

Research of Gathering and Transportation Technology on Electricity Heating

【作者】 朱瑞华

【导师】 贺凤云;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 油气储运工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 电加热集输技术是近几年发展起来的一种高新节能技术,是以电热取代双管掺水集输的一项新工艺。其工作原理是缠绕在管道外壁上的电热带或电热管发热,热量通过管壁传导使管内介质均匀受热,达到介质管输的温度要求。电加热集输不仅可以维持正常的原油集输生产、大大降低了初投资,而且节能环保便于遥控操作。随着电伴热技术的日趋成熟和电加热集输理论研究的深入,电加热集输将有更为广阔的应用。本文以电加热集输管道和枝状电加热集输管网为研究对象,研究电加热集输管道的温降、压降情况和枝状电加热集输管网的参数优化问题。首先介绍了电伴热技术概况及电加热集输在油田的应用状况,然后对电加热集输管道周围土壤温度场进行了数值计算,经数值计算绘制了稳定运行电加热集输管道周围温度场,在此基础上对电加热集输管道轴向温度变化进行分析,推导出轴向温度常微分方程并进行求解,最后对枝状电加热集输管网进行优化计算,得出管网的优化埋深、优化管径和经济保温层厚度。本文用Visual Basic语言编制了电加热集输设计与运行应用软件,并用软件对现场实际情况进行了运算,使管网工程总投资费用比优化前节省了3.86%,年热力费用比优化前减少了5.78%,从而为系统的优化设计和生产管理提供一定的帮助。

【Abstract】 The gathering and transportation technology on electricity heating has been developed in recent years, which is a highly new energy saving technology and a new gathering and transportation technique by substituting electricity heating for double pipes mixed into water. Its principle is that the heat energy which is generated by electricity heating belt or tube wrapping the pipeline surface makes the medium inside pipeline heated uniformly by the way of pipeline surface transmitting, which can make the medium reach the temperature requirement of pipeline transporting. Gathering and transportation technology on electricity heating not only can keep oil gathering and transporting production normally and reduce initial investment largely, but also can save energy, protect environment and be easy to do remote control. With the electricity heating technology maturing bit by bit and with the gathering and transportation theory research of electricity heating lucubrating, gathering and transportation on electricity heating will have a wider application.With the research object of gathering and transporting pipelines and ramiform net by electricity heating, this paper studies temperature and pressure fall on gathering and transporting pipelines by electricity heating, and also studies parameter optimizing questions of gathering and transporting net by electricity heating. Firstly, it introduces the technology survey and application status in the oil field of gathering and transportation by electricity heating, then calculates soil temperature field numerically around the gathering and transporting pipelines by electricity heating. With numerically calculating, temperature field around the gathering and transporting pipeline by electricity heating is plotted under steady running. On the basis, axile temperature variety of the gathering and transporting pipeline by electricity heating is analyzed. Ordinary differential equation of axile temperature can be inferred and resolved. Then ramiform gathering and transportation net by electricity heating is optimized and calculated, and the optimizing burying depth, the optimizing pipe radium and economic layer thickness of protecting temperature can be concluded.Lastly, a design and running application program of gathering and transportation net by electricity heating is worked out in Visual Basic tongue. According to the filed practice circs, with the program operating, the total investment of pipe net engineering can save 3.86%, and annual heat expense can reduce 5.87% comparing with optimizing ago. Thereby it can afford certain help for the system optimization design and production management.
