

Research on the Design of Spiral Engagement Pin Cold Feed Rubber Machine and Simulation of 3D Dynamic Process

【作者】 范盈盈

【导师】 吕柏源;

【作者基本信息】 青岛科技大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 橡胶冷喂料挤出机是目前橡胶加工中最重要的成型设备之一,它在橡胶工业中得到了广泛的应用。多年来,人们围绕挤出机的核心部件——螺杆进行了不断的探索和研究,先后出现了不同螺杆构型的挤出机,由于其工作原理的不同而各具特点。其中,机筒销钉螺杆由于具有高质量的塑化效果、输送能力较大、较高的挤出稳定性和自洁能力、生产周期短、制品质量高、能耗低等诸多优点得到了广泛的应用和认可。同时也需要考虑到,只有喂料段输送能力与塑化能力相匹配时,才能保证高质量和高生产率的挤出。而相对于螺杆的发展,喂料段结构的发展是比较缓慢的。早期的自由喂料方式因受机头反压作用的影响,常在喂料口出现堆积胶或胶条打滑现象,影响生产效率和挤出稳定性。随后出现的旁压辊喂料装置虽在一定程度上解决了产量及波动问题,但在冷喂料挤出机中喂料功能却仍然适应不了塑化功能的发展,具体表现为胶料进入轴承使旁压辊工作失效、喂料不足、喂料过程的不稳定性以及容易产生机械故障等。本文在深入研究螺旋啮合喂料机理和传统设备构造优缺点的基础上,设计了一种全新的螺旋啮合销钉冷喂料挤出机,在原有的销钉冷喂料挤出机的结构上进行了研究、有机整合机创新。全文通过理论推导建立了螺旋啮合销钉冷喂料挤出机的功率消耗,受力变形及应力、应变等数学模型,并进行了大量的设计计算和有限元受力分析,对螺旋啮合销钉冷喂料挤出机进行了结构优化设计,为了保证结构的可行性和可靠性,对机台进行了三维造型仿真设计及工作过程动态模拟。本论文的主要成果如下:1.首次将螺旋啮合喂料技术应用在销钉冷喂料挤出机上,解决了挤出机长期尚未解决的挤出稳定性低、漏胶问题、喂料装置容易失效问题、生产效率较低和能耗较高的问题。为现代挤出机实现高质、高效、低耗的性能奠定了基础。2.首次将二次平面包络减速器技术应用在销钉冷喂料挤出机上,极大地简化了传统挤出机采用的多级圆柱齿轮传动减速器的结构,使传动系统的体积减小了40~60%,过载能力提高了1~2倍,噪音明显降低,以及明显提高了传动系统的平稳性和可靠性。为现代挤出机简化传动系统结构和提高传动系统性能开拓了新的途径。3.设计中应用了先进的数字传感技术,胶料压力采用压力传感器,挤出机轴向力首次采用了拉压传感器。使挤出机操作更加直观、方便、安全和可靠。4.设计了结构简单的供胶机头,使挤出机可以为压延机供胶,可以取代陈旧、庞大的开放式炼胶机组的供胶系统,提高了生产效率,降低了能耗,减少了设备投资以及降低了劳动强度。5.设计中针对于螺旋啮合喂料装置采用的三重密封形式,通过在轴承套上开反胶槽、轴与轴承套进行间隙配合、在轴承的内侧加唇形密封圈三种形式加强密封效果,另外开加了漏胶口和刮胶刀,有效地防止胶料进入轴承使旁压辊失效。6.在设计中运用了有限元分析软件。合理简化模型,快速、深入地对结构模型进行静力分析,对不同方案的结构进行比较,对设计进行优化,使结构更加合理可靠。7.运用传统设计、三维仿真设计和过程动态模拟相结合的设计手段,充分体现了设计与制造同步的现代设计理念,缩短设计周期、降低设计成本、在物理样机产生之前预先评估设计。本文对螺旋啮合销钉冷喂料挤出机的设计,是在原有传统挤出机结构上的研究、有机结合与创新,将传统销钉冷喂料挤出机与新型的螺旋啮合喂料技术、新型的传动系统技术进行有机的整合,突破了传统挤出机设计的思路,大大地提高了挤出机的生产能力和塑化能力,提高了工作效率和设备可靠性,降低了能源消耗和设备配套费用。为挤出机技术水平和使用性能的升级奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 Rubber cold feed extruder is one of the most important contour machine widely used in rubber machining industry now. So far, researchers have done a lot of developments and studies on the key part of extruder—screw over the years. There are many extruders of different screw configurations invented,which have different characteristics because of their working principles.In these screws, pin-barrel screw is widely known and applied for it characteristics of high quality of plastication effect,larger transmission capacity, high stability and self-cleaning extrusion capacity, short production cycle, high-quality products, Low energy consumption and so on.At the same time,it needs to be considered that, it is only when transmission capacity of segement feed matches the plastication ability,that high quality and high productivity extrusion could be ensured. Compared with the development of the screw, the development on the structure of feed zone is relatively slow.In early stage,due to the way of free feeding was impacted by the effect of head anti-pressure, it often feed in accumulation of plastic or plastic strips skid and adversely affect productivity and extrusion stability.Then,there is Followed by the lateral pressure roller feed device, although to a certain extent it has solved the problem of fluctuations and output, However,it is still unable to suit the development of plastics in the cold feed extruder feed function,such as lateral pressure roller could not work any more due to the sizing material entered the bearing, the instability the process of feeding ,and prone to mechanical failure, etc..The paper is based in deep study of spiral mesh feed mechanism and structural advantages and disadvantages of the traditional equipment, with a new design of the meshing pin cold feed screw extruder, doing the research,organic conformity and innovation on the structure based in the original pin cold feed extruder. By theoretic deduce, the paper built up the mathematics model of consuming power about spiral engagement pin cold feed rubber machine, stress and strain , moreover,carried out the relational design calculation and FEA analysis, finished structure optimization design on completely new spiral engagement pin cold feed rubber machine. Finally, for the sake of guaranting the feasibility and reliability of structure,the paper applied parameterizing three-dimensional simulation design and dynamic process simulation of spiral engagement pin cold feed rubber machine. The principally innovation ideas of the thesis as follows:1. It is the first time that spiral mesh technology applications was used in the pin type cold feed extruder, which has solved the problems existing for a long time like low stability of extrusion, plastic leakage , easily feed device failure, low productivity and the issue of high energy consumption. The technique has modern extruder for the realization of high quality, high efficiency, low power consumption, laid the foundation for the performance.2. It is the first time that the second plane enveloping reducer technology applications was used in the pin cold feed extruder, greatly simplifying the traditional extruder used multi-cylinder gear reducer structure, reducing the size of the transmission system by 40 ~ 60%,increasing overload ability by 1~2 times, decreasing noise obvously, as well as significantly increasing the stability of the transmission system and reliability. To simplify the modern extruder transmission structure and improving train performance has opened up new avenues.3. The design used advanced digital sensor technology, compound pressure by the pressure sensor, tension and compression sensor was firstly used in extruder axial force,making the extruder operation more intuitive, convenient, safe and reliable.4. Designed a simple structure for material-supply nose, which maked the extruder could supply material for calendar , could replace the old, a huge open rubber mixing unit for plastic system to enhance production efficiency, reduce energy consumption, to reduce equipment investment, and reduce the labor intensity.5. Focuses on the design of spiral mesh feed installations in the triple sealed: through the bearings put in a plastic anti-tank, shaft and bearing sets with a gap in the medial and bearing strengthen Lamiaceae ring.By these three forms, seal effect could be strengthed.And inaditional,used leakage and spreader tool,effectively prevented access to lateral pressure roller bearing failure. 6. Used finite element analysis software in the design. Reasonable simplified model, rapid, in-depth model of the structure of static analysis on the different options for the structure, the optimization of the design, structure more reasonable and reliable.7. This design successfully combines the traditional design with the three dimensional simulation design and process dynamic simulation design method,which deduces design cycle, reduces cost, and evaluation design In advance of a physical prototype.In this paper,the design of spiral engagement pin cold feed rubber machine, which based on the study, organic integration and innovation of original tradition of the structure extruder, combined the traditional pin cold feed extruder with the new spiral feeding technology and the new transmission technology for the organic integration. It is a breakthrough of the traditional extrusion machine design ideas, and greatly enhanced the production capacity of the extruder and plastication, and improved work efficiency and equipment reliability, reduced energy consumption and ancillary equipment costs. The design has offered an extruder technology for the use of performance standards and laid the foundation for the upgrade.
