

【作者】 潘九朱

【导师】 胡奇英;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 物流与运营管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 供应链管理的目标是优化整个系统的效率和效益,这就需要在供应链管理中使用系统方法(systems approach)以寻求全局优化。因此,供应链整体战略对物流分销模式的设计具有重要的指导意义。本文从产品的供应与需求特性入手,首先分析与单一产品种类匹配的供应链类型,主要研究其中企业应该选取何种供应链战略?基于原有文献中的研究,我们认为企业应该按照产品的不同特征确定不同的供应链类型。按照产品供应的稳定性和需求的确定性,我们将之区分为以下四类情况:供应和需求都稳定;供应不稳定,需求确定;供应稳定,需求不确定;供应不稳定,需求也不确定。分析了各类情况下的供应链管理策略,运用数学模型印证了不同特性的产品对应的不同供应链策略:高效型、风险防御型、快速反应型、创新型。我们将研究延伸到多产品、多业务的企业应采取何种供应链战略。其次,基于企业选定的供应链战略,我们研究如何建立与之匹配的物流分销模式。并提出改进其绩效的方法。结合中国家电制造行业的物流分销现状,我们运用标杆研究的方法比较了七家领先企业的供应链管理战略、物流分销模式和绩效,分析了差异及原因,证明根据产品特征确定供应链类型并以此建立相匹配的物流分销模式的企业能够实现更有效的管理。最后,我们研究如何实现物流分销系统的卓越运营。结合实例分析,论证了持续改进能够有效提高物流配送系统的绩效,实现卓越运营。

【Abstract】 The purpose of supply chain management is to achieve global optimization through systems approach. Thus the overall supply chain management strategy is of great significance to a logistics and distribution system.The first question I’m trying to answer here is: what kind of supply chain strategy should the corporate employ in order to reach efficiency and effectiveness? And the second question is: given a supply chain strategy, how is the distribution model like in order to achieve high standard performance?First, I adopted Marshall Fisher and Hau L. Lee’s classification of product characteristics which divided products into four categories: products with stable supply and predictable demand, products with stable supply and uncertain demand, products with evolving supply process and predictable demand, and products with evolving supply process and uncertain demand. Based on Fisher and Lee’s research, I developed a model to demonstrate how certain supply chain strategies match with these four product type respetively: efficient, quick responsive, risk-hedging and agile supply chains.Then, I used a set of real world practices to illustrate how different supply chain strategies have impact on distribution models and affect the logistics and distribution performance. It approved that matched supply chain strategy and distribution model could better off the logistics performance of an enterprise.At last, I gave a decision chain for enterprises to determine supply chain strategy, distribution policies, and continuous improvement for operational excellence.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期