

Study on the Present Situation and Development Strategy of Non-environmental Damaged for Agricultural Production in Anyang City

【作者】 万金红

【导师】 马新明; 刘志勇;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 农业推广, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 安阳市位于河南省最北部,全市总人口531万人,其中农业人口423万人,总耕地面积598万亩,农民人均1.4亩,是一个典型的农业大市。近年来,安阳市农业和农村经济取得了巨大的发展,但也遇到了一些深层次的矛盾和问题,如农民增收缓慢,农业结构不尽合理,农产品质量普遍较低,市场竞争力不强等。这些问题严重制约了安阳市农业和农村经济的快速发展。根据国内外的实践经验,发展无公害事业是解决这些问题,加快农业和农村经济发展的一条重要途径。本文采用文献收集、分类归纳、对比分析和实证研究的方法,采取统计分析与典型调查相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合的手段,以安阳市实施“无公害食品行动计划”为背景,通过对安阳市无公害农产品生产认识情况,产地环境现状,农业投入品现状,无公害生产技术体系现状,农产品市场准入现状等方面的调查,分析了安阳市无公害农产品还存在的问题是,生产者认识不到位,监管力度不够,农业标准体系不完善,标识宣传力度和投入相对不足,技术推广体系有待进一步加强,市场准入机制尚不健全等问题,并提出如下发展对策:1.强化配套设施,加强无公害农产品制度建设。建立实施农产品质量安全可追溯制度加强农产品质量安全例行监测制度,推行农产品质量安全产地准出和市场准入制度;2.正确引导,不断完善相关法律法规建设。学习借鉴外国的先进经验,注重总结自身优点与长处;3.加强农业标准化建设,提高技术水平;4.严格把关,加大监测力度。

【Abstract】 The quality and safety of agricultural products between the public health, but also for the development of agricultural trade and peasant incomes and building new socialist rural areas is of great significance. In this paper, in light of China’s current implementation of the "pollution-free food action plan" to the implementation of Anyang City, "pollution-free food action plan" for the background, through research Anyang City development of pollution-free agricultural products and the existing problems and proposed to develop strategies and pollution-free agricultural products recommendations from the fundamental solution to the quality and safety of agricultural products in Anyang City, the city agriculture and the rural economy healthy, sustained and rapid development.The literature in this collection, classification and induction, comparative analysis and empirical research methods, statistical analysis and to survey the typical combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis of the means of Anyang City understanding of pollution-free agricultural products, origin state of the environment, agriculture input current situation, the status quo system of safe production technology, agricultural market access in areas such as the status quo survey, the findings show that, Anyang City pollution-free agricultural products still do not know the producers in place, insufficient supervision of the agricultural standard system is imperfect, logo publicity and the intensity of a relative shortage of inputs, technical extension system to be progressive, market access mechanism is not sound, and other issues. Development and put forward the following measures:1. Enhanced facilities, and step up the building of pollution-free agricultural system. Setting up and implementing the quality and safety of agricultural products can be traced back to the quality and safety system for agricultural products to strengthen routine monitoring system, the implementation of quality and safety of agricultural products and the origin permitted to market access system;2. Correct guidance, and constantly improve the relevant laws and regulations. Learn from the advanced experience of foreign countries and pay attention to summing up its own advantages and strengths;3. Strengthen the construction of agricultural standardization, raising the technological level;4. Strict checks, increase the intensity of monitoring.

【关键词】 安阳市无公害农产品研究
【Key words】 Anyang CityHarmlessproductsstudy
  • 【分类号】F327
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】218