

Comprehensive Evaluation and SSR Molecular Marker Screening of HB Red Flower Gene

【作者】 高明伟

【导师】 于元杰; 王留明;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究对转自7个遗传背景的39个HB红花近等基因系于2007年在山东棉花研究中心试验站枯黄萎病圃进行了集中种植,以评价HB红花性状转入陆地棉遗传背景后可能带来的各种影响。调查内容包括产量性状、纤维品质、抗病性以及主要的形态农艺性状。同时,进行了HB红花基因片段的SSR分子标记筛选。主要结果如下:1.不同遗传背景下HB近等基因姊妹系的平均籽棉和皮棉产量与轮回亲本相比虽然有增有减,但均不显著;衣分、铃重、单株结铃数等产量组成性状也差异不显著。2.HB红花性状对纤维强度、整齐度、麦克隆值和断裂伸长率方面未带来不良影响,仅个别指标上差异较明显,以纤维长度影响较大。在7个遗传背景中,5个HB近等基因系的平均纤维长度短于其轮回亲本,其中3个差异显著。分析认为对纤维长度的影响并非直接来自HB基因片段本身,供体亲本的影响似乎更为直接。3.HB红花性状转入不同的遗传背景后,抗苗病能力普遍得到不同程度的提高,多数达到显著水平,轮回亲本越是发病重的,HB近等基因系抗性能力提高的越明显;对黄萎病的抗性可在一定程度上有所提高;对枯萎病的抗性几乎没有影响。4.与轮回亲本相比,HB近等基因系在第一果枝节位、第一果节长度、果枝数、生育期等性状方面几乎没有差异;但几乎所有HB近等基因系的株高都明显高于其轮回亲本,而且株高生长速度的加快主要在开花至吐絮这一阶段。5.HB近等基因系的叶片明显大于其轮回亲本,有5个遗传背景下的近等基因姊妹系之间叶片大小差异达显著水平。分析认为HB供体亲本可能存在与HB基因连锁的叶片增大加性主效基因,其连锁关系也比较容易被打破。6.通过对覆盖整个棉花基因组的274对SSR引物筛选,找到1个与HB红花性状共显性遗传的SSR分子标记NAU1048,遗传距离为3.2cM,证明该基因在7号染色体上。

【Abstract】 In this study, a total of 39 HB-gene near-isogenic sister lines from 7 genetic backgrounds were planted in mixed Verticillium and Fusarium wilt nurse in 2007 in Shandong Cotton Research Center Experimental Station. The different effects were evaluated after the HB-gene red transformed into different genetic backgrounds of Upland cotton. The evaluation includes the traits of yields, fibre quality, disease resistance and the primary agronomic characters. At the same time, the screening of SSR molecular marker of HB-gene was also conducted. The main results are as follows:1. Compared with recurrent parents, the average seed yields and lint yields of HB near-isogenic sister lines of the different genetic backgrounds were increased or reduced, but not significant. And the yield components, such as lint percentage, boll weight and boll numbers per plant, were also not significant .2. There were no obvious effects on the main fiber quality characters, such as fiber strength, uniformity, micronaire value and breaking elongation, except on fiber length. In 5 of the 7 genetic backgrounds , the average fiber length of the near-isogenic lines were lower than their recurrent parents, 3 of them were significant. It was concerned that the effects on fiber length were not directly from HB-gene , but more likely due to the HB donor parent.3. The resistance ability to seedling disease have been improved in a certain extent after the HB-gene transformed into different genetic backgrounds, most of them were significant. The more serious of seedling disease of the recurrent parent , the more apparent in ability increase of the HB near-isogenic lines. The resistance to Verticillium wilt was improved in a certain extent. It has almost no impact to Fusarium wilt resistance.4. Compared with recurrent parents, there were almost no difference in first fruit branch node , length of the first fruit node, fruit branch number and growth period. Almost all the HB near-isogenic lines were higher than theirs recurrent parent, and the speed-up in stem growth was mainly from flowering to boll opening stage .5. The leaves of HB near-isogenic lines were apparently bigger than theirs recurrent parents. In 5 genetic backgrounds, the difference in leaf area among the near-isogenic sister lines reached significant level. Through the analysis, we believe the HB donor may exist the additive major genes for large leaf, which were linked with the HB-gene. And also, the linkage relationship is easy to break.6. Through screening 274 pairs SSR primers that cover the whole genome of cotton, one SSR marker NAU1048 was found. The markar is codominant with HB gene with the genetic distance of 3.2cM, which proved that the HB gene located in 7th chromosome.
