

Study on Planning of Woody Landscape Plants in City Green Land System Planning of Tongcheng

【作者】 李莹莹

【导师】 黄成林;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 树种规划是城市绿地系统规划的重要组成部分,而在目前的城市绿地系统规划中却受重视不够。本课题是在对桐城市天然次生林树种组成、乡村四旁绿化用树和城市内绿化用树现状调查分析的基础上,在园林树木学、城市生态学、景观生态学和城市绿地系统规划等学科理论的指导下,科学的选择一批最适合桐城城市自然条件,能积极有效地维护和改善城市生态环境、丰富城市景观、反映城市历史文化、展现地方风格和特色,满足城市园林绿化多功能要求的园林树种,并根据这些树种在城市绿化中的重要性进行了系统的安排。主要成果如下:1.天然次生林树种调查。经调查桐城市至今保存较好的天然次生林群落主要有:枫香、马尾松-胡枝子-地榆群落,马尾松、枫香-小构树-蛇莓群落,化香、枫香-高梁泡-珍珠菜群落,马尾松、枫香-胡枝子-蛇莓群落等。天然次生林的树种组成共有54科、82属、127种,其中乔木25科、40属、59种,灌木20科、32属、52种,藤木9科、13属、16种;常绿乔木4科、5属、7种,落叶乔木22科、35属、52种,常绿灌木5科、5属、7种,落叶灌木16科、27属、45种,常绿藤本2科、2属、2种,落叶藤本7科、11属、14种。属的地理成分分析得知,世界性分布3属,占属数的3.7%;热带性分布27属,占32.9%;温带性分布49属,占59.8%;中国特有属3属,占3.6%。标志着桐城市的天然次生林绿化植物区系具有明显的从热带向温带过渡的特征,反映桐城市植物区系的亚热带特征。2.四旁绿化树种调查。包括48科、71属、85种,其中乔木50种、小乔木10种、灌木24种、藤本1种;常绿树种28种、落叶树种57种。桐城市四旁绿化树种的71属,在各类属地理成分中,世界性分布1属,占属数的1.4%;热带性分布28属,占39.4%;温带性分布37属,占52.1%;中国特有属5属,占7%。标志着桐城市的四旁绿化植物区系也具有明显的从热带向温带过渡的特征。3.城市绿化树种调查。包括54科、94属、130种,其中乔木34科、56属、75种,灌木31科、39属、50种,藤木4科、5属、5种;常绿树种27科、37属、61种,落叶树种36科、58属、69种;春花有14科、21属、28种,夏花有17科、22属、27种,秋花有3科、3属、3种,冬花有2科、2属、2种。桐城市城市绿化树种的94属,在各类属地理成分中,世界性分布2属,占属数的2.1%:热带性分布34属,占36.2%;温带性分布53属,占56.4%;中国特有属5属,占5.3%。这标志着桐城市的城市绿化树种区系具有明显的从热带向温带过渡的特征。4.城市绿化树种的选择与规划。桐城的地带性植被是以落叶树种为主的常绿落叶阔叶混交林。本规划确定常绿树与落叶树的个体总量之比为2:3或3:7,乔木和灌木的个体总量之比为1:2~3,速生与中生和慢生树种个体数量比为1:2:2,乡土树种和外来树种的个体数量比为4:1,木本与地被植物投影面积比为4:5,裸子植物和被子植物个体数量比为1:9。基调树种2种:香樟和青桐。骨干树种13种:广玉兰、桂花、棕榈、雪松、冬青,黄山栾树、杂交鹅掌楸、白玉兰、楝树、银杏、垂柳、合欢、枫杨。一般树种152种:常绿乔木有25种、落叶乔木有49种、常绿灌木有24种、落叶灌木有33种、常绿藤本有5种、落叶藤本有9种、竹类7种。5.市花市树确定。市花为桂花,市树为青桐。6.古树名木保护规划。对桐城市域范围内古树进行调查,市域范围内有古树99株,其中600~800年的有3株,400~599年的有14株,200~399的有28株,100~199的有54株,并对古树名木保护和管理提出相应措施。7.树种识别性规划。首次提出了树种识别性理念,介绍树种识别性的表达方式。通过市花市树的主导标志作用,树种色、形、香的识别作用,古树名木的标识性,增强城市特色的识别性。将树种识别性的理念融入道路绿地规划、居住区绿地规划以及结点的处理上。结点、道路以及城市网络状布局的结合反映了树种规划中点、线、面的关系,形成了城市树种识别性系统。

【Abstract】 The Planning of Woody Landscape plants is an important part in City Green Land System Planning,but it’s not attach enough importance at present.Based on the field survey,and analysis of the natural secondary forest,the afforestation plants around the village、the river、the road and the house,the afforestation plants in the city and in the direct of landscape dendrolgy,urban ecology,landscape ecology,the city green land system planning,choose the garden species which can most suit the nature conditions,maintain and improve the ecological environment activly and effectivly, rich the urban Landscape,reflect the history and culture,show the local style,meet the multi-functional requirements of the urban landscape.Based on the different importance of the species,we do some system arrangement.The main results shown as follows:1.Investigation of nature secondary forest.The well preservation nature secondary forest community including Chinese sweet gum、Masson pine—Lespedeza—Garden burnet Community,Masson pine、Chinese sweet gum—Paper mulberry—Duchesnea indica Community,Melts fragrant、Chinese sweet gum—The sorghum soaks—Lysimachia clethroides Community,Masson pine、Chinese sweet gum—lespedeza—Duchesnea indica Community and so on.The composition of tree species in nature secondary forest including 127 species、82 genuses、54 families,in which have ardor 59 species、40 genuses、25 families,shrub 52 species、32 genuses、20 families,cane 16 species、13 genuses、9 families;evergreen ardor 7 species、5 genuses、4 families,deciduous ardor 52 species、35genuses、22 families,evergreen shrub 7 species、5 genuses、5 families,deciduous shrub 45 species、27genuses、16 families,evergreen cane 2 species、2 genuses、2 families,deciduous cane 14 species、11 genuses、7 families.Through the geologic distribution analysis of genuses types, there are 3 genuses belong to the cosmopolitan,accounts for 3.7%of the total genuses; 27 genuses belong to the tropical distribution,accounts for 32.9%of the total genuses; 49 genuses belong to the temperate distribution,accounts for 59.8%of the total genuses;3 genuses belong to the endemic to china,accounts for 3.6%of the total genuses.It shows that the flora diversity of the nature secondary forest in tongcheng have the obvious characteristic from tropical to temperate and reflects the characteristic of sub-tropical.2.Investigation of the afforestation plants around the village、the river、the road and the house.It inclding 85 species、71 genuses、48 families,in which have ardor 60 species、shrub 24 species、cane 1 species;evergreen species 28 species、deciduous species 57 species.Through the geologic distribution analysis of genuses types,there are 3 genuses belong to the cosmopolitan,accounts for 1.4%of the total genuses;28 genuses belong to the tropical distribution,accounts for 39.4%of the total genuses;37 genuses belong to the temperate distribution,accounts for 52.1%of the total genuses; 5 genuses belong to the endemic to china,accounts for 7%of the total genuses.It also shows that the flora diversity of afforestation plants around the village、the river、the road and the house in tongcheng have the obvious characteristic from tropical to temperate.3.Investigation of garden tree species in tongcheng.It including 130species、94 genuses、54 families,in which have ardor 75 species、56 genuses、34 families,shrub 50 species、39 genuses、31 families,cane 5 species、5genuses、4 families;evergreen species 61 species、37genuses、27families,deciduous species 69 species、58 genuses、36 families;and have the spring flower 28 species、21genuses、14 families,summer flower 27species、22genuses、17 families,autumn flower 3species、3genuses、3 families,winter flower 2 species、2genuses、2 families.Through the geologic distribution analysis of genuses types,there are 2 genuses belong to the cosmopolitan, accounts for 2.1%of the total genuses;34 genuses belong to the tropical distribution, accounts for 36.2%of the total genuses;53genuses belong to the temperate distribution,accounts for 56.4%of the total genuses;5 genuses belong to the endemic to china,accounts for 5.3%of the total genuses.It shows that the flora diversity of garden tree species in tongcheng have the obvious characteristic from tropical to temperate.4.The choosing and planning of the garden tree species in tongcheng.The regional vegetation shows as mix forest of subtropical evergreen and deciduous broadleaves,in which the deciduous species is the main type.Through evaluation,the individual quantity ratio between evergreen species and deciduous species is 2:3 or 3:7,of ardor species and shrubspecies is 1:2~3,of quickly-growing、middle quickly-growing and slowly-growing is 1:2:2,of endemic species and extra tree species is 4:1,of gymnosperm and angiosperm is 1:9.The ratio of projected area between woody plants and herb is 4:5.The 2 main tree are:Fragrant camphor tree and Chinese parasol tree.The 13 key tree are:Southern magnolia、Sweet-scented osmanthus、Palm、 Deodar cedar、Chinese ilex、Huangshan goldenrain tree、Hybrid Chinese tulip tree、Michelia alba、Chinaberry、Gingko、Weeping willow、Albizzia julibrissin、Chinese wing nut.The 152 common tree in which there are evergreen ardor 25 species、deciduous ardor 49 species、evergreen shrub 24 species、deciduous shrub 33 species、evergreen cane 5 species、deciduous cane 9 species、bamboo 7 species.5.The determination of city flower and city tree.The city flower is Sweet-scented osmanthus,the city tree is Chinese parasol tree.6.Protection plan of ancient and famous trees.We carry on the investigation of ancient trees in city territory scope.In the city territory scope has ancient trees 99,of which there are 3 between 600 to 800 years,14 between 400 to 599 years,28 between 200 to 399 years,54 between 100 to 199 years.At last,put forwarded the protection and management propositions.7.The plant identification planning.The paper brings up the spirit of plant identification for the first time,introduces the expression way of plant identification, and states how to enhance the identification of the city’s characteristics,through the symbol function of city tree and the city flower,identification function of the color、the shape and the fragrance identification of plants,the landmark function of old trees. Apply the spirit of plant identification in the road landscape design、the residence areas landscape design and the dispose of the nodes,and make the combination of the nodes、roads and the net design of the city reflect the relationship of the dot、line、surface in the plant design,form the identity system of urban plant.
