

Research of the Relationship among Workplace Stress, Self-Efficacy, Self-Esteem, and Subjective Well-Being

【作者】 李玲

【导师】 曹立人;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 应用心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 护士不仅承受着繁重的工作负荷,更负有“健康所系,性命相托”的重大责任感。因此护士承受着巨大的工作压力。本研究采用问卷调查的方法,对杭州市六所医院的279名医院护士的工作压力、自我效能感、自尊,以及主观幸福感进行了研究。对医院护士的工作压力的来源,人口统计学变量上的差异进行了描述统计分析与差异检验;借助相关、回归,与结构方程模型的方法对医院护士的工作压力、自我效能感、自尊,以及主观幸福感的关系进行了研究。本研究的主要结论有:(1)医院护士工作压力最重要的三个来源是:来自护理工作及专业方面的压力、来自工作量与时间分配方面的问题、护理病人方面的问题,而工作环境及资源问题与管理及人际关系方面的问题带给医院护士的工作压力(两者无显著性差异)显著小于上述三个方面。(2)在不同医院类型中,社区医院的护士工作压力最大;在不同人事编制上,正式编制的护士工作压力最大;在不同科室中,重症监护室的护士工作压力最大;在不同职称中,护师职称的护士工作压力最大。(3)自我效能感作为工作压力-主观幸福感的中介作用显著,且为部分中介。(4)自尊作为工作压力-主观幸福感的中介作用显著,且为部分中介。

【Abstract】 The nurses endure much heavier work-related stress, having responsibility for health and life, so the nurses have great work-related stress, there are 320 nurses investigated using questionnaires in Hangzhou hospitals on workplace stress, self-efficacy, self-esteem and subjective well-being. We describe and analysis the resource of the workplace stress, population statistic variable, and the relationship of workplace stress, self-efficacy, self-esteem and subjective well-being through correlate analysis, multiple stepwise regression analysis and Structural Equation Model.The results of the research are:1 There are three most important resources of workplace stress: The stress from nursing work and nursing profession, the stress from workload and time distribution, the stress from caring for and interaction with patients. The stress in work environment and resources, and the stress from management and the interpersonal relationship are dramatically lower than those three workplace stresses.2 Community nurses have the biggest workplace stress in different kinds of hospitals. The nurses of formal employment type have the heaviest stress in different people relationships. The nurses in ICU have the biggest workplace stress in all kinds of section office. Nurses-in-charge have the biggest workplace stress of all.3 Self-Efficacy has significant meditative function between workplace stress and Subjective Well-Being, but it is a part medieval variable.4 Self-Esteem has significant medieval function between workplace stress and Subjective Well-Being, but it is also a part medieval variable.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】B845.6
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1703