

Distribution and Ecological Risk Assessment of PAHs in Oily Sludges, Soils and Plants from Zhongyuan Oilfield

【作者】 孙东亚

【导师】 匡少平;

【作者基本信息】 青岛科技大学 , 应用化学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 多环芳烃(Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, PAHs)是广泛存在于环境中的一类半挥发持久性有机污染物,主要来源于石油泄漏和有机物的不完全燃烧等人类活动。PAHs具有致癌性、致畸性、致突变性,并且具有生物累积性,能长期存在于环境中,对人类健康的构成了严重威胁。因此准确把握PAHs在环境介质中的分布规律、主要来源及污染现状,对有效控制PAHs的污染,保护人类健康具有非常重要的意义。本研究以中原油田油泥和周围土壤及土壤上生长的玉米为研究对象,首次对冬季和夏季不同季节的油泥和周围土壤介质及玉米中的16种US EPA优控PAHs进行了监测调查,对油泥、土壤和玉米不同介质中PAHs的含量、分布以及可能的来源进行了系统研究,并在此基础上对土壤介质中PAHs污染程度进行了风险评价,对PAHs在中原油田周围土壤中分布规律以及污染现状有了比较全面的了解。本研究以二氯甲烷为提取剂,采用超声波提取法对油泥、土壤及玉米中PAHs进行提取。采用HPLC-UV为检测手段,以乙睛和水为流动相梯度洗脱,对油泥、土壤和玉米介质中的PAHs进行测定。采用酸度计法对油泥和土壤介质中PH值进行了测定。采用重铬酸钾法对油泥和土壤介质中有机碳含量进行了测定。研究结果表明:冬季,16种PAHs在中原油田鲜油泥和干油泥的浓度范围分别为3183.5-4112.0μg/g和1952.8-2449.1μg/g,三个不同厂区鲜油泥和干油泥中PAHs的含量从高到低顺序为:采油三厂文明污泥堆放场(3W)>采油三厂马寨污泥堆放场(3M)>采油四厂文二污泥堆放场(4W);土壤中PAHs浓度范围为435.5-2408.8ng/g,根据土壤样品中PAHs的含量可知,三个堆放场附近土壤的受污染程度顺序为:3W>3M>4W,和油泥中PAHs含量的高低顺序一致。夏季,16种PAHs在中原油田鲜油泥和干油泥中浓度范围分别为3369.3-4488.8μg/g和2068.5-2676.3μg/g,三个不同厂区鲜油泥和干油泥中PAHs的含量从高到低顺序为:3W>3M>4W;土壤中PAHs浓度范围为215.1-2047.5ng/g,三个堆放场附近土壤的受污染程度顺序为:3M>3W>4W,和夏季油泥中PAHs含量的高低顺序一致。玉米样品分析结果显示:玉米根样品中PAHs的含量顺序为:3W>3M>4W,与油泥堆放场周围土壤的受污染程度的顺序一致,玉米根中以2-4环PAHs为主;玉米叶子子样品中多环芳烃的含量顺序为:3W>4W>3M,不同于土壤和玉米根样品中PAHs含量顺序,玉米叶子中以5和6环PAHs化合物为主。健康风险评价结果显示:冬季,中原油田周围土壤采样点中PAHs的等效BaP浓度范围为9.58-75.83 ng/g,内梅洛指数显示,污染达重污染水平的占66.7%,中度污染的占16.7%,轻污染的占16.7%,表明油泥堆放地周围土壤受到严重污染。夏季,中原油田周围土壤采样点中PAHs的等效BaP浓度范围为4.67-67.50 ng/g。内梅洛指数显示,污染达重污染水平的占33.3%,中度污染的占5.6%,轻污染的占44.4%,警戒线的占11.1%,安全土壤占5.6%。

【Abstract】 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), ubiquitous in the environment are one kind of semi-volatile persistent organic pollutants, which can be formed by human activities such as oil-leak and incompletely burning of organic matter. PAHs have already found to be a serious threat against human health due to their cancerogenic, teratogenic and mutagenic efects, persistence and bioaccumulations. To protect human health against noxious environmental pollution, it is very important to understand the characteristics of level, sources and transport of PAHs in the environment.This study taking oily sludges, soils and corns in Zhongyuan Oilfield as cases, firstly investigated the distribution characteristics of the sixteen US EPA prefered controled PAHs in oily sludges, soils and corns in both winter and summer, and the risks of PAHs in those had been assessed.The oily sludges, soils and corns samples were treated in ultrasonic washing machine with dichlormethane as the extract. The determination of PAHs in oily sludges, soils and corns samples was carried out by high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) equipped with ultraviolet (UV) absorption detector and the mobile phase consist of acetonitrile and water. PH value in oily sludges and soils samples were determined by acidimeter. Determination of TOC in oily sludges and soils samples by Potassium Dichromate Method.The results of the study show that the sixteen PAHs concentrations of fresh and dried oily sludges in Zhongyuan Oilfield in winter are 3183.5-4112.0μg/g and 1953.8-2449.1μg/g, respectively. The contents of PAHs of three different oily sludges from high to low present that the third Wenming plant of the oily sludge (3W)>the third Mazhai plant of the oily sludge (3M)>the fourth Wener plant of the oily sludge (4W). The PAHs contents in soil samples adjacent to oily sludges vary widely from 434.49 to 2408.8 ng/g. The order of pollution degree in soils near the three plants is as follows: 3W>3M>4W, which is consistent with the order of the contents of PAHs of oily sludges in three plants. In summer, the sixteen PAHs concentrations of fresh and dried oily sludges in Zhongyuan Oilfield are 3369.3-4488.8μg/g and 2068.5-2676.3μg/g, respectively. The contents of PAHs of three different oily sludges from high to low present that 3W>3M>4W. The PAHs contents in soil samples adjacent to three different oily sludges is 215.1-2047.5ng/g. The order of pollution degree in soil near the three plants is as follows: 3W>3M>4W. The PAHs contents of corn root samples from soils around oily sludges from high to low are 3W > 3M> 4W, which is consistent with the order of the contents of PAHs of soil samples in three plants, and 2-4 rings PAHs are still the most predominant components of PAHs in corn root samples. The PAHs contents of corn leaf samples from high to low are 3W> 4W > 3M, which is not consistent with the order of the contents of PAHs of soil samples and corn root samples in three plants. And 5-6 rings PAHs are the most predominant components of PAHs in corn leaf samples.In winter, The BaP equivalent consistence ranging from 9.58-75.83 ng/g in soil somples have potential health risks. According to nemero index P, soil samples present 66.7% of those as‘heavily contaminated’, 16.7% as‘medium contaminated’, and 16.7% as‘light contaminated’. The result of the risk assessment show that all points are polluted badly and have high ecological risks. In summer, The BaP equivalent consistence rang from 4.67-67.50ng/g in soils adjacent to oil sludges. According to nemero index P, soil samples presents 33.3% of those as‘heavily contaminated’, 5.6% as‘medium contaminated’, 44.4% as‘light contaminated’, 11.1% as‘warning’, 5.6% as‘not contaminated’.

【关键词】 多环芳烃油泥土壤HPLC内梅罗常数
【Key words】 PAHsoily sludge soilHPLCnemero index P