

【作者】 杨澜

【导师】 郑传坤;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 农产品是人们生存必不可少的食品中的一类,随着经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,目前我国农产品质量安全问题正日益凸显,这会不但影响到广大人民群众的身体健康和生命安全,也影响了我国农业的健康持续性发展。因此,加强农产品质量安全监管势在必行。本文从分析我国农产品质量安全现状及监管执法中存在的问题入手,对比世界其他发达国家农产品质量安全监管的情况,思考改革和完善我国农产品质量安全监管执法的对策。全文共几个部分:第一部分,引言。本部分对论文研究的背景、目的和意义作了阐述,提出论文的研究思路和研究方法,全文采用了问卷调查法、文献阅读法、行动研究法等,并介绍了文中创新之处——引进国外先进的HACCP风险分析理论来完善我国农产品安全的预警体系、控制体系和检测标准体系,大胆构想了农产品安全事故执法责任制和从中央到地方的农产品安全特派员制度。第二部分,国外发达国家农产品质量安全现状及监管经验借鉴。美国的食品监管主要分为联邦、州县和国际间这样三个层次,在联邦政府的职能部门中主要是由美国农业部(USDA)、食品与药物管理局(FDA)以及环境保护局(EPA)三个部门来进行食品安全的执法监管工作。美国也是较早采用HACCP制度的国家,有效的预防了食源性疾病,保护了人们的生命健康。美国的食品安全风险分析体系(风险评估、风险管理、风险通报)对我国也是很有借鉴意义。欧盟的农产品安全监管是实行各成员国和欧盟的两级监控制度,由EFSA(欧洲食品安全局)来协调各国间不同的政策目标,并颁布欧盟食品安全原则和目标。欧盟各国都要根据制定的法律法规对农产品进行严格的市场准入和监管。加拿大的CFIA(食品检验署)是将原来分别归属于农业和农业食品部、卫生部、工业部等部门的食品监管职能集中起来设立的专门机构,统一负责食品安全、动物健康和植物保护的工作,并负有监督法规和质量安全标准执行情况的职责。日本主要是由厚生劳动省和农林水产省共同负责农产品质量安全的监管工作。农林水产省下设有完善的农产品质量安全检查体系,它还有专门的认证体系来负责推广和促进JAS标志的使用。发达国家都在本国完善的法律体系中都详细规定了每个部门相应的职责,以保证管理不出现疏漏和缺陷、职能交叉的现象。其监管组织体系是对从生产到消费的全过程进行管理,覆盖范围很全面。而且他们在生产企业中所推行的HACCP等先进制度都是我们值得借鉴的。第三部分,介绍我国农产品质量安全监管现状。我国近些年不断颁布新的法律法规来完善我国的农产品质量安全法律体系,但是在对违法者的法律规定上处罚力度不够、惩处不严。监管权的配置已经不适应现在食品安全的内在要求,我国现在主要是由食品药品监督管理局、农业部门和工商行政管理部门、质量检验检疫部门、卫生以及其他部门来负责农产品安全的监管工作的各个环节,而各监管机构的职责不清,监管体系分割严重,职能分散。诸如同一种食品、同一环节的监管职能由多个监管机构来分担,但部门之间的责任划分不清。第四部分,分析我国农产品质量安全及监管存在问题及问题产生的原因:我国的农产品质量安全缺失监管执法责任制,法律体系中缺失市场准入的相关规范和监督机制也存在不完善的地方,农业监管部门由于利益冲突造成多头监管,职能交叉从而导致农业监管实际效率低下以及监管空白和重复监管,既增加了政府的监管成本又增加了企业的经营成本。监管执法上缺乏规范化和持续性,执法不严、力度不够,不能形成高效运行、配合默契的行政监管体制。在信息服务体系落后,缺乏有力的追究监管失职行为责任制。第五部分,对加强农产品质量安全监管的思考,提出作者的思考和建议。加强农产品生产监管和流通监管,提高农产品质量安全。对农产品从“农田到餐桌”整个过程的各环节进行全面整治,把强化生产监管作为切入点和突破口。完善法律制度体系,健全质量标准体系,完善检验检测体系,建立信息服务体系,理清部门执法职能,强化执法力度和手段,设置农产品市场准入,建立和完善农产品市场监测制度,改革市场流通方式,建立农产品质量安全信息追溯机制,执法联动机制。建立健全农产品安全监管执法责任制、建立并完善风险评估和预警机制以及从中央到地方的农产品安全特派员制度等方面来完善我国政府质量安全监管中的不足。

【Abstract】 Agricultural products is a kind of food that people eat everyday necessarily, at present our country agricultural products safety problem is becoming more and more serious come along with economy developing fast and standard of people living improving. It is affects the body’s healthy and life safety, affects our country agriculture’s constant develop healthily. Therefore it is necessary to strengthen the safety of quality in agricultural products. This paper firstly analyses the problem of our country agricultural products supervision, compared with the supervision actuality of other developed countries in the world and brings forward suggestion innovation, make our country agricultural products safety supervision perfect.The paper totally is consisted of a few parts:The first part is outline. It defines the background of research, purpose and significance ,it points out that the train of thought research and the method of research, use the way of questionnaire investigating, document reading ,action researching and so on .Recommend the invention in thearticle——use for reference advanced HACCP theory to perfect our countryagricultural products early warning system, control system and detection standards system, imagine the institution denounce publicly for officer in agricultural products accident and expedite the agricultural products safety accredited person from center to district.The second part, introduce the actuality of agricultural products quality safety and supervision experience abroad. American food supervision is composed of three level: federal level, state level, international level. In the federal department: USDA, FDA and EPA three departments in charge of food safety supervision. It uses the system of HACCP early, carry out it effectively defends ailment cause by food, protect people health. Our country can learn from American food safety risk analysis system(risk evaluate, risk management, risk aviso). European union carry out two polar monitor institution, EFSA harmony different policy target, publish the principle and goal of European food safety. All country in European union should carry on rigorous market access and supervision according to law and rules. Canadian CFIA is a special organization that concentrate the function belongs to agriculture department, ministry of health and industry department beforetime. It takes charge of food safety, animal health and plant protection, have the duty of supervise law and execute quality safety standard . Japanese labor province and agriculture forestry marine lives province shared see to agricultural produce safety supervision work. Agriculture forestry marine lives province have perfect agricultural produce quality safety checking system ,it have special attest system to spread and accelerate use the JAS sign. Japanese agricultural standard is composed of three different levels, therefore it coverage widely. Developed country detailed regulate every deparment duty in perfecting law system, assure management have never neglect and defect, duty crossed . their supervision organize system manage all process from produce to consume, and they carry out HACCP advanced system in enterprise is worth we learn from.The third part, introduce our country’s actuality of agricultural products quality safety, supervision and problem. Recently our country have published new law to perfect agricultural products quality safety system, but perform force is not enough, punishment is not rigorous. Supervision rights collocate doesn’t adapt to immanence demand. At present our country food and drug supervise administration, agricultural branch, industry commerce administration department, quality examine department, hygiene, business and other departments take charge of every part in agricultural products safety supervision. Supervision organization function is confusion, system partition seriously, such as the same food, the same link is shared responsibility for a few supervision organizations, but among departments responsibility is confusion.The fourth part, analyse the problem and reason of our country’s actuality of agricultural products quality safety and supervision. Because our country agriculture law lack of market access system and responsibility system of executing the law. Agricultural supervision advantage conflict cause supervise repeat, function across and supervise vacancy result in inefficient, supervision is not normative and continue .Information service system is lag behind, lack of finding out delinquent activity responsibility system.The fifth part, think of intensifying the agricultural products quality safety and supervision, put in the author’s suggestion . Strengthen agricultural products production’s supervision, improve agricultural products quality safety. From farmland to table the each part of whole process have been overally administer, strengthen produce supervise and use it breach hole. Perfecting the system of law, make the system of quality standard sound, perfect the system of test and examination ,build the system of message service ,make clear the function of every department , strengthen the force and method ,keep high efficiency of supervision, and so on. Establishing and perfecting agricultural products safety enforce the law and call someone to account system. Found agricultural products safety supervision execute the law of responsibility system, consummate evaluate risk and early warning system and agricultural products safety special system to solve the deficiency of our country government supervise safety quality.

  • 【分类号】F322
  • 【被引频次】5
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