

Research on the Modularization of Ontologies in Semantic Web Services

【作者】 刘洪军

【导师】 李冠宇;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 语义Web是在本体基础之上对现有Web进行的扩展,其目标是使Web上的信息具有计算机可以理解的语义,在本体的支持下实现信息系统之间语义上的互操作,对Web资源所进行智能的访问和检索。充分实现语义Web,需要大规模采用基于本体的方法来共享信息和资源,本体是语义Web得以实现的基础和关键。本体的设计、开发和集成是一项耗时费力的工作。当需要重用本体时,许多标准化的本体资源规模巨大,往往包含成千上万个概念,而许多语义Web用户仅仅需要这些资源中对其应用有用的一小部分。模块化是软件工程中的成熟概念。本体模块化,是从已有本体中获得本体模块的机制和方法,可以降低本体的规模;本体模块化的表示更易于本体的理解、推理、调试和重用。近年来,本体模块化的研究逐步受到语义Web领域研究人员的关注,成为计算机科学的研究热点之一。本文对本体模块化技术做了深入的分析研究和系统介绍,提出了一个本体模块化机制的应用框架,在框架内系统论述了模块化机制在本体工程中的研究现状和未来研究问题。设计了一个基于结构的本体分解方法,通过查询获取本体的三元组表示,生成对应的图;然后对图做预处理,为不同种类的边设定不同的重要度值;使用社会网理论计算结点之间的依赖度,通过依赖图的分解达到本体分解的目的。在此基础上,设计并初步实现了一个本体模块化系统。

【Abstract】 The Semantic Web, which can provide enhanced information based on the exploitation of machine-processable meta-data, is the extension of the current web. Central to the vision of the Semantic Web are ontologies, which could represent shared domain descriptions that different applications and agents use.Ontologies grow dramatically in size and quantity while the difficulty of developing, maintaining and reusing large ontologies appears as the bottleneck of realizing the Semantic Web. The design and integration of ontologies is a tedious and costly challenge. While providing a shared, tested, and well-accepted vocabulary, many of the large standard resources are huge, often containing tens of thousands of concepts. However, many users need only a small fraction of the resource for their application.Modularization is an established principle in the Software Engineering. Modular representations are easier to understand, reason with, debug, extend and reuse. Recently, the benefit of modular representations of ontologies and modularizing ontologies in the sense of splitting up an existing ontology into smaller interconnected parts has been recognized and discussed in the Semantic Web community.This paper reviews the concepts of ontology and ontology modularization and proposes a framework of ontology modularization applications. As core of the paper, a method of Structure-based Ontology Partitioning is designed. In the method, the graph mode is constructed from querying results, simplified in the edges and transformed into the Dependence Graph after calculating the dependence between nodes. Finally ontology partitioning is done through decomposing the Dependence Graph where an Island Algorithm is used. Finally, a ontology modularizing system is developed.

  • 【分类号】TP393.092;TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】217
  • 攻读期成果