

The Relationship among College Students’ Personal Planning, Self-esteem and Social Support

【作者】 刘春焕

【导师】 张文新;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 人们如何思考和规划自己的未来可称为“未来取向”(future orientation),它是一个复杂的、由多阶段组成的过程。芬兰心理学家Jari-Erik Nurmi从认知—动机的角度提出了未来取向的过程模型,其中规划是未来取向的一个重要心理过程。个体在一生中都会不断地思考和规划自己的未来,而这种思考和规划对于正处于过渡时期的青少年尤为重要。个人对未来受教育和职业等与成就领域相关问题的探索与投入,通常受到多种因素的影响,其中既包括个体认知因素,也包括个体发展的社会文化背景。本研究在我国当前文化背景下,通过考察了当前青少年未来个人规划的发展特点,并对个体发展的环境、自我及行为三者之间的关系进行了分析,深入探讨了大学生个人规划与自尊、社会支持之间的关系。本研究首先对近年来国内外有关青少年未来取向发展的研究以及青少年未来取向与社会支持、自尊等方面的重要研究成果和主要理论观点进行了较为详尽的阐述,同时分析了该领域的研究现状及存在的问题。在此基础上,本研究以青岛市某大学大一、大三年级共461名大学生为被试,采用青少年未来取向问卷、社会支持问卷和自尊问卷,利用方差分析、相关分析和结构方程模型等统计手段分析了大学生个人规划、自尊和社会支持的年龄发展趋势、性别与专业差异,并考察了三者之间的关系,主要得出以下结果:1.大学生的个人规划存在显著的性别和专业差异。女大学生的个人规划水平显著高于男大学生;艺术设计专业的大学生的个人规划水平显著高于其他两个专业的大学生。2.大学生的自尊存在显著的年级和专业差异。大三学生的自尊水平显著高于大一;高分子材料与工程专业的学生的自尊水平显著低于其他两个专业大学生。3.大学生的社会支持存在显著的性别和专业差异。女大学生的社会支持水平显著高于男大学生;艺术设计专业大学生的社会支持水平显著高于其他两个专业的大学生。4.大学生社会支持系统的水平既能够直接正向预测其个人规划水平,又能够通过影响大学生的自尊水平而间接影响其个人规划水平。

【Abstract】 Orientation towards future events or outcomes is an important feature of individuals’thoughts and behaviors. Future orientation, defined as how adolescents anticipate and construct their personal future, is a multidimensional and multistage phenomenon. Jari-Erik Nurmi, a Finland psychologist, put forward individual future orientation process model from the approach of cognition-motivation, among which planning is an important process. In the life span, individuals are constantly thinking about and planning for their own future, which is particularly important for adolescents. Future orientation, as an important aspect in individual’s development, is effected by multi-factors, including individual cognition, and social-cultural background. This study would to investigate the developmental characteristics of adolescents’future orientation through the inspection of personal planning process in the context of China, and explore the relationship among personal planning, self-esteem and social support.This thesis started with a relatively detailed review about research on adolescents’future orientation both at home and abroad, and theories or some important works on adolescents’future orientation, self-esteem and social support. And also the analyses of the current research situation and existing problems were made. On this basis, 461 first-year and third-year college students recruited from a university in QingDao city. Adolescent Future Orientation, Social Support Scale and Self-Esteem Scale were applied.The results are as follows.1. Significant differences are found in gender and major to college students’personal planning development. Females reported the higher level of personal planning than males. Artistic Designing students reported the higher level of personal planning than the other two major students.2. Significant differences are found in grade and major to college students’self-esteem development. The third-year college students reported the higher level of self esteem than the first-year students; the Polymer Materials and Engineering students reported the lower level of self esteem than the other two major students.3. Significant differences are found in gender and major to college students’ social support development. Females reported the higher level of social support than males; the Artistic Designing students reported the higher level of social support than the other major students.4. College students’social support、self-esteem and personal planning were significantly correlated. Social support could predict personal planning directly, and self-esteem was also as a mediator between social support and personal planning.
