

Rearing Method, Biology and Host Seclection of Longitarsus Bimaculatus Baly

【作者】 裴元慧

【导师】 孙绪艮;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 森林保护, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 双斑长跗跳甲Longitarsus bimaculatus Baly是美国白蜡Fraxinus americanna.的主要食叶害虫之一。本文观察了双斑长跗跳甲形态特征,研究了该虫饲养方法及主要生物学特性,并用“Y”形嗅觉仪法、风洞法和养虫笼法观察了该虫对6种树种气味物质的嗅觉反应。结果如下:1双斑长跗跳甲的形态特征体小型,褐色。翅缘深褐色,翅的中部有一横斑,褐色,两翅连接形成一横带;两翅肩角斜向内缘各有一颜色较深的斜纹,两翅连接成“V”字形纹。跗节式4-4-4,前足第3跗节几乎分为2叶,雄虫前足第1跗节呈梨形圆阔,雌虫第1跗节瘦狭。后足腿节发达,膨大,具跳器。2双斑长跗跳甲成虫的饲养方法及主要生物学2.1成虫饲养方法本试验采用3种饲养方法饲养双斑长跗跳甲,通过对该虫死亡率、成虫平均饲养寿命、产卵量、孵化率4个指标的测定、分析表明,罩瓶法饲养效果最佳,养虫笼饲养次之,广口瓶饲养最差。然而,在养虫笼饲养法中,如果能找到更好的搜集卵的方法并为其很好的遮阳,则能达到与罩瓶法饲养相同甚至更好的饲养效果。2.2主要生物学特性2.2.1成虫双斑长跗跳甲食性较窄,但在寄主条件恶劣时也会取食同属的几种植物,如绒毛白蜡Fraxinus velutina Torr、水曲柳Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr等。成虫大部分在树冠下部危害,终日取食,多取食寄主嫩叶,幼龄树较老龄树受害重。大部分成虫下午交配。交配时间一般在晴天下午4时以后,少数在上午11时之前,阴天少有交配。交配时间为20 min到3 h不等,有的甚至更长。交配过程分为准备阶段、交配阶段、交配结束3个阶段。成虫产卵前期约5~10 d。产卵通常在下午4时以后,卵产于寄主根际周围的浅土层中。单雌一次产卵多在3~15粒,最多可达21粒以上,平均产卵量为16.1粒。另外,雌雄成虫有趋光性、趋黄性、向上性、假死性;成虫善跳,也可飞行,最远可飞行3m以上。2.2.2幼虫:幼虫不活泼,土中食根,幼虫可昼夜取食,孵化后取食根表皮或钻入表皮下取食皮层。3双斑长跗跳甲成虫对不同树种的嗅觉反应3.1“Y”形嗅觉仪法双斑长跗跳甲成虫在寻找寄主植物的过程中,能被寄主植物释放的化学气味物质所吸引,不同植物对其引诱程度不同,其中美国白蜡和绒毛白蜡引诱作用最强,对其选择率分别为76.7%和65.0%,且对美国白蜡和绒毛白蜡的选择性显著高于对水曲柳、流苏、雪柳,极显著高于对女贞的选择性。3.2风洞法双斑长跗跳甲成虫对美国白蜡表现出很强的趋向性,选择率达到73.3%,其次是绒毛白蜡、水曲柳,选择率分别为63.3%、63.3%。而对其他植物流苏、雪柳等的选择率较低,均在55%以下,且对美国白蜡、绒毛白蜡、水曲柳的选择性显著高于对流苏、雪柳的选择性,极显著高于对女贞的选择性。该结果与嗅觉仪的测定结果基本一致。3.3养虫笼观察法双斑长跗跳甲成虫对美国白蜡和绒毛白蜡表现出较高的选择性,选择率分别为22.2%和15.7%。而对水曲柳、雪柳、流苏、女贞的平均选择率较低,分别为14.4%、13.3%、11.1%和4.4%。,且对美国白蜡和绒毛白蜡的选择性显著高于对水曲柳、流苏、雪柳,极显著高于对女贞的选择性。

【Abstract】 Longitarsus bimaculatus Baly was one of the most important leaf-eating insects on Fraxinus americanna. In this thesis, Morphology of Longitarsus bimaculatus Baly was described, rearing method and biology of Longitarsus bimaculatus Baly were studied. And the olfactory response of Longitarsus bimaculatus Baly to odor volatiles from 6 species of trees (Fraxinus americanna, Fraxinus velutina Torr, Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr, Fontanesia fortunei Carr, Chionanthus retusus Lindl. Et Paxt. and Ligustrum lucidum Ait) were researched using“Y”-shaped olfactometer, wind tunnel and net cage. The results are as followings:1 Morphology of Longitarsus bimaculatus BalyBody brown, small. There is a markings on elytra, markings brown to black, when elytra folds, the two markings forms a transverse band. Marks on male elytra are smaller and lighter than those on female. Female are a little biger than male. ProtarsuaⅠof male are dilated and pyriform; ProtarsuaⅠof female are lanky.2 Rearing method and biology of Longitarsus bimaculatus Baly2.1 Rearing methodBy analysing average mortality, average longevity, average eggs per female and hatching rate of the three rearing methods, the effect of mask flask test was the best, the next was net cage feeding, the effect of reared in wide-mouth bottle was the poorest. However, if we can find the better egg collecting method and good overshadow, net cage feeding can have the same or even better effect as rearing in the mask flask.2.2 Biology of Longitarsus bimaculatus Baly2.2.1 AdultFeeding habit of Longitarsus bimaculatus Baly was special, but when host was in a bad condition, it fed Fraxinus velutina Torr and Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. Majority adult fed all day long and mostly damage in the lower parts of the crown, the degree of young trees damaged is severer than aged trees.Majority adult copulated and oviposited after 4 p.m., a little of adults copulated before 11a.m.. Mating time varies from 20min to 3h, some were even longer. Mating process included preparation stage, mating and completion.The preoviposition period of adult was 5~10 days. Adults deposited eggs in the soil surface after 4 p.m.. The fecundity of the most female was 3-15 eggs, most 21 eggs during its lifetime.In addition, the adults had phototaxis, yellowtaxis, falsedeath and liked moving up, and be good at jumping, and can fly over 3 m.2.2.2 LarvaeThe larvae are inactive and feed cortex on the secondary rootlets in soil.3 The odor responses of adult Longitarsus bimaculatus Baly to different plants’volatiles3.1“Y”olfactometerIn the process of adult of Longitarsus bimaculatus Baly searching host plants, it can be attracted by the volatiles of plants. Different plants attribute their own degrees, and actions of Fraxinus americanna, Fraxinus velutina Torr are the biggest, at 76.7%and 65.0% respectively.3.2 The wind tunnelLongitarsus bimaculatus Baly shew the greatest tendency to Fraxinus americanna, the next was Fraxinus velutina Torr and Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr, at 73.3%, 63.3% and 63.3% respectively, while shew lower tendency to other plants, which were all less than 55%. This result was basically the same as“Y”olfactometer.3.3 Net cageAdult of Longitarsus bimaculatus Baly shew great preference to Fraxinus americanna and Fraxinus velutina Torr, with an average rate of 22.2% and 15.7%, respectively. However, the rate of choices were low to Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr, Fontanesia fortunei Carr, Chionanthus retusus Lindl. Et Paxt. and Ligustrum lucidum Ait , respectively, 14.5%, 13.3%, 11.1% and 4.4%. This result corresponded with“Y”olfactometer and the wind tunnel.
