

【作者】 王霞

【导师】 王全弟;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 契约自由是合同法的重要原则,是实现契约正义的根本保障。随着契约形式逐渐多样化,在公共服务领域契约得到日益广泛的运用,纯粹的契约自由往往难以实现社会公正,因此契约自由的原则逐渐受到限制。其中,强制缔约义务作为对契约自由原则加以弥补和修正的手段之一,逐渐在各国立法中得以发展,成为实现社会公正的重要手段。综观国内外法学界,有关强制缔约义务的研究相对比较欠缺,有些问题研究地不够深入。现有的研究主要集中在强制缔约的概念及类型、强制缔约对契约自由的限制、违反强制缔约义务的法律责任及立法中有关强制缔约制度的规定等方面,其中以台湾的研究相对较多。我国立法中有关强制缔约的规定尚存在很多空白和缺陷。本文拟对该制度进行进一步探讨,以期能为立法中完善强制缔约制度提供理论依据,使司法纠纷的解决和契约受损方当事人的权利救济有法可依。本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,采用比较分析法、实证分析法、规范分析法等研究方法,对现有强制缔约的相关内容加以梳理,形成一个比较完善的体系,在此基础上提出自己的观点。全文除引言、结语外,共分四个部分。引言部分分析了强制缔约的研究背景和研究意义,指出公共事业日趋发达的今天有必要加强强制缔约制度的研究并在立法上予以完善。第一部分是有关强制缔约的法理分析。本文分析了强制缔约的由来,指出强制缔约的产生与发展与契约自由原则的演进及弱者利益保护息息相关。该部分对强制缔约的涵义、分类及特征展开论述,并分析了其与相关概念的区别和联系,在此基础上提出了自己关于强制缔约义务的含义及特征的看法。笔者认为强制缔约应当包括强制要约和强制承诺两个层面。而强制性主要体现在当事人是否缔结契约、选择契约相对人及确定契约内容的自由受到限制。在强制缔约发生的场合,要约和承诺成为强制缔约人义务人的义务而不再是契约当事人的权利。在强制缔约情形下,沉默可作为承诺的形式。强制缔约虽然也具有公法的一些特点,但在本质上仍然是一种私法行为。第二部分着重阐述了强制缔约的适用条件和适用范围及其抗辩事由。指出适用强制缔约必须有法律依据,缔约要求没有超出缔约义务人的服务能力、服务范围、服务区域和服务时间,且强制缔约义务人违反强制缔约的行为使相对方基于合理期待而遭受损失。强制缔约义务人可以因缔约要求不符合上述条件而提出抗辩。强制缔约适用于自然垄断的公共事业单位、居于事实垄断的经营者及其他提供公共服务的组织。此外,该部分对适用强制缔约的意义进行了分析和论证,使强制缔约的研究有进一步开展的必要。第三部分主要对违反强制缔约义务的民事责任进行了评析。对于违反强制缔约义务的民事责任的性质,一直以来争议比较大,有侵权责任说、违约责任说、独立责任说、缔约过失责任说等几种不同的观点。笔者倾向于将其作为一种缔约过失责任来看待,并对其于与一般缔约过失责任的区别展开论述。同时对违反强制缔约义务的救济方式进行了研究,认为可将违反强制缔约义务的民事责任的承担方式规定为实际履行强制缔约义务和赔偿信赖利益损失。第四部分列举并分析了我国现行法律关于强制缔约的相关规定,指出我国现行法律有关强制缔约的规定缺乏统一界定、适用范围过窄、适用条件不明确、受要约人承诺的时间缺乏规定等不足之处。针对这一现状,提出了扩大强制缔约的适用范围、明确适用条件、规定受要约人承诺的时间、受要约人以正当理由拒绝缔约应履行的附随义务和受要约人违反法定义务应当承担的法律责任等完善我国强制缔约法律制度的建议,以期能为强制缔约义务在我国的完善和适用提供理论依据。结语部分指出,一方面,市场经济的发展需要契约自由原则以保证当事人意思自治,促进自由经济的运行。另一方面,社会和谐召唤社会公平和正义,需要借助强制缔约等制度对契约自由加以限制,以维护弱势群体的利益,实现社会的和谐稳定。因此,国家有必要通过法律规定对部分契约当事人课以强制缔约的义务,同时,在适用强制缔约制度时必须对强制缔约加以规制,谨防强制缔约义务的滥用本文的新成果主要集中在以下几个方面:首先,着重分析了强制缔约的特征。指出强制缔约发生在要约和承诺两个阶段;要约和承诺是一种义务;强制缔约的强制性表现在是否缔结契约、选择相对人及强制缔约的内容受到限制三个方面;强制缔约在本质上是一种私法行为。这些有利于对强制缔约的理解和界定。其次,在分析违反强制缔约的民事责任时,将其界定为一种缔约过失责任,并阐明了其与一般缔约过失责任的区别,建议在合同法中将违反强制缔约义务的救济方式明确规定为实际履行强制缔约义务与信赖利益损害赔偿两种方式。同时,对于以损害赔偿代替实际履行缔约义务的情形,可将其规定为如下两种情形:实际履行缔约义务已不可能和实际履行缔约义务仍不能弥补相对人的损失。最后,对完善强制缔约提出立法建议,主张在合同法框架内增设强制缔约的一般规定,同时完善部门法的规定。

【Abstract】 The doctrine of freedom of contract is an important principle of contract law, which safeguards contract justice greatly. When more and more forms of contract appear and contracts are widely used in the field of public service, the absolute freedom of contract can’ t realize social justice, so the doctrine of freedom of contract is gradually constricted by a series of legal system. As one of the means to make up the deficits of the doctrine of freedom of contract, compulsory contracting is developed in the legal fields in different countries and becomes an important way to realize social justice. In review of recent research all over the world, the present academy research on compulsory contracting is a little and not deeply enough. The existing research mainly focuses on the concepts and types of compulsory contracting, the legal liability of violating compulsory contracting, and regulations in legislation. In current legal system of China, ambiguities and blankness still exist in the fields of compulsory contracting. This thesis is aiming at making research on compulsory contracting to provide theoretical support to the perfection of legislation and provide relief for the injured party.With a guide based on dialectical materialism and historical materialism, this thesis coordinates existing research and try to form a perfect style using the comparative analysis, empirical analysis and regulative analysis and other methods. Based on the style, the thesis states the author’ s opinion. Besides the preface and conclusion, this thesis includes four parts.The preface states the background and great significance of the research of compulsory contracting in our country. This part tells us that it is necessary to strengthen the research of compulsory contracting when public service is becoming more and more prosperous.The first part is about jurisprudence analysis about compulsory contracting. The thesis analyses the origin of compulsory contracting, pointing out that the occurrence and development of compulsory contracting is closely connected with the doctrine of freedom of contract. This part states the concept, classification and characteristics of compulsory contracting, and analyzes the distinctions between compulsory contracting and related concepts. The thesis agrees that compulsory contracting shall include compulsory offer and compulsory acceptance. The offer and acceptance become a kind of obligation under the condition of compulsory contracting. And silence may act as a form of acceptance. In spite of some characteristics of public law, compulsory contracting shall still be mainly regulated by private law.The second part mainly discusses the application condition and fields of compulsory contracting .It illuminates that the application of compulsory contracting shall be on legal ground. The contracting demand shall not extend the service ability, the service scope, terries and period. And the act violating compulsory contracting obligation shall lead to loss to the party. The person with compulsory contracting obligation may refuse to fulfill the compulsory contracting obligation if the above condition cannot be satisfied. Then this thesis analyze the significance of applying compulsory contracting in realistic life, which provide the basis for further research.The third part mainly discusses the nature of the civil liability violating compulsory contracting obligations and the means for relief. The thesis agrees the nature of the civil liability violating compulsory contracting is a kind of special mistake of contract responsibility. The thesis discusses the distinctions between such liability and normal special mistake of contract responsibility. The author suggests that the means of such liability can be stipulated as fulfilling compulsory contracting obligation or paying damages. When fulfilling compulsory contracting obligation becomes impossible or is unable to make up the loss of the party injured, damages shall be claimed.The four part focuses on present condition and shortage of legislation in the fields of compulsory contracting. Corresponding to the defects illustrated in this part, the thesis puts forward some suggestion to improve the legal system of compulsory contracting in our country. For example, enlarge the application fields, unify legal regulation, stipulate the time for acceptance, and define the civil liability of violating compulsory contracting obligation.The conclusion states that the market economy needs the doctrine of freedom of contract to operate effectively. On the other hand, the harmonious society need compulsory contracting to make constrictions on the doctrine of freedom of contract to realize social justice .So it’ s necessary for the country to impose compulsory contracting obligation on parties of some contracts. And at the same time, compulsory contracting need to be regulated when applied, so as to avoid abusing rights.The novelty of this thesis is about the characteristics of compulsory contracting. Under the condition of compulsory contracting, the contract shall still be concluded following the rules for offer and acceptance. The offer and acceptance become a kind of obligation . In addition, the nature of the civil liability of violating compulsory contracting obligation is a kind of special mistake of contract responsibility .The thesis discusses the distinctions between such responsibility and normal mistake of contract responsibility, and deems fulfilling compulsory contracting obligation and paying damage as means of relief, which provides theoretic support for the research. In the end, the thesis puts forward suggestion to make the legal system of compulsory contracting more perfect on two sides .One is to make new regulations in the general principle of contract, the other is to improve current regulations in special fields of law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】351