

【作者】 殷炜琳

【导师】 郑向敏;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 旅游管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 旅游安全保障是旅游者顺利进行旅游活动的必要条件,是旅游经营者开展丰富多彩、吸引力强的旅游活动,赢得众多客源的基础。因此,正确认识旅游安全保障工作的重要性,对提高旅游经营者的安全意识和旅游业健康发展有着重要的意义。然而,现今我国旅游业存在着旅游者安全需求与旅游安全保障水平之间的矛盾。同时,又由于旅游安全保障效果往往通过避免危害对人(旅游者、旅游从业人员、旅游地居民)、旅游地、旅游活动中的设施设备造成的损害的价值来体现,其作用效果不是直接的、物态的、可量化的。而安全事故又具有偶然性、随机性、潜伏性等特点,务必造成旅游经营者对旅游安全停留在某点、某时段、某个静态认识上。这往往使得旅游经营者认为安全投入成本高、花本钱、不合算而压后或放弃,致使旅游区安全动态管理的连续性不能持续。现有的这种对旅游安全效益不清晰的认识,不但有碍于旅游安全保障工作的进一步完善,更无助于旅游相关者正确安全意识的形成。作者认为上述问题的解决需要先从根本上了解旅游安全保障的直接受益者――旅游者对旅游安全保障的态度。基于此,本文提出旅游者安全价值概念,并以估测旅游者对自身安全保障的支付意愿为手段对其加以衡量,从而使旅游管理者对旅游安全保障工作的市场潜在效益形成具体认识,树立安全效益观念。本文包括五部分:第一部分,引言。从旅游者安全需求与旅游安全保障矛盾及原因入手,阐述提出旅游者安全价值概念的意义和目的,继而阐明本研究的意义、预期贡献及研究方法,构建本文逻辑框架;第二部分,旅游者安全价值。首先介绍安全价值的概念和涵义,随之引出旅游者安全价值的概念、涵义及理论基础,建立本研究的概念体系;第三部分,旅游者安全价值评价研究。在第一节旅游者安全价值的评价中,明确旅游者安全价值评价的评价主体、评价客体,阐述作为评价的理论依据的劳动价值论、效用价值论及消费者剩余理论在旅游者安全价值评价中的应用,并在此基础上重点介绍旅游者安全价值评价的内容;在第二节旅游者安全价值评价方法研究中,首先总结价值评价相关理论研究,接着对旅游者安全价值评价方法的确定进行重点分析。第四部分,影响旅游者安全价值评价的因素分析。主要从影响旅游者安全价值评价的主体因素、介体因素及环境因素三个方面研究对评价结果的影响。第五部分,旅游者安全价值评价的具体应用。以山东长岛景区为例,运用文章提出的旅游者安全价值评价理论,采用问卷调查方式,对长岛旅游者安全价值进行汇总、计算,得出具体结果。并在此基础上从微观角度提出对长岛旅游安全保障工作的具体建议,从宏观角度提出要全面提升旅游安全保障水平需树立旅游安全服务理念、建立旅游安全保障活动的公众参与机制等建议。本研究以探究衡量旅游安全保障潜在效益的方法为出发点,在研究方法上进行了大胆的尝试和创新,力图为理论界和实业界研究旅游安全保障经济效益提供一种新的思维方式。但是,作为一个探索性的课题,旅游者安全价值评价研究还存在相当多的困难,主要表现在可借鉴资料较少、评价方法本身的不足、评价过程中误差的存在。尽管如此,作者认为,理论的完善是一个渐进的过程,学术研究不能知难而退。本文在此仅做一些大胆探索,以期引起学术界和业内人士对旅游者安全价值的关注与重视。

【Abstract】 Tourism security is an essential condition on which tourists can smoothly carries on the traveling activities. It is the foundation for tourist industrialists to achieve tourists’attraction,and of vital significance to development of tourism. However, nowadays national tourism has a contradiction between tourists’inceasingly security requirements and the imperfect traveling safety control. At the same time, because the achievement of traveling safety control is often valued measurelessly and inperceptibly, and the security accidents are of chanciness, randomness, people often form static understanding about security management.This causes the traveling control section can not continue to carry on the work actively.The author considers that to solve the above question needs fundamentally to understand tourists’traveling security manner. Being based upon this ,the article proposes the concept of tourists’safety value, and by estimating tourists’willness to pay for the security to form tourist businesses’concrete understanding of the benefit of Tourism security.This research’theoretical principles are Value theory, tourists’safety manner thesis and tourists’security requirements thesis. Based on these,it proposes the concept of tourists’safety value and the value appraisal of its. This research includes five parts. First part, foreword. Obtained from the contradiction between security requirements and the reason,it proposes the significance of the proposal of the concept. In summarized the domestic and foreign research in the foundation, it proposes the significance of the research, the anticipated contribution and the research technique, and constructs the article logic frame. Second part, the concept of tourists’safety value. Firstly, it introduces the security value concept and its implication, subsequently draws out the concept of tourists’safety value, its implication and its theoretical principles.Third part, research on the appraisal of tourists’safety value . firstly, it makes clear the subject and object of the appraisal, discussing the usage of Labour theory of value, Utility theory of value and consumer’s surplus in the appraisal. In the second section, it firstly summarizes the existing researches on value appraisal,then chiefly researches the evaluation methodology of tourists’safety value.In the fourth part ,it from three main headings researches the influencing factor of the appraisal. The fifth part, it takes the Long Island scenic area of Shandong Province as an example, using the safety value appraisal theory by questionnaire survey method, calculates the safety value of Long Island’s tourists and obtains the concrete result. Then the article from the microscopic angle advises some suggestions of the Long Island traveling safety control work and from the macroscopic angle some suggestions of the national traveling safety control work.This research proposes one new method of computingthebenefit of traveling security .It carries on bold attempt and innovation in the research technique.But,as an exploring research, to evaluate safety value of tourists also has quite many difficulties, mainly displaying in insufficiencies of the appraisal method, difficulties in removal of inaccuracies and so on. Although so, the author believes, the theory consummation is a process , researchers cannot give up in front of difficulties. This article makes out some bold explorations in this field, to causes other professionals’attention on the thesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期
  • 【分类号】F590;X925
  • 【下载频次】274