

Study of the Provincial Basic Geographic Information Updating Platform

【作者】 史翔

【导师】 李云岭;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 充分利用现有的省级基础地理信息数据资源,结合GIS与数字地图制图技术,开发省级基础地理信息更新平台。即可以满足地形图生产的需要,又可以向GIS提供基础空间数据,方便将来用于建设规划、资源管理、投资环境分析、商业布局等各领域。本课题的研究目的是制图数据与空间数据的一体化生产。即研究如何把空间数据生产和空间数据可视化表达结合起来,以同时实现地形图制图表达的更新以及DLG数据生产。实现一次数据采集过程,同时产生两种数据。即通过同一个工作流程生产出来的同一套数据,可以同时得到两套不同的数据产品,一套用于地图制图的地形图数据产品,一套用于GIS的DLG数据产品。本文概述了目前地图制图技术与地理信息技术的发展现状及趋势,阐述了国内基础地理信息数据生产更新现状以及空间数据采集软件的现状,指出了传统空间数据生产技术流程存在的问题。对比分析制图数据与空间数据的不同,在研究空间数据表达、分类、编码、特性等内容的基础上,提出空间数据与制图数据的一体化生产的思想,制订了要素数据与图形数据一体化生产的流程。本文对省级基础地理信息更新平台进行总体设计,对系统需求分析以及开发方式,模块划分等方面进行了阐述,从图层、属性结构、要素分类编码和地图等方面,说明了基础地理信息更新平台的数据组织与管理。对基础地理信息更新平台的符号库进行研究,并对基础地理信息更新平台的功能进行了实现。

【Abstract】 Full use of the existing basis GIS data resources, combined with digital maps, GIS mapping technology, to build the basic geographical information updating platform. not only meet the needs of topographic maps production, but also provide the basis spatial data for GIS. facilitate being used in the future for planning, resources management, environment for investment analysis, commercial distribution, and other areas.The purpose of this research is the integral production of the graphics data and the space data.how to make the production and the expression of the space data together, to realise the geography update and the DLG data at the same time.by one data collected process, get two kinds of data at the same time.the same set of data produced by the same workflow,we can get two sets of different data products at the same time, a set of geography data product that used for map graphics, the other set of DLG product used for GIS.Overview of the current development status and trends of cartographic technology and geographic information technology, pointing out the existent problem of the technique process in the traditional space data produces . Compare the differences between data mapping and geographic information, on the basis of studying spatial data, classification, coding, and other characteristics, Proposes a thought that the mapping data and the spatial data integrated production.This paper make a over-all design of the basic geographic information updating platform. elaborate the localization of the system, the demand analysis as well as the development way. From aspects of layer, attribute structure, essential object classification code and map, explain the data organization and the management of the basic geographic information updating platform. study the building of symbol library of the geographic information updating platform, designed and realizes the functional module of the basic geographic information updating platform.

【关键词】 制图数据空间数据MAP3D地形图DLG
【Key words】 Cartography DataSpatial DataMAP3DTopographic DiagramDLG