

Knowledge Transfer and Barriers in Transnational Teams of Consulting Firms

【作者】 罗家荣

【导师】 赵优珍;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 知识是企业最宝贵的财富之一,这一认识已经开始激励企业投入到知识管理工作中去。知识普遍贯穿于整个组织,而跨国公司们也在持续不断地探索新的知识和有效运用新知识的各种方法。越来越多的跨国公司开始组建跨功能团队,选择来自不同职能或部门的员工,通过跨边界的员工调转,来普及最佳的实践经验,并大大增加了公司价值。由于组织中工作的复杂性,需要提供大量可行的解决办案,而这来源于拥有不同背景、不同文化并一起工作的专家提供的专业知识。本论文研究的问题是:如何在不同文化的团队成员之间进行知识传递,以及知识传递过程中所面临的障碍,尤其是如咨询公司一类的知识密集型组织。本文选择的研究对象是:(1)Hill & Associates,风险管理公司,本文着重研究其上海子公司,由30名左右员工组成,其中包括本土和外籍人士。(2)复旦大学-沃顿商学院全球商业咨询项目,由12名来自沃顿商学院和复旦大学管理学院的MBA学生组成的咨询项目组。本论文研究的目的是更好的了解知识是如何在团队内部流动的,以及组织通过哪些因素的实施来达到团队成员间更好的知识传递。本论文在指出各种抑制和妨碍团队成员间知识传递的因素的同时,也描述了知识和知识传递在跨国团队中的重要性。此外,本论文还将从技术以外的文化和组织等方面来研究如何达到更大程度的知识共享。本论文研究过程中,作者采用的搜集信息的方法,主要是:分别两个咨询机构内部展开面谈和调查;以及作者作为复旦大学-沃顿商学院全球咨询项目成员,在该咨询项目组工作其间的个人经验和观察。本项研究的结论包括,1)当团队成员来自不同背景时,很重要的一点,就是要认识到知识传递过程中团队内存在的各种障碍;2)为达到组织的价值增加,需要管理和克服这些障碍,在此过程中所遇到的挑战。由于咨询项目中运用的知识往往是内隐的知识,而且这些隐性知识又与咨询公司的不同经营背景密切相关,本文中提到的用于克服障碍、促进团队成员间知识传递的方法,不一定可以一成不变地适用于其他行业中的组织。尽管如此,更重要的是对团队内知识传递的步骤的认识,了解如何在各团队成员间进行知识传递,以便发挥组织的更大效用,而这些认识确实可以适用于某种多元文化的团队。本文的研究结果表明,尽管目前有需要从组织和技术方面考虑促进知识传递,但当涉及到多元文化团队的知识传递时,这些可能还是不够的。因为在多元文化团队的知识传递中,来自不同文化背景的个人是关键。

【Abstract】 The recognition of knowledge as one of the most valuable resources has motivated firms to engage in knowledge management. Knowledge is prevalent throughout the organization and multinational corporations are constantly exploring for new knowledge and ways to apply it effectively. Increasingly, multinational corporations are using cross-functional teams from various functions or departments and transferring their employees across borders to spread best practices and to greatly increase value to the firm. While the complex nature of work in organizations requires a multitude of possible solutions, this translates to requiring the expertise of different people with different backgrounds from various cultures to work together.This thesis deals with the question of how knowledge is transferred among team members from different cultures and the barriers that they face, particularly in knowledge intensive organizations such as consulting companies. The organizations studied are:(1) Hill & Associates, a risk management company, with the focus on the Shanghai subsidiary that consist of an average of 30 people including locals and expatriates(2) The Fudan - Wharton Global Consulting Practicum, which is a consulting project that is catered towards a total of 12 MBA students from The Wharton School and Fudan University School of ManagementThe purpose of this thesis is to gain better understanding of how knowledge flows between the team and what are the factors implemented by the organizations to allow greater transfer of knowledge between the team members. This research describes the importance of knowledge and its transfer in transnational teams while exploring the various factors that inhibit or hamper the transfer between the members. Also, this research will look at ways other than the technical aspects that create greater sharing of knowledge, including the cultural and organizational aspects.The methods used to gather information in this study were primarily through interviews for both consulting organizations and observation through personal experience as a member of the Fudan - Wharton Global Consulting Practicum.Results of this study pointed to 1) the importance of recognizing the various knowledge barriers that exist in teams with diverse people from backgrounds and 2) the challenge of managing and overcoming the barriers in order to value add to the organization. Due to the tacit nature of the knowledge in consulting projects and its relationship to knowledge of the diverse operating contexts of consulting firms, this study proposes that the ways to overcome knowledge transfer among the team members may not all be a one-size-fits-all to organizations in other industries. However more importantly recognizing the steps of how knowledge is transferred among the various team members for greater performance does apply for certain multicultural teams. Results indicate that albeit there is a need to organizational and technical aspects that facilitate knowledge transfer, it might still not be adequate when it comes down to multicultural team knowledge transfer as individuals from various cultural backgrounds are the key.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】F272;C932.8
  • 【下载频次】297