

Research on Economic Rise and Fall of the Ancient Town ZiQiu

【作者】 张颖

【导师】 雷学华;

【作者基本信息】 中南民族大学 , 专门史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国是一个多民族国家,全国有55个少数民族,据2000年第五次全国人口普查统计,中国大陆31个省、自治区、直辖市少数民族总人口有10643万,占全国总人口的8.41%。他们大都分布在祖国的中西部地区,居住区域占全国国土面积一半以上。其中,土家族人口占800万,他们主要分布在湖南省的湘西土家族苗族自治州、张家界市、怀化地区;湖北省的恩施土家族苗族自治州、长阳土家族自治县、五峰土家族自治县;重庆市的黔江地区和贵州的铜仁地区等6个地(州、市),30多个县(市),散布面积约11.9万平方公里。土家族居住地区是国家划定的18个重点贫困片区之一,也称之为“武陵山贫困区”。古镇资丘,位于湖北省长阳县中部,临清江而立。之所以冠以“古镇”,是因为该地是一个土家族聚居地,其社会状况、历史文化、民俗风情等都很好的保留传承下来,也最大限度地体现了中国内陆少数民族地区人民生活的原生态风貌,具有极高的文化体验价值。古镇资丘虽然地处祖国腹地,但其沿江运输业在相当长的一段时间内异常发达。由此,该地的经商风气盛于许多传统经济发达地区,经济发展盛极一时的古镇资丘被人誉为“小汉口”。然而,上个世纪八九十年代,由于古镇资丘发生了几次大型山体滑坡,并且随着清江的梯级开发和隔河岩水电站的建成,资丘古镇被永远淹没于水底。但其历史意义却不可遗忘,它在长阳的经济发展史中曾写下了光辉的一页,甚至在整个鄂西地区经济史和清江流域开发史中的地位都是不容忽视的。它的形成、发展、壮大和弱变,虽然有偶然的因素,但更多的是复杂的社会历史背景。本文试图以古镇资丘为点,分三个时段考察,并通过对湖北长阳土家族自治县新资丘镇的调查分析,探讨民族地区经济发展缓慢的原因,以及如何加快发展步伐的思路,从中感悟出一些有益的启示。

【Abstract】 China is a multi-ethnic country, the country’s 55 ethnic minorities, according to 2000 the fifth national census statistics, China’s mainland 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, the total minority population of 106.43 million, of the nation’s total population of 8.41 percent. Most of them located in the central and western regions of the motherland, the living area of the nation’s land area more than half. Among them, Tujia population of 8 million, they are mainly distributed in Hunan Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Xiangxi, the city of Zhangjiajie, Huaihua areas in Hubei Province of Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Changyang Tujia Autonomous County, Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County, Chongqing Municipality The Qianjiang region and the Guizhou region, such as the Tongren six prefectures (states, cities), more than 30 counties (cities), spread an area of about 119,000 square kilometers. Tujia live in the country’s 18 designated poverty-stricken section, one of the key, also known as "poverty Wuling Mountain area."Ziqiu ancient town, located in Changyang County in central Hubei Province, face to Qingjiang. The reason as a "town" because the place is a Tujia settlements, their social status, history, culture, customs and so on down a very good memory retention, and maximize the inland of China’s ethnic minority people in the region Life style of the original ecosystem, with a high cultural value of experience. Ziqiu ancient town is located in the hinterland of the motherland while, but the transport industry along the Yangtze River in a fairly long period of time developed abnormal. Thus, the trend of business in many of the traditional Super economically developed regions, economic development, Qiu Shengjiyishi the town funding was hailed as the "mini Hankow."However, the last century 1980s and 1990s, the ancient town of Qiu financed in a number of large-scale mountain landslide, and with the Qingjiang River cascade development and completion of the Geheyan Hydropower Station, Ziqiu drowned in the town forever underwater. But its historical significance but not forgotten, in Changyang in the history of the economic development wrote a brilliant one, even in the entire history of western Hubei regional economic development and the Qingjiang River Valley in the history of the status of all can not be ignored. Its formation, development, growth and weak, although there are occasional factors, but is more complex social and historical background.This article attempts by old town capital Qiu Wei the spot, divides three time interval inspections, and through to the Hubei Changyang Tujia national minority Autonomous County new Ziqiu Town’s diagnosis, the discussion multi-national area economic development slow reason, how as well as to speed up the development step the mentality, the feeling becomes aware some beneficial enlightenment.

【关键词】 土家族资丘经济小城镇
【Key words】 Tujia nationalityZi Qiueconomicmini-town