

Study on the Water-Rock Coupled Model of the Karst Collapse in Taian Area

【作者】 钱丽丽

【导师】 高宗军;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 岩溶地面塌陷是岩溶地区因岩溶作用而产生的地面变性现象,是岩溶洞隙上方的岩土体在自然及人为作用下发生变形破坏、并导致地面形成塌陷坑(洞)的一种岩溶地质作用。山东省泰安市自上世纪60年代出现岩溶地面塌陷,至今已有40多年历史,论文依托国家自然科学基金项目“岩溶地面塌陷成因模式与预测防治研究”(项目编号40772145),以泰安市岩溶地面塌陷区为例,通过对其形成条件、形成历史、发育规模及危害的研究,总结出岩溶地面塌陷的形成机理,并结合岩体力学的相关内容建立岩溶地面塌陷成因模式,在此基础上建立起水岩耦合模型,并且以具体实例验证模型的可行性。为该区岩溶地面塌陷的预测及其防治提供了依据。论文认为在天然条件下,土体受力处于平衡状态时,塌陷是不会发生的;塌陷的发生,均是力的作用失去平衡从而使土体产生破坏的结果。泰安市岩溶水主要接受北部泰山火成岩、变质岩裂隙水补给,而后向汶河方向迳流并在与上覆孔隙水交替的“天窗”地带向上顶托“排泄”。然而当高强度开采岩溶地下水以后,局部形成降落漏斗,岩溶水由承压转为无压,孔隙水由接受岩溶水补给而变为垂直向下补给岩溶水,这样就破坏了天然条件下岩土体的动力平衡。此时,若当岩溶水水位低于岩溶水顶板,尤其是岩溶水水位在岩溶水顶板附近波动时,岩溶水面会产生对上覆土体的冲刷侵蚀即撞击作用从而破坏土体结构造成坍塌,殃及地面即形成地面塌陷。若再加上外界充水对土体产生的压力,就会加速塌陷的发生。文中依据土体破坏的莫尔-库仑准则和塑性平衡理论,分析土体的受力情况,得出水岩耦合模型:经过泰安市岩溶塌陷坑的实例验证,可知这个模型的预测结果是符合实际情况的。

【Abstract】 Karst collapse is a metamorphism that occurres because of karstification in karst area. It is a kind of geological function that the geotechnical mass which above the karst tunnel occurres ground deformation failure and lead to ground collapse pit under the natural and human effect.The karst collapse occurred more than 40 years from last century 60 ages in Taian City in Shandong Province. This paper based on the project of National Natural Science Foundation of China , "Study on the cause mode of formation and forecast, prevention and cure of the karst collapse (Batch Number:40772145)",which made the karst collapse in Taian for an example, by studying it’s forming condition、historical development scale and the dangerous degree, summarized the forming mechanism; Combined with the mechanics content, established the cause model ; Basis these make an Water-Rock coupled model and verify it’s feasibility. The paper provided the basis for the prediction and prevention of Karst collapse in this area.The paper proposed that under the natural condition, the collapse won’t occurred. That’s because the force of the soil mass are in a balance. When the force changed, the balance lost, the soil mass will be damaged . The karst water of Taian City are mainly received the recharge of fracture water from the igneous rock and the metamorphic rock on the north of mountain Tai. Then run to Dawen River and run upward "excrete" at the "skylight" where alternate with the pore water overbite. While mining the groundwater highly strengthened, formed the landing funnel at lacal area. And the karst water changed into no pressure from confined. The pore water recharged vertically downward instead of being recharged of karst water. Thus , the natural balance of the force were damaged. At this time , if the karst water level lower than the karst water’s upper plate especially fluctuated around the upper plate ,the karst water will scour and impact the plate. Then damage the structure of the sock and the collapse occurred at last. At this time, if add the force from the external water filling, the occurre of the collapse will be accelerated . The paper according to the moire-coulomb criterion and the palstic balance theory to analysis the force condition . At last, obtained the Water-Rock coupled model.After the verification of the example of the karst collapse in Taian City. We know the results of the prediction from the model are coindidence with practical situation.
