

The Study on Problem of Legal of the Property Right Trade Market of Mineral Resources

【作者】 武美华

【导师】 王继军;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 经济法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 矿产资源既是重要的生产、生活资料,又在国家战略安全、国民经济命脉中占据重要地位。长期以来,我国实行的是矿产资源“无偿取得”制度,矿产资源依照行政权力方式配置,自然没有矿产资源产权交易市场存在的前提。1986年《中华人民共和国矿产资源法》的颁布,结束了矿产资源无偿开采的历史,开始征收资源补偿费,但仍然禁止矿产资源交易。1996年修改后的《中华人民共和国矿产资源法》确立了探矿权、采矿权有偿取得的制度,使有偿取得的制度更加完善,我国的矿产资源产权交易市场逐步开始建立。建立矿产资源产权交易市场是我国改变行政配置的作用领域,还原市场作用空间的重要举措。目前,该市场尚处于初步发展阶段,市场机制虽已逐步在发挥作用,但是,其中存在的问题仍需引起人们的足够重视。在探究解决方式的讨论中,充分发挥法律的约束力成为建立市场的关注焦点,也构成本文论述的内容。本文采用了实证分析、比较分析、社会法学分析、经济法学分析等方法,由矿产资源的概念、属性,产权交易市场的定义入手,概括归纳出了矿产资源产权交易市场的概念和特征,为后续论述奠定了理论基础。本文共分四个部分。分别概述如下:在第一部分矿产资源产权交易市场的现状分析中,笔者首先集中介绍了我国矿产资源产权交易市场的现状,指出该市场由一级市场和二级市场组成。其次,本文指出了矿产资源产权交易市场现存的问题,表现为:权属错位;权利运作违背市场规律;权力行使违背职责要求和税费设置不合理。第二部分是对第一部分中提到问题的原因分析。笔者认为,导致上述问题产生的原因有:理论原因包括资源无价论和“产权绝对论”,实践原因包括市场机制不健全即中介机构缺位,交易方式种类不全和交易规则不科学与政府职能厘定不清即所有者权能的“错位”,管理者职能的“越位”和监督者职能的“缺位”。除此之外,法律体系不健全也是原因之一。第三部分是关于美国和澳大利亚矿产资源产权交易市场的考察。本文在介绍两国矿产资源产权交易市场的基础上,归纳概括了其中值得我国借鉴的方面,希望有助于指导实践。第四部分是本文论述的重点。在这部分本文以法律为视角,从民法、经济法和行政法三个部门法出发,论述了解决矿产资源产权交易市场存在问题的对策。首先,民法作用于矿产资源产权交易市场体现在三个方面:矿产资源产权的合理安排,委托代理关系的运用与相邻关系理论的运用。其次,经济法作用于矿产资源产权交易市场表现在三个方面:经济法主体理论的运用,市场规制法的运用与宏观调控法的运用。最后,行政法作用于矿产资源产权交易市场表现在三个方面:行政法基础理论的运用,科学设置矿产资源产权交易市场中的行政许可事项和严格矿业安全生产监督,确保矿产品的充足供应。

【Abstract】 The mineral resource is not only the important material of production and life but also occupies the important position in country strategy safety, lifelines of the national economy. For a long time, the implementation of the mineral resources is "to free" system ,and the configuration mode of mineral resources in accordance with the administrative power in China, does not have the existence premise of the property right trade market of mineral resources naturally. In 1986 "People’s Republic of China Mineral Resource Law" promulgated by the end of the exploitation of mineral resources free of history, imposed resources compensation, but still prohibited mineral resources transaction. After the "People’s Republic of China Mineral Resources Law" was amended in 1996, it has established the prospecting and mining rights to the compensation system so that the payment system more complete, the property right trade market of mineral resources gradually started to build. It is that the establishment of the property right trade market of mineral resources is a very important action that changes the function field that the administration disposes to, and returns to original state market mechanism space in China. At present, the market is still in the preliminary stage of development, although the market mechanism plays a role in gradually, but the problems which still exist for adequate attention. In discussion of the solution ways, displays the binding force of law have becomes the focus of attention in the establishment of the market, also constitutes the content which this article elaborates.This article has adopted the method of empirical analysis, comparative analysis, social law analysis, economical law analysis, and started with the concept, attribute of the mineral resources, the definition of the trade market of the property right, and summarizes the concept and characteristic of the property right trade market of mineral resources, and has laid a theoretical basis for the following elaboration. This article is divided four parts and is summarized as follows:In the first part of the analysis of present situation of the property right trade market of mineral resources, the author have concentrated on introducing the current situation of the property right trade market of mineral resources, and pointed out this market is composed of the primary market and the secondary market. Secondly, this article has pointed out the problems exist in the property right trade market of mineral resources, that is: the property right is misplace; the function of right is violate to the rule of market; the perform of power is violate to the demand of responsibility and taxes and fees of mineral resources are set unreasonable.The second part is the major reason the questions which are mentioned in the first part. The author think that the reasons which cause the above questions produce to include: the theory reason includes that the priceless theory of resource and "the absolute theory property right"; the practice reason includes that the market mechanism is not perfect that is to say there is a vacancy of the intermediary agency, types of trading transactions are incomplete and rules of trading transactions are unscientific, the function of government cannot be determined clearly, that is the power of owner is "misplace", the function of manager is "offside" and the function of supervisor is "vacancy". In addition, it is one of the reasons that the legal system is imperfect.The third part is the investigation about the property right trade market of mineral resources in America and Australia. This article is on the basis of the outline of the property right trade market of mineral resources in the two countries, and summarizes worth respects that our country should draw lessons from them, the author hope that it is helpful in the instruction in practice.The fourth part is the key point which this article elaborates. In this part, this article elaborates the solution of existence problems in the property right trade market of mineral resources with the law as the perspective from the civil law, economic law and administrative law of the three departments. First of all, the civil law acts on the property right trade market of mineral resources to reflect in three aspects: the rational arrangement of the property right of mineral resources, the utilization of the principal-agent relates and the application of the neighboring relations theories. Secondly, the role of economic law on the property right trade market of mineral resources is in three aspects: application of the subject theory of the economic law, the utilization of market regulation law and macro-control law. Finally, the role of administrative law in the property right trade market of mineral resources is in three aspects: the application of the basic theory of the administrative law, to establish scientifically the administrative permission item in the property right trade market of mineral resources, and to administrative safe production supervision strictly in mining to ensure the adequate supply of minerals.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期