

Forum of Conservation and Reuse of Urban Historical and Cultural Relics

【作者】 刘娜

【导师】 黎少平;

【作者基本信息】 西安美术学院 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 随着经济的高速发展,城市化进程在世界范围内明显加快,许多城市兴起一股城市美化建设浪潮,席卷了大江南北。在这股建设浪潮的推动下,不可避免地加剧了城市人口、土地、资源、环境和历史文化遗产保护等方面的矛盾,给历史文化遗产的保护带来了极大的冲击。城市个性不够鲜明,城市规划手法趋同,导致了城市面貌千篇一律,历史地段的民族传统、地方特色逐渐消失。在这个历史与现代、继承与发展的交叉路口,历史文化遗产是个充满魅力而又令人感到沉重的话题。它是一个城市发展的历史见证,也是城市文化的现实载体,更是一座城市经济发展的新契机。古城西安,一座有着深厚历史文化积淀的城市,犹如一本厚重的历史书,让人沉醉,让人振奋。因此,西安历史文化遗产的保护与再利用,自然成为世人瞩目的焦点,如何使保持与发扬城市特色,如何使文化与经济共同繁荣,如何使人与自然和谐共处,便得到中国乃至世界的关注。本文以唐代佛教建筑遗产大雁塔为线索,以北广场及周边区域性改造规划为主体,结合世界范围内对历史文化遗产再利用的典型案例及西安市城市复兴规划的相关政策,对北广场及周边区域景观规划进行剖析,从项目实施背景、整体规划原则、分级措施等方面,深层次的挖掘历史文化遗产是城市健康发展的新契机,它不仅再现了古城的盛唐文化,传承了历史文脉,还树立了城市的文化形象,促进了西安市的经济发展和社会进步,缔造了高品质的人居环境,带动周边区域的振兴繁荣。通过大雁塔文化遗产的改造项目,我们不难看出,独具特色的历史文化遗产的保护与再利用是锻造西安城市文化品牌,提升城市竞争力和可持续发展的有力武器,是最重要的社会资源之一,是实现全面协调可持续发展的重要保证。

【Abstract】 As a result of rapid development of economy, the whole world undergoes increasingly fast urbanization. Urban beautifying construction is emerging in many cities around China, which inevitably aggravates contradictions in terms of urban population, land, resources, environment and protection of historical and cultural relics, thus exerting impingement on such protection. Meanwhile, the neutral city image and stereotype methods for city planning have resulted in the sameness of city visage as well as gradual disappearance of ethnic traditions and local features of historic plots. In this intersection of history and modern as well as succession and development, historical and cultural relics have presented as a charming and ponderous topic. It has served as the history testimony of a city’s advancement, an embodiment of urban culture, and also, a new turning point for economy development in a city.As a city endowed with profound historical and cultural connotation, the ancient town Xi’an is like an enchanting and exciting history book. Accordingly, protection and reuse of historical and cultural relics in this city has justifiably drawn the whole world’s attention. At the same time, such matters as how to remain and promote city features, how to achieve common prosperity of culture and economy, and how to attain harmonious coexistence of human and the nature, have become a highlight in China and even around the world.This paper presents anatomy on landscape planning of the Northern Square of Dayan Pagoda and the surrounding area in Xi’an, with Dayan Pagoda (Buddhist architectural sites of the Tang Dynasty) as the clue, rebuilding layout of Northern Square of Dayan Pagoda and the surrounding area as the principal part, and in combination of typical cases regarding reuse of historical and cultural relics around the world with relevant policies concerning city reconstruction planning of Xi’an. In the meanwhile, it demonstrates that historical and cultural relics is a new turning point for a city’s healthy development, from the perspective of executive background of project, principle of overall planning, and classified measures, etc. This project can, in addition to reproducing the ancient town’s culture in the prime time in Tang Dynasty and handing down historical connotation, foster cultural image of the city, accelerate its economic advancement and social progress, create a top-quality residential environment, and promote prosperity of the surrounding area.It can be seen from the rebuilding project of Dayan Pagoda cultural relics that the protection and reuse of featured historical and cultural relics are highly essential to the fostering of cultural brand of Xi’an, enhancement of the city’s competitiveness, and the attainment of sustainable development. Also, they are among the most crucial social recourses of the city and a vital guarantee for the achievement of its overall regulation and sustainable development.

  • 【分类号】G122
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】787