乐部、足球学校锐减,输送的高水平和高质量的青少年足球运动人才微乎其微。从这个意义上讲,现阶段长春市青少年足球人才培养模式仍处于探索调整时期,还有许多方面亟待进一步完善和提高。本论文针对长春市各个职业俱乐部、高等院校、体育运动学校、足球学校、业余足球俱乐部、中小学等训练单位的教练员、管理人员和运动员进行了调查研究,主要运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法和比较分析法等研究方法进行了较为科学、客观、合理、全面的分析。旨在为长春市青少年足球运动的可持续发展提出相应的对策,显得尤为必要。本文通过系统的、全面的调查研究和分析,发现了长春市青少年足球人才培养中的不足:①青少年从事足球运动训练的人数非常少,而且质量不高;②青少年足球运动员缺乏文化素质,可见运动员的文化素质教育未得到足够重视;③教练员执教的综合素质不高,缺乏经验,待遇低;④管理方面认识不到位,不重视科学选材,比赛弄虚作假,只重视成绩,不重视培养人才;⑤政府重视程度不够,缺乏人才输送机制,运动员训练学习矛盾突出。针对出现的问题,提出的相应对策为:①走“以政府为主,市场为辅”的青少年足球运动员培养道路,恢复各级体育运动学校的功能;②倡导体教结合,加大力度发展学校足球运动,让足球走进课堂;③建立教练员激励机制,加强专业与综合素质的学习,组建教练员专家团到各个培训单位辅导,适当提高福利待遇;④加强场地设施建设与完善,恢复场地功能,充分利用社区的体育功能;淡化眼前利益,注重运动员全面培养;⑤建立运动员科学选材与输送制度,增强理论知识的学习。

【Abstract】 It is developing important strategic position of youngster Soccer in China. Because the youngster soccer talent in China is the future of football. It is to improve our standard of the sport and the strength of the practitioners. Throughout the development of sports in the world, sports power was focused, which is the common point attaching to great importance in young athletes training.At present, China has not young people under the growth of football players, youth football training and competitive level of the general rules establish a better system and suitable for national conditions of China’s young athletes training and competition system. In Changchun,it is one of the country’s 17 major cities for the development of football in our country. As China’s professional soccer reforms, the youth soccer training system is undergoing to multiple, to be closed by the opening of the changes. This is not a "traditional" completely negative, but young people football training in-house system components of proportion to re-adjust the various forms of integration with each other. To develop and grow, In Changchun, it is engaged to a municipal government in training young football players, which gradually school reduction in transmission of high-quality young people. In this sense, there are many aspects of the need to further improve.In this paper, It is to conduct investigations and studies in Changchun include the professional clubs, colleges, sports city schools, adequate school, amateur football clubs, primary and secondary schools and other units part of the training coaches, managers and athletes. This research adopts the cultural heritage data method, expert the interview method, the experiment contrast method, mathematics statistics the method, aimed at young football sustainable development of the corresponding countermeasures.To the survey ,it is found that the problem is: (1) small number of young people is poor ,but not quality; (2) the lack of cultural quality in the athletes, young football players of the education quality and culture is not taken seriously; (3) teaching coach is Quality, young , inexperienced, low pay and poor; (4) management do not pay attention to scientific material and falsification game only to their achievements, not to attach importance to training; (5) The lack of attention and qualified personnel transport mechanism Contradictions between studying and training.Through the issues, it is found that the advice is:(1) advocate teaching, the development of school football ,let soccer went into the classroom; (2) "government with secondary market" of young people develop roads, School sports at all levels to restore function; (3) coaches to establish an incentive mechanism to enhance the quality and professional learning of the formation in the Panel of Experts coaches. (4) to strengthen and perfect the construction site, the site features and the use of community sports features. (5) the establishment of athletes , distribution of materials science and systems play down the results-oriented in all-round training.

【关键词】 长春市青少年足球人才现状对策研究
【Key words】 ChangchunYoungsterSoccerTalentPresent situationSolutionStudy
  • 【分类号】G843
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】426