

Study on the Influence of Mining Ground Subsidence Diffrence on the Multi-Layer Masonry Structyre Building

【作者】 高峰

【导师】 孙跃东;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 结构工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 煤矿开采造成地表沉陷,在采空塌陷区内不宜或不准建筑永久性建筑物。但由于矿区土地资源紧张,以及推行的环境保护和可持续发展战略,研究和探讨在采空塌陷区建造永久性房是十分必要的。本文以肥城矿业集团陶阳煤矿采空区住宅楼抗变形结构设计与建造为研究背景,采用理论分析和有限元程序ANSYS仿真模拟相结合的方法,从研究地表变形规律、住宅楼地表变形条件下附加弯矩与附加剪力计算公式的推导、抗变形结构设计措施的优化、ANSYS模拟地表变形条件下建筑物墙体应力的分布四个方面深入研究了采空区地表不均匀沉陷对多层砌体结构房屋的影响。主要内容具体如下:①分析了采空区地表变形的影响因素,根据肥城矿业集团陶阳煤矿采空区地表沉陷观测数据,得出采空区地表变形规律。②综合应用矿山开采沉陷学、材料力学、结构力学等多学科的知识,推导地表变形条件下住宅楼附加水平拉力、附加弯矩、附加剪力的计算公式。③通过对抗变形结构设计中结构构件作用的分析,提出了抗变形结构及构件设计的原则与要求,以陶阳煤矿采空区住宅楼为实例,对其采用的抗变形加固措施进行了探讨。④应用有限元程序ANSYS仿真模拟,分别在在采取抗变形加固措施条件下、基础为条形基础条件下、住宅楼长度改变时住宅楼墙体的应力变化规律,给出了住宅楼抗变形加固措施的适用长度。以上研究阐明了采空区抗变形结构设计所遇到的基本技术问题,找到了类似条件的煤矿采空区房屋结构设计与建设中,有效控制房屋变形的方法,对采空区建筑物设计具有指导意义。

【Abstract】 In this paper, on the background the design and construction of Fei Cheng Mining Group corporation Tao Yang Coal Mine worker dormitory built on the mining subsidence area, using methods of the theoretical analysis and finite element program ANSYS simulation combination, from the study of surface deformation, formula derivation, the optimization of the anti-deformation structure design measures, ANSYS simulation of the wall stress on the condition of surface deformation four aspects to study on the impact on the multi-layer masonry structure buildings built on the mining subsidence. Main content as follows:①Analyzing the factors of the surface deformation on mining area.basing on Fei Cheng Mining Group corporation Tao Yang Coal Mine mining area surface subsidence observation data, drawn out the law of the surface deformation.②this dissertation synthesizes the knowledge of many disciplinessuch as mining subsidence,mine rockmass mechanics,material mechanics and structural mechanics and etc., derived the formula of additional tension, additional moment and additional shear.③Analyzing the role of the structural members on the anti-deformation structural design, drawing out the principles and requirements of the anti-deformation structural design. Taking Fei Cheng Mining Group corporation Tao Yang Coal apartment buildings for example,adoptive measure in anti-deformation reinforcement design were discussed.④Application of finite element program ANSYS simulate the wall stress on the condition of its structural design not adopt the anti-deformation structural measure, its structural design adopt the anti-deformation structural design and changes the building length when this condition, foundation is strip foundation and the length of residential building changes. the applied length of apartment buildings adopting anti-deformation reinforce measure is gaven out.Above research clarify the basic technique problem in anti-deformation structural design on mining subsidence area and found the effective method to control building deformation in building structure design and construction on mining susidence area. This article research results have the instruction value to the dsign and construction of building built on the mining area.

  • 【分类号】TU433;TU364
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】193
  • 攻读期成果