

Research on Regeneration of the City Block with Industrial Heritage in Berlin

【作者】 成卓

【导师】 卢济威; 克劳斯·崔利希;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 工业建筑遗产是工业时代留给每一座城市的宝贵财富。遗产的保护及再利用也已经取得了丰硕的成果。而目前的研究大多着眼于工业建筑遗产本身,没有从城市的角度出发,发掘遗产保护对于其所在城市街区更新的推动作用。致使上海的发展现状不尽如人意:工业建筑遗产更新后成为嵌入在巨大街区中的冰山一角,内向型的公共空间与周边环境缺乏联系,处于相对封闭的状态;而街区其他部分各自更新,遗产保护与街区的更新脱节。上海、柏林是中国与德国重要的工业城市。本文通过对于柏林工业遗产保护及其所在城市街区再生的大量案例分析,研究遗产街区再生的六方面表现(包括功能再生、与周边关系再生、新旧关系再生、街区内部组织关系再生、城市界面再生和公共空间再生)及实现方式,建立遗产街区再生方式库,并且选区柏林三个特色遗产街区,分析再生方式在不同案例中的应用,以及对人的活动的影响作用。最后发掘上海遗产街区更新的特殊性及问题,针对三个特色案例提出发展对策,具有实际意义。遗产街区是工业遗产的培植环境,而街区是城市的基本组成细胞。研究工业建筑遗产所在城市街区的再生让工业遗产成为城市的遗产。

【Abstract】 The urban inheritance of the Industrial Age is a treasure to a city. As far as preservation and reuse of the industrial heritage are concerned, a lot has been achieved. However, recent research initiatives tend to focus on the industrial heritage itself rather than on its development from the urban design perspective. Consequently, certain difficulties remain in dealing with the industrial heritage in Shanghai. On one hand, the upgraded industrial heritage signifies only the tip of the iceberg inserted within a huge city block, which remains as a closed system and is secluded from its surroundings. On the other hand, the separated renewal of different parts in the city block disrupts historically and spatially interlinkage with the industrial heritage.Shanghai and Berlin are both important former industrial cities. After extensive research on the preservation of the industrial heritage and the renewal of the city block in Berlin, six aspects for the regeneration of the heritage block have been summarized (function, connection to surroundings, combination of old and new, block structure, interfaces of the block, public spaces). Furthermore a pool of measures to realize the regeneration of the heritage block has been established. Through the selection and comparison of three typical case study objects, the implementation of these methods is illustrated.Finally, with regards to the problematic and particular situation in Shanghai, strategies for three typical cases in Shanghai are put forward drawing from the experience of the former research on Berlin,The city block is the environment of the industrial heritage and it is also a basic unit of a city. The research on regenerating the industrial heritage block stresses the value and importance of the industrial heritage for city development.

【关键词】 工业建筑遗产城市街区再生
【Key words】 Industrial HeritageCity BlockRegeneration
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】TU984.114
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1466
  • 攻读期成果