

Study on the Evaluation of Regional Soil’s Major Functions

【作者】 王秀丽

【导师】 吴克宁;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 土壤学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 土壤作为人类赖以生存的物质基础和宝贵财富的源泉,在人类文明和社会发展过程中起了至关重要的作用,然而,随着社会经济的发展,工业化和城市化导致大面积土壤的地表永久密闭,致使土壤的生产功能、缓冲、净化功能和景观功能等自然功能绝大部分甚至完全丧失,这不仅仅关乎一个国家的社会经济持续发展,也在深刻影响着生态环境和全球变化。因此,对土壤功能的分类与评价进行研究显得尤为必要。国内外学者关于土壤功能及其评价等方面的研究刚刚起步,本文参考国外现有土壤功能分类成果,探索性的提出符合国内的土壤功能分类方案,对各土壤功能涵义进行界定,并以此为基础,选取能够突出反映各土壤功能的指标对其进行评价,由于资料与时间的限制,以郑州市为例,仅对土壤的生产功能、缓冲与过滤功能进行了评价,为土壤功能分类和评价研究、制定土壤资源合理利用与管理政策提供依据与参考。研究主要内容如下:1.土壤功能分类:从土壤所具有的资源、环境、经济、社会和文化等多种功能,对土壤功能分类进行探索性的划分,即土壤的生产功能、缓冲与过滤功能、承载功能、栖息地与基因库功能、原材料功能、历史档案记录功能。对每种土壤功能的涵义进行界定,并对能够表述这些土壤功能的指标进行了描述。2.构建了活动—土壤性质—土壤功能(APF)分析框架,以土壤性质为桥梁,将各种自然和人为活动等驱动力因子与土壤各项功能相联系,为土壤功能的后续研究提供理论基础。3.土壤功能评价的方法:采用单因子评价与综合评价两种方法。首先建立起单因子评价的等级评判标准,依据等级评判标准,进行单因子的等级评价,借助Mapgis软件对样点数据进行空间插值分析形成单因子评价等级图;其次采用层次分析法与加权指数平均相结合的方法进行土壤功能的综合评价,在评价指数的确定时,对因子级别为I级的评价指数赋值为50,II级赋值为30,III级赋值为20,即可得到各因子的初始评价指数;最后采用频率直方图法,选择曲线突变点进行综合评价的等级划分,并将评价结果图示化。4.土壤生产功能的评价:以郑州市的五个区为研究区域,结合郑州市土壤的实际情况,选取了土壤质地、pH值、有机质、全氮、速效磷、速效钾、阳离子代换量(CEC)7个指标建立土壤生产功能评价的指标体系,对生产功能的单因子等级和综合等级进行3个级别的划分,并将等级结果图示化。研究结果显示,一级地仅有黄河南岸的惠济区、市区东面、中原区零星地块,主要原因是有多年种植蔬菜的土壤在此分布,肥料投入比较多;三等地大面积集中分布在郑州市区的西南和西北方向,二七区面积最大,土壤类型主要为褐土,地形为丘陵,此区域较为干旱,有机质分解比较快,质地较轻,而有机质和质地在评价中的所占权重比较高的缘故。与农用地自然等等别成果分布相一致,说明农用地的自然质量等别主要取决于土壤自身的属性,研究土壤生产功能的好坏,对调整作物种植结构、提高作物产量、合理利用土壤资源具有重要的意义。5.土壤缓冲与过滤功能的评价:以郑州市郊的五个区为研究区域,依据土壤缓冲与过滤功能的界定,选取有机质、pH值、CEC、容重、土壤的可容纳的环境容量、剖面构型6个指标构建土壤的缓冲与过滤功能评价的指标体系,并以地下水埋深作为修正指标来修正综合评价结果,对土壤缓冲与过滤功能的单因子等级和综合等级进行3个级别的划分,并将等级结果图示化。研究结果显示,一级地主要分布在市区东南方向与西部部分地区;三级地主要分布在黄河南岸、贾鲁河流域、市区南部。对比分析以绿色蔬菜产地土壤环境质量为标准的土壤环境质量评价可以看出:土壤的缓冲与过滤能力的等级分布区域与土壤环境质量评价的大体一致,说明土壤的缓冲与过滤能力强,滞污纳污的能力强,土壤不易遭受污染,反之,亦然。

【Abstract】 Soil is the source of material foundation and precious wealth for people existence,and play an important action for human civilization and social development.But,with economy develop,industrialization and urbanization cause earth’s surface permanent obturation,and cause the soil function largely lose and even completely lose such as yield function,buffering and purifing function,view function etc.This is not only relate a nation’s continuable develop of social economy,but also deep influence ecosystem environment and globe change.Therefore,study on classification and evaluation of soil function is necessary.This paper consult foreign existing classification result of soil function, offer a groping classification project of soil function that accord with domestic.With each soil function’s meaning,we definite the each soil function,and take it as foundation,select some indicators that can reflect the each soil function to evaluate it.Due to the restriction of data and time,we take Zhengzhou surburbs as an example,only evaluate the soil yield function,buffering and filtration function,and it can provide some basis and reference for classfing and studing evaluation of soil function ,and establish reasonable utiliztion and manage policy of soil resources.Main research contents as follows:1.Soil function classification:To make off a groping classification of soil functions from various functions such as resources, environment, economy, society and cultural etc.its’result sunch as yield function,buffering and filtration function,carring function,habitat and gene pool function, source of raw material function,archival function for natural history. we definite the each soil function,and describe some indicators that can reflect the each soil function.2.Set up analysis frame of activity-property-function,take soil property as a bridge,let various natural and artificial activity to contact to each soil function,and provide theories foundation for the follow-up research of soil function.3.Methods of soil function evaluation: Adopt two kinds of methods such as single factor evaluation and comprehensive evaluation.First,establish a referenced grade standard for single factor evaluation,evaluate the single factor’s grading with the grade standard, in virtue of Mapgis to put a space value analysis for sample data,and form grade distribute chart of the single factor; Secondly, adopt the method of AHP and weighted aggregative index number for comprehensive evalutation of soil function.When fix the evaluation index,we evaluate I grade to 50,II grade to 30, and III grade to 20,so that can get the each factor’s initial evaluation index;Finally,adopt frequency chart method to plot the grade of comprehensive evaluation,and show the result by figure.4.Evaluation of soil yield function: Take five areas of Zhengzhou surburbs as a case,and combine soil fact in Zhengzhou,we select seven indicators such as soil texture,pH,organic content,total nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium,and CEC to establish evaluation system of yield function and evaluate it,we plot three grade,and show the result by figure.The result show that,the best grade is only distribute in Huiji area,the east of city centre and a little of Zhongyuan area,because these area plant vegetable for long time,and plough fertilizer is more;the worst grade is largely distribute in the southwest and northwest of city centre,and Erqi area is most,soil type in this area is Cinnamon soil,the terrain is hill,and this area is dry,organic decompose quickly,the soil texture is light,and also the weights of organic and texture is higher than the others. Compared with achivement of agricultural land natural classification,we find that their distribution rule are similar,and explain that agricultural land natural classification is main decided by soil propertity.Study soil yield function is good or bad are very important to exchanging plant structure,improving crop output and how to use the soil resource rationally.5. Evaluation of soil buffering and filtration function: Take five areas of Zhengzhou surburbs as a case, according to the definition of soil buffering and filtration function,we select six indicators such as soil organic content,pH,CEC,bulk density,admissible environmental capacity,section plane texture type to establish evaluation system of soil buffering and filtration function, and use groundwater table distribution to correct the evaluation result, we plot three grade,and show the result by figure.The result show that,the best grade is mainly distribute in the southeast and part of west of city centre; the worst grade is main distribute in south of Yellow rive,Jialu river,and south of city centre. Compared with soil environmet evaluation result,we find that their distribution rule are similar,at the same time,it explain that soil is not pollution easily if soil’s buffering and filtration function ability is strong, whereas,too.
