

【作者】 金昊

【导师】 肖佳灵;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 国际关系, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 本文从外交与大众传媒之间的互动视角出发,归纳了媒体在政治传播中的信息收集、筛选、翻译、发布、反馈等功能,并以《人民日报》上常设的标志性国际评论栏目——《国际论坛》为案例,通过实证研究,论述了《人民日报》与中国外交之间的关系。本文认为,《国际论坛》自1994年创立至2006年发展演进的过程表明,《人民日报》发挥了国际评论在阐明中国外交政策的“讲坛”、支持世界和平与发展的“论坛”和进行国际舆论斗争的“舞台”等三大功能,较好地配合了中国外交政策的阐释和外交目标的实现。同时,本文认为,以《人民日报》为代表的中国主流媒体在激烈的国际信息传播竞争中,还需要继续提升沟通技巧,加强舆论引导,并拓展其在中国外交政策制定方面的参与功能,成为精英意见输入和辩论的“平台”,这将有助于形成媒体影响中国外交政策制定的互动新模式,即修正原有的“自上而下”的模式,逐渐探索形成一种“上下结合”的模式,以更好地推动中国外交目标的实现,维护中国的国家利益。

【Abstract】 Based on the study of mutual interactions between the diplomacy and mass media, this paper summarizes that mainstream media usually plays an important role in political communication and foreign policy elaboration by information-collecting, selecting, translating, releasing and responding, etc.The paper takes the column of International Tribune, a symbolized critical column on international affairs and Chinese foreign policy in the People’s Daily, as a case study illustrating the relationships between the People’s Daily and Chinese Foreign Policy. It views that the developing process of International Tribune from its initiation in 1994 to 2006 witnessed the fulfillment of the People’s Daily’s role in acting as a platform of elaborating China’s foreign policy; a forum for advocating world peace and development, as well as a stage for refuting vicious opinions worldwide, which in turn helps to the better illustration of China’s foreign policy. The paper then argues that, while facing the fierce information-communication competition domestically and internationally, there’s still plenty of room for the improvement in China’s mass media, represented by the People’s Daily, by renovating its communication techniques so as to enhance the capability of leading public opinion and put further influence on China’s policy making. Only by this way, can it be the forum attracting broader and sustainable attentions from both the elites and the grassroots.In regard to the policy-making process, the paper suggests that an new "interactive" mode should be taken into consideration by modifying the current "top-down" mode and gradually forming a "combination of the top and down" mode, within which the mass media can have a more active influence on China’s foreign policy making, thus further accelerating the realization of China’s foreign policy and ensuring China’s national interests.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】G219.29;D822.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】572