

Laboratory Studies for Oil Displacement by Air Injection in Bonan Luo36 Reservoir

【作者】 付治军

【导师】 王杰祥;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 注空气开采低渗透轻质油油藏是一项富有创造性的提高采收率新技术,可用于注水后轻质油田的三次采油,也适用于注水困难的低渗油田的二次采油,还可与注水技术并用保持地层压力及重力稳定驱油。注空气低温氧化驱油不但具有一般注气的作用,而且具有氧化产生的其他效果。空气注入油藏后,氧气和原油发生放热氧化反应,消耗氧气生成碳的氧化物,而且反应产生的热量还会使油层温度升高,促使轻质组分蒸发。因此,油层内起驱油作用的是由CO2、N2和蒸发的轻烃组分等组成的烟道气。文章通过调研国内外注空气室内实验研究和矿场应用情况,总结出注空气提高采收率的机理,并利用高压静态反应装置、动态驱替装置测试和评价在不同条件下原油与空气接触后的氧化动力学。测试反应后气体含量变化,评价油品、温度及空气滞留时间对耗氧率的影响,为油藏数值模拟提供理论基础。同时,通过注空气、空气泡沫低温氧化动态驱替实验,发现渤南罗36块注空气水平驱替提高采收率幅度不大,驱替效率比水驱平均提高1-3个百分点,实际油藏中,可能会有一定的倾角,依靠重力稳定驱替,可改善驱替效果,另外,为防止气体过早突破,实验中通过注入一定段塞泡沫封堵高渗透带,发现采收率大幅度提高,在水驱的基础上,空气泡沫驱可提高采收率30%以上。

【Abstract】 The exploiting low permeability and light oil reservoir by air injection is a novel creative technique of enhancing recovery. It is applicable to water flooded oil reservoir for tertiary oil recovery and to low permeable reservoir for secondary oil recovery which is not suitable for water-flood. Air injection can be applied for maintaining reservoir pressure with water flooding,and for gravity drainage. When air is injected into reservoir, there is not only ordinary gas effect, but also other effect of oxidation. The exothermic oxidation reaction between the oil and oxygen is emerged, the oxygen is consumed and carbon oxide is produced, and the heat can make the reservoir temperature increase and make the light component evaporate. Thus air injection in reservoir is a flue-gas displacement which containing carbon dioxide, nitrogen and the evaporating light hydrocarbon component. By researching air injection laboratory testing and field testing at home and abroad, the paper summarizes the mechanism of enhance oil recovery by air injection, also tests and evaluates crude oil oxidation kinetics after contact with the air in different conditions through using high pressure reactor and dynamic displacement device. It tests produced gas constituent and analyzes the affection of oil, temperature and air hold-up time to the oxygen consumption rate. The theoretical basis is provided for numerical reservoir simulation. In the meanwhile, Through the air injection, air foam injection in low-temperature oxidation dynamic displacement experiments, the result indicates that the oil recovery with horizontal displacement by air injection is modest at Bonanluo36 reservoir, average 1-3 percentage points higher than the water drive, but in actual reservoir, may have a certain reservoir declination, oil recovery can be improved by gravity drainage. Moreover, to prevent gas early breakthrough, it injects a certain foam bubble slug to plug high permeability zone, makes oil recovery enhance greatly, enhances oil recovery 30 percent more than the water drive.

  • 【分类号】TE357.7
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】473