

The Research of Program Design and Workflow on Oil Production Stimulation Technique

【作者】 高琛

【导师】 陈德春;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机技术的不断发展,企业信息化已经成为企业寻找新的经济增长点的热点和焦点,以信息化带动企业相关产业的发展,全面提升企业管理水平逐步成为企业发展的主题,这一点在油田也不例外。采油工程技术措施是保证原油产量以及提高油田采收率和开发效果的重要手段。目前,采油工程技术措施方案的设计规范性不好、数据不统一,并且措施方案的设计、审批过程效率比较低。本研究在油田各采油厂、矿、队的有关信息进行收集、整理和油田采油工程数据库的基础上,通过对采油工程数据库和各类措施的设计方法的研究,研发采油工程技术措施方案设计工作流系统,充分利用和共享采油工程数据,为油田开发及采油工程有关人员提供必要的数据资料,提高油田开发水平,促进采油工程技术措施方案设计的规范化、标准化和各项资料管理的合理化、科学化,实现采油工程措施方案设计审批的网络化,以达到提高设计水平和工作效率的目的。该系统既适用于生产单位,也要适用于上级主管部门和科研单位;既考虑当前的适应性,也要考虑今后系统的完善、扩充及全油田联网。本文提出了一种将数据库技术与工作流技术相结合的工作模型,利用数据库技术实现了对信息流的控制,并以此为基础研发了河南油田作业措施设计工作流系统软件,在实际应用中取得良好效果。

【Abstract】 With the continuous advancement of computer technology, enterprise information which can enhance some other relevant enterprises’ development and the management level of enterprise has become the economic growth hot point and focus that enterprises search for, so dose the oilfield. Petroleum engineering technology is an important measurement to ensure the oil production, high oil recovery and development effect. At present, the design of petroleum engineering technology is not criteria and the data is not uniform. Moreover, the process of the design and examine depends on mainly on the artificial. So, the efficiency is relatively low. In this work, through collecting, collating, processing and utilizing the information of the oil production factory, mine and crew and based on the petroleum engineering database and design methods of various measurements, the work flow system of petroleum engineering measurement is designed. The data of petroleum engineering is full used an shared, which can provide necessary data for the development work and staff, improve the level of the oilfield development, promote the criterion and the standardization of petroleum engineering technology, the rationalization and the scientific of the data management, network design of petroleum engineering and achieve the purpose of improving the work efficiency. The system should be applicable to neither the production units nor the higher authorities and research institutes. It should consider the current adaptation and the complete, expansion and the networking of oilfield wide in the future. In this paper, a work model combining the database base technology with the work flow technology is proposed. Using the database technology, the flow of information could be controlled in the model. Based on that, a workflow software was developed for operation measurements in HeNan oilfield and the effect is well in practical applications.

【关键词】 方案设计工作流措施作业数据库软件
【Key words】 Scheme DesignWorkflowStimulation techniqueDatabaseSoftware
  • 【分类号】TE41
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】406