

Influences of Different Light Sources on the Life History of the Black Soldier Fly and the Conversion of Swine Manure by the Insect

【作者】 黄苓

【导师】 喻子牛; 张吉斌;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 微生物学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 昆虫黑水虻幼虫能够以畜禽粪便作为食物,转化为自身物质如蛋白和脂肪等,并减轻畜禽粪便造成的越来越严重的环境污染问题,引起了世界范围广泛重视。国外研究表明,黑水虻成虫的交配需要太阳光的刺激,因此在阴天和冬季光照时间短的时候,交配产卵率低,只能勉强维持传代,不能适应畜禽粪便大规模处理的需要,而目前人工光照刺激黑水虻成虫交配产卵国内外还未取得成功。本研究用太阳光和两种人工光源(碘钨灯、稀土灯)对黑水虻成虫进行照射,研究其对黑水虻交配、产卵情况的影响。证明在阳光下其交配主要集中在上午,而且当光强度达到140μmol m-2 s-1以上,成虫交配非常活跃并产卵;在稀土灯光照条件下,不能成功交配、产卵。但在碘钨灯照射下黑水虻能成功交配、产卵,日交配量能达到40对左右,产卵高峰期的卵量相当于太阳光下的61%,孵化期、幼虫期和蛹期生活周期与太阳光照没有显著性差异(p<0.05)。碘钨灯代替太阳光照射,三代之间的孵化期、幼虫期和蛹期相比无显著性差异(p<0.05)。这使得在冬季或阴雨天等阳光不充丰足的条件下解决黑水虻人工饲养中的交配产卵问题提供了一个可行的方法。本研究将10d虫龄的黑水虻幼虫(约3龄左右)接入到10kg新鲜猪粪中,以幼虫取食利用粪便腐败物质的生物特性,将猪粪中的物质能量充分转化成虫体蛋白质、脂肪加以回收,仅剩余疏松残渣。在转化过程中猪粪的总重从9.45 kg减少至5.98 kg,减少了36.72%;猪粪的含水量也发生了变化,从67%减少为63%;猪粪总氮减少了31.58%,并生产出含高蛋白和脂肪的蛹,而且水虻对猪粪进行转化的同时还可以对其起到去臭的效果。同时本研究还对猪粪转化后生产的黑水虻蛹中营养成分进行了初步分析,结果表明这种昆虫含有较高的粗蛋白和粗脂肪,分别达到45%和36%。然后采用气相色谱—质谱(GC/MS)对其脂肪酸成分进行分析,发现其虫体中脂肪酸组成非常丰富,饱和脂肪酸以月桂酸和棕榈酸为主,分别达到35.64%和14.84%,其它的饱和脂肪酸还包括硬脂酸、癸酸和十五碳酸。不饱和脂肪酸以油酸为主为23.62%,还包括其它的一些不饱和脂肪酸如:十四碳和十九碳单烯酸等。饱和脂肪酸与不饱和脂肪酸之比约为1.4:1。这为建立猪粪转化体系和开发黑水虻虫体中的营养成分提供了参考。

【Abstract】 Black soldier fly larvae could be used to deal with poultry facilities and reduce manure accumulation and its prepupa contains rich nutrient substances, especially the high protein content, which could be use as forage additives.However, rearing the black soldier fly in artificial condition would face a large problem that no or few mating occurred when in the day without sunlight. We used different luminaire (sunlight、quartz-iodine lamp and rare earth lamp) irradiating the black soldier fly adults to stimulate mating. The results showed that while the sunlight was replaced by the quartz-iodine lamp, mating activity could be observed and the fertile eggs could be collected as normol. The numbers of eggs collected were about 61% of that on sunlight. But no mating occurred when used the rare earth lamp to elicit the adults. The hatch, larvae and the pupal development of the black soldier fly collected from the sunlight and quartz-iodine lamp had on significant difference (P<0.05). The quartz-iodine lamp had no effect on the passage of the insect compare to sunlight by reared 3 generations (P<0.05). It would be useful in developing black soldier fly artificial rearing method during winter and cloudy day. It was the first report using the artificial light sources to elicit the mating activity of the black soldier fly successfully.We inoculated 10 days old larva to fresh swine manure in the study, the insect convert the nutritive material in the manure to its own protein and fat. During this process, the weight of the manure from 9.45 kg reduced to 5.98 kg, reducing the manure accumulation by 36.72%. The moisture of manure decreased from 67% to 63%, the total N reduced 31.58% and odour of the manure also reduced after the it digestion. And this management produced the pupae with high protein and fat. We analyzed the compound of fat acid in the pupa rear by swine manure through the gas chromatography-mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) to evaluate its nutritional ingredient as forage. The pupa are full with protein and fat, and its also have many different fat acids, lauric and palmitic acid were major in saturated fatty acid, reached 35.64% and 14.84%, respectively. The oleic acid was major in unsaturated fatty acid reached 23.62%. The ration of the saturated fatty acid and the unsaturated was 1.4:1. This result offered reference value for us to exploit the functionality fat acid of the black soldier fly.

【关键词】 黑水虻光源生活史猪粪转化脂肪酸
【Key words】 black soldier flylight sourcelife historyswine manurefat acid