

Study on Overall Technical Scheme for Added Integrated Medical First-aid Unit of Helicopter

【作者】 肖海峰

【导师】 周世伟;

【作者基本信息】 第三军医大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 救护直升机因其机动灵活、反应快速,受地形、气象条件制约小等特点,得到世界各国医疗救治机构的重视和应用。但是由于我国目前直升机的数量有限,通过对现有直升机改装,形成专用救护直升机仍有困难。因此本课题研究在不改装现有运输直升机的前提下,设计研究一种直升机附加综合急救医疗单元,满足重症伤员现场急救和后送途中连续急救及监护要求,针对性地对各种不同伤情的病人采取最合理有效的救治手段,通过模块化急救单元提高直升机空运后送的能力。该单元将维持生命体征的必须设备如:呼吸复苏、循环复苏、供氧等进行综合集成,可实现对重症伤员心肺复苏、机械通气、人工气道建立与管理、电复律与心脏除颤、持续心电、血氧、血压、体温等信息的监测。对病情进行连续、动态的定性和定量观察,并通过有效的干预措施,为重症伤员提供规范的、高质量的生命支持,改善生存质量。该单元研究设计采用模块组合,设计在各模块之间互留兼容接口,且留有与目前定型配发部队使用的相关装备的兼容接口,例如与我军通用担架兼容,担架伤员不用转接可以直接加载在单元上实施救治,形成相应的综合救治装备,为挽救伤员的生命节省了宝贵的时间。单元集成的生命体征监测模块,不仅可以现场实现显示伤病员的生理信息,而且可利用internet网络将数据发送到后方救治中心,后方专家通过对伤员生命信息的观察,实现远端救护指导,并做好接收伤员的准备工作。直升机附加综合急救医疗单元主要用于平战时重症伤员的现场综合急救和后送途中维持重症伤员生命体征,可对重症伤病员实施呼吸复苏、循环复苏、心电、血压、体温、呼吸、血氧饱和度等体现生命体征信息的监护和复合伤、多处伤的紧急处置。

【Abstract】 Ambulance helicopters have drawn much attention from the medical facilities of many countries for its advantages such as high mobility, rapid response and versatility in deferent terrain and weather conditions, which can be modified from general helicopters. As a developing country, China has no enough helicopters for modification into ambulance helicopters. Without any modification of the transportation helicopter, the added integrated medical first-aid unit of helicopter in this investigation can be applied to seriously injured patients’field first-aid and continuous treatment and monitoring during evacuation. Thus, all kinds of patients can be treated efficiently and timely, and the air evacuation of helicopters can be improved.The unit integrates some equipment for keeping vital signs for respiration, circulation, etc to realize CPR, mechanical ventilation, establishment & management of artificial airway, electrical cardioversion, defibrillation as well as continuous monitoring for ECG, blood oxygen, blood pressure and body temperature. Accordingly, life support can be implemented on seriously injured patients to enhance their life quality.Modularization technology is applied to this unit to make all modules of the unit interfaced with each other. The unit can also interface with issued equipment, e.g. general stretcher. The integrated vital signs monitoring module can display patients’physiological information on the spot and transmit related data to the experts in rear area through Internet, then tele-instruction and preparatory work can be performed. The unit can be applied to seriously injured patients’field first-aid, keeping vital signs for CPR, ECG, blood pressure, body temperature, respiration and saturation oxygen, as well as emergency treatment of combined injury and multiple injuries.

【关键词】 直升机途中救治医疗后送
【Key words】 helicoptertreatment en routemedical evacuation
  • 【分类号】V275.1;V223.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】158
  • 攻读期成果