

China’s Western Region of Industrial Land Pollution and Legal Research Training

【作者】 何瑜

【导师】 张谦元;

【作者基本信息】 西北民族大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 土地污染继水污染和大气污染后成为世界性问题。欧美发达国家为其几百年工业化所造成的污染付出了长期而沉重的代价,土地污染成为他们共同面临的难题。我国工业化进程虽然只有短短几十年,但就土地污染这一方面来说全国总体形势已相当严峻,东中部地区的土地污染已经严重影响到我国的粮食安全、公众健康和社会与环境可持续发展;西部地区自国家实施三次大规模开发以来,社会经济和工业规模都取得了前所未有的进步,但是落后的生产方式和不科学的发展观使得西部地区工业发展的同时,环境破坏和土地污染进一步加剧,“一五”时期156项重点工程、“三线”建设和西部大开发中不合理的工业发展已造成大面积的土地污染,徽县“血铅超标事件”已经敲响了警钟!发达国家投入大量资金和制定相当的法律法规对污染土地进行整治,而我国目前面临的是保持经济持续稳定快速发展与保护环境的双重压力,在西部地区,既要再现“山川秀美”的西部,又要加快工业化进程来缩小与东部地区的经济差距;既要解决土地沙化、荒漠化的老难题,又要处理工业化引起的土地污染新问题。面对西部地区工业用地污染,本文通过分析西部地区工业用地污染现状、特征及原因,针对目前我国工业用地污染防治相关法律的规定与缺陷,借鉴日本、美国、澳大利亚和台湾等国家和地区对工业用地整治的经验,配合目前我国正在进行的全国土壤污染状况普查,对西部地区工业用地污染进行法律层面的整治研究。整治研究包括了完善相关法律制度、理顺管理体制和机构、加强公众参与机制建设、建立法律责任追究制和完善土地污染纠纷与救济机制等方面。

【Abstract】 Following the water and land pollution of air pollution to become a worldwide problem. Europe and the United States for several hundred years of industrialization developed the pollution caused by long-term and paid a heavy price, land contamination as they face common problems. China’s industrialization process Although only a few decades, but the pollution of land in terms of the overall situation has been quite severe, the East Central area of land pollution has seriously affected China’s food security, public health and social and environmental sustainability Development of the western region since the state’s implementation of three large-scale development, socio-economic and industrial scale have made unprecedented progress, but the backward production methods and the scientific concept of development makes the western region’s industrial development, environmental damage and pollution to the land Intensified, "January 5" period of 156 key projects, "third line" building and the development of western China’s irrational industrial development has resulted in large areas of land pollution, Huixian "blood leadExceeded the standard incident" has sounded the alarm! Developed countries invest a lot of money and the development of a pollution laws and regulations on land for training, and our country is facing is to maintain steady and rapid economic development and environmental protection, dual pressure, in the western region, it is necessary to reproduce the "beautiful landscape" of the west, But also to speed up the process of industrialization and to narrow the economic gap between the eastern region, both to resolve the land desertification, the old problems of desertification, but also deal with industrial pollution caused by new land issue. The face of the western region of industrial land pollution, the paper through the analysis of the western region of industrial land pollution status, characteristics and reasons for China’s industrial land pollution control laws and the provisions of shortcomings, from Japan, the United States, Australia and Taiwan and other countries and regions in the industrial Space training experience, with China’s ongoing national survey of soil pollution in the pollution of industrial land in the western region to study the legal aspects of training. Including training on improving the relevant legal system, rationalize the management structure and institutions, strengthen the building of a mechanism for public participation, accountability established legal system and improving land pollution disputes with the relief mechanism, and other areas.

  • 【分类号】X321;D922.68
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】193
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