

Effects of Different Grafting Methods on the Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Cucumber Seedlings

【作者】 韩晓燕

【导师】 别之龙;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 设施园艺学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L.)是世界各地广为栽培的重要蔬菜作物。嫁接是提高黄瓜抗逆性的有效措施,已被应用于黄瓜生产,但传统的插接和劈接等嫁接方式都不同程度存在嫁接工效低或嫁接成活率低的突出缺点,从而制约了黄瓜嫁接育苗在生产上的应用,本课题组已经建立适合黄瓜嫁接苗实现工厂化生产的高效断根嫁接技术体系,但对于断根嫁接的优势机理尚未明晰。本论文通过研究不同嫁接方法对黄瓜幼苗生长的影响,通过比较黄瓜嫁接苗和自根苗在不同温度处理下的生长和生理响应,以期探明不同嫁接方法对黄瓜幼苗生长和生理特性的影响,阐明黄瓜断根嫁接的优势生理机制。论文还对黄瓜断根嫁接的技术标准和不同嫁接方法对黄瓜生长和品质的影响进行了研究。主要研究结果如下:1.以“黑籽南瓜”为砧木,“津春2号”黄瓜为接穗,采用断根嫁接、插接和劈接3种嫁接方法,以“津春2号”自根苗为对照,研究了不同嫁接方法对黄瓜幼苗生长和生理特性的影响。结果表明,嫁接后13天之前3种嫁接苗各项生长指标没有显著差异,到嫁接后第16天,断根嫁接苗接穗长、接穗干重、叶面积显著高于劈接、插接处理,此时3种嫁接苗茎粗、叶面积也均高于自根苗。嫁接增强了黄瓜幼苗叶片净光合速率(Pn),显著提高了PSⅡ中用于光化学效率的电子传递数量,嫁接处理增加了黄瓜幼苗伤流液中K+、Ca2+、Mg2+及ZT和GA的含量,降低了ABA的含量。断根嫁接处理显著增强了黄瓜幼苗叶片的气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr);与劈接、插接相比,断根嫁接黄瓜幼苗具有更高的根系活力、气体交换能力,伤流液中含有更多的K+、Ca2+、Mg2+和ZT,这是断根嫁接表现优势的重要原因。2.以“黑籽南瓜”作砧木,“津春2号”黄瓜作接穗,采用断根嫁接、插接、劈接3种嫁接方法,以“津春2号”自根苗为对照,研究了低温(10℃/5℃)、高温(40℃/35℃)、常温(25℃/20℃)3种温度处理对黄瓜幼苗生理特性的影响。结果表明,与常温处理相比,低温和高温胁迫下黄瓜自根苗和嫁接苗均受到不同程度的伤害,低温胁迫下嫁接苗受到的伤害显著低于自根苗,其中断根嫁接表现最好;高温胁迫下嫁接苗受伤害程度明显高于自根苗,3种嫁接处理中断根嫁接处理伤害较轻。在低温和高温胁迫下,受伤害较轻的材料叶片中含有更多的Pro和可溶性糖,以及较高的POD、SOD活性。在解除温度胁迫处理7天后,低温处理材料恢复情况好于高温处理材料,嫁接苗恢复比自根苗好。表明以“黑籽南瓜”嫁接,黄瓜幼苗耐低温能力增强,但耐高温能力减弱,采用断根嫁接处理后黄瓜幼苗的根系活力强,叶片中渗透调节物质较多,POD、SOD活性较高,抵御温度胁迫的能力更强。3.以“津春2号”黄瓜为接穗,“黑籽南瓜”、“超丰抗生王”为砧木,分别以不同插入基质深度(1 cm、2 cm、3 cm)、不同切面长度(0.4 cm、0.8 cm、1.2 cm)、不同地上部高度(3 cm、4 cm、5 cm)处理进行断根嫁接,研究断根嫁接不同方法对嫁接苗生长的影响。结果表明,不同插入基质深度处理试验中,两种砧木嫁接苗均为1 cm处理接穗干重最大,叶面积也较高;地下3 cm处理在生长势上表现较差。不同切面长度处理试验中,根系干重、接穗长、叶面积等指标均为1.2 cm处理最低,0.8 cm处理表现最好,并且0.8 cm处理嫁接苗成活率最高。不同地上部高度处理对嫁接苗成活率无显著影响;嫁接苗的接穗长与叶面积均是地上部高度3 cm处理最大,4 cm处理最小。综合各项指标认为,插入基质深度在1~2 cm、接穗切面长度0.8 cm左右、地上部砧木高度3 cm左右适合黄瓜断根嫁接。4.采用“黑籽南瓜”作砧木,“津春2号”黄瓜作接穗,进行断根嫁接、插接、劈接3种嫁接方法,以“津春2号”自根苗作对照,研究了基质栽培下不同嫁接方法对黄瓜生长及果实品质的影响。结果表明,嫁接推迟了第一雌花开放时间,但嫁接显著提高了黄瓜植株的前期长势,嫁接植株产量显著高于自根苗。与自根苗相比,嫁接后黄瓜果实中含水量、可溶性糖含量无差异;可溶性蛋白、游离氨基酸含量增加;Vc含量降低;插接处理的口感风味要略低于自根苗。表明不同嫁接方法对黄瓜整个生育期生长、产量及黄瓜品质没有显著影响。

【Abstract】 Cucumber is one of the most important vegetable. Grafting is an effective measure to improve the resistantance of cucumber, and it has been applied in cucumber production. The traditional grafting methods such as insert-grafting and cleft-grafting methods have some disadvantages such as low efficiency of grafting, so they are limited in cucumber production. Root-cut-grafting is a new grafting method and is suited for cucumber, but there were few reports about the physiological mechanism of this method. In this study, the effects of different grafting methods on the growth of grafted cucumber seedlings were investigated, and the standard on the root-cut-grafting and the effects of grafting on the growth and quality of cucumber were conducted. The results were as follows:1. The effects of different grafting methods (cleft-grafting, insert-grafting and root-cut-grafting) on the growth and physiology properties of cucumber seedlings were investigated. The materials were Cucurbita ficifolia and Jinchun No.2 as stock and scion, respectively; more ungrafted plants were used as controls. The results showed that: effect of three grafting methods on the growth was no difference for 13 days of grafting being over, but height, dry weight and leaf area of root-cut-grafting cucumber were significantly higher than other two at 16 days after grafting. Besides, leaf area and stem diameter of grafted seedling were higher than the ungrafted. In addition, in the grafted seedlings, photosynthetic rate and amount of electron transfer in leaves increased and the content of K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, ZT and GA in bleaching sap ascended whereas the content of ABA decreased. Comparing root-cut-grafting with cleft-grafting and insert-grafting, the former displayed better than the latters in gas change ability, stomatal conductance transpiration rate, transpiration rate, root activity and more content of K+, Ca2+、Mg2+ and ZT. All of the above may be the cause for that root-cut-grafting is superior to other two grafting methods.2. The effects of different temperatures, lower (10℃/5℃), higher (40℃/35℃) and normal (25℃/20℃), on the growth and physiology properties of cucumber seedlings were investigated. The materials and grafting methods were the same as above. Compared with the control temperature, the results showed that the grafted and self-rooted cucumber seedlings were both injured under low and high temperature stress, but the injured index of the grafted cucumber seedlings was significantly lower than those of self-rooted under low temperature treatment, whereas the injured index of grafted seedlings under high temperature treatment were significantly higher than those of self-rooted seedlings, and the grafted seedlings with root-cut-grafting performed best among the three grafted methods. The leaves of seedlings under low and high temperature treatments contained more proline and soluble sugar, higher SOD and POD activities than those of controls. Meanwhile, the seedlings of low temperature treated and grafted had a better performance than high temperature treated and self-rooted ones seven days after recovery period, respectively. Therefore, it is concluded that "Figleaf gourd" was a proper rootstock for cucumber to improve the chilling resistance, but was not suitable for the higher temperature treatment; The root-cut-grafting method could improve the adaptability of cucumber seedlings to temperature treatment by increasing root activity and containing higher POD and SOD activities.3. The effects on cucumber seedlings of different controls that involved depth of stocks inserting (1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm), length of blade sections (0.4 cm, 0.8 cm, 1.2 cm) and height of shoots (3 cm, 4 cm, 5 cm) were investigated. Jinchun No.2 as scion and Cucurbita ficifolia and Chaofeng as stocks were used. The results suggested that, when stocks were inserted into substances for 1 cm, scion dry weight was highest and leaf area was relatively larger; on the contrary, growth vigor behaved worse when 3 cm. Additionally, when the length of blade sections was 1.2 cm, grafting survival rate was lowest, rot rate was highest, and growth parameters such as dry weight of root, length of scions, leaf area showed the worst. Meanwhile, the above parameters were better in case of 0.8 cm treatment. Moreever treatment of shoots height did not affect grafting survival rate notably, and grafting survival rate keep lower when the shoot height was 4 cm. Above all, it was thought that the treatment, as depth of stocks inserting was 1-2 cm, length of blade sections was approximately 0.8 cm and height of shoots was around 3 cm, would be suitable for root-cut-grafting.4. Effect of three grafted methods (root-cut-grafting, insert-grafting and cleft-grafting) on the growth and fruit quality of cucumber. The materials were the same as those in first experiment. The results reflected that after grafting, the early growth vigor was accelerated and female flowers timing was put off, at the same time, the total yield of grafted cucumber was advanced markably. What’s more, the fruit of grafted cucumber had increasing contents of soluble protein and free amino acid, however, the contents of water and soluble sugar were not significantly different from ungrafted, and decresing vitamin C content. Furthermore, fruit taste of insert-grafting was the worst. So the effect of three grafting methods on the growth, yield and fruit quality in the whole growth period showed no differences.
