

The Perfect of Foreign Trade Agency System in China

【作者】 李园

【导师】 余子新;

【作者基本信息】 燕山大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 我国外贸代理是代理在外贸领域的特殊应用,它既有代理的一般特点,又存在自己独特的个性。我国目前关于外贸代理的立法包括《民法通则》、《关于对外贸易代理制的暂行规定》、《合同法》和《对外贸易法》。这些外贸代理的立法不完整、不合理,致使司法适用出现困难。同时,我国的宏观经济环境也没有为外贸代理提供宽松的发展环境,外贸代理是政府的强制行为,不符合市场经济的发展要求,离国际上通行的外贸代理制还存在不小的距离。外贸代理要发展,先要解决立法上的混乱。一要重构《民法典》中代理制度,在立法中采用广义代理的概念,扩大代理的内涵,把直接代理、间接代理囊括在代理法中,并吸收英美法中隐名代理、不公开本人身份代理的合理因素。二要重新设计现行外贸代理法律法规,使现行外贸代理关系更清晰规范。三要加入《国际货物销售代理公约》,使外贸代理能适应国际化的发展要求。四要政府根据各地的情况出台《外贸代理条例》,对外贸代理制的实施细节做出规定。外贸代理要发展,政府应排除对外贸企业的直接干预,完善市场经济体系。更为重要的是外贸配套制度要跟上,与“登记制”同步,这才是外贸代理制推广和发展的出路。代理制是现代社会中的一项非常重要的法律制度。随着商品经济的发展、社会分工的细化,民商事活动愈来愈多地依赖代理人来完成,外贸代理更以其专业化、产业化、独立化的特点备受各国的推崇。我国外贸代理制起步较晚,且发展缓慢,效果不很理想,已经陷入困境。因此,研究外贸代理制的完善问题,不仅有其理论意义,也有现实意义。

【Abstract】 Chinese foreign trade agency is a special form of agency. It not only has the general characteristics of agent, but also has its own unique personality. The laws relevant to foreign trade agency are“General Principles of Civil Law”,“Contract Law”and“Foreign Trade Law”. It can be said that Chinese current foreign trade agency legislation is incomplete, unreasonable and could not apply to judicial suits. At the same time, Chinese macroeconomic environment did not provide a liberal environment for foreign trade agency either. Foreign trade agency comes from the government mandatory, so it does not meet the requirements of the market economy. Because of foreign trade agency is imperfect, there is a long gap between the international common agency and foreign trade agency in our country.To develop the foreign trade agency, we should resolve the legislative chaos at first. Firstly, the author proposes to reconstruct the agency system of“Civil Law”, and advises to expand the connotation of agent. And she also advises to absorb the reasonable factors in British and American Agency Law. Secondly, in order to make the existing trade relations clearer, we should redesign the existing laws and regulations of foreign trade agency. Thirdly, we should join the“Convention on the International Sale of Goods Agents”, and short the distance between foreign trade agency and the international agency. At last, government should introduce the“Foreign Trade Agents Ordinance”according to different situations in various parts of China.For the economic environment, the government should rule out direct intervene in foreign trade agency, and create a liberal and fair external economic environment for foreign trade agency. Furthermore, it is more important to pay more attention to the matching system of foreign trade agency, for it is the key to promote the development of foreign trade agency. The agency system is very important in modern society. With the development of commodity economy and the specification of the division of labor in society, the action of civil suit and commercial affairs are relying on agents more and more. Foreign trade agency especially has the greatest esteem for its specialization, industrialization and independence. But agency system of China falls into dire straits because of beginning lately and developing slowly, and has not a so good effect. So it has not only theoretical value but also practical meaning to explore this problem.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 燕山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期