

Studies on Seismic Reflectivity Signature of Glutenite Body in Steep Slope Zone

【作者】 刘励云

【导师】 宋建国;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 陡坡带砂砾岩体油藏具有较大的勘探潜力,由于陡坡带各种类型砂砾岩扇体的特殊沉积构造背景,造成砂砾岩扇体的展布和成藏特征也各不相同。尽管可从地震剖面上标定解释出砂砾岩体,但是无法判断扇体的储层性质、储集性能。根据已知砂砾岩体油藏情况,总结小型浊积扇体的成藏规律和勘探方法,对指导陡坡带类似扇体的勘探部署意义重大。为此论文以车镇北带地质、测井和地震资料为基础,从实际资料出发,结合地震反射波运动学和动力学特征,分析陡坡带砂砾岩体的地震地质特征,获得了扇体的类型、以及各类扇体特征和分布规律。在此基础上建立陡坡带砂砾岩体模型,利用波动方程成像方法获得砂砾岩体理论模型地震响应。通过对模型地震响应的分析获得不同沉积条件下扇体反射特征以及各项地层参数对反射特征的影响。对典型扇体地震资料和所建模型正演结果进行波阻抗反演,在此基础上分析了反演结果与不同砂砾岩体的关系,获得了扇体亚相不同岩性分布对应的反演特征。对典型扇体资料提取多种地震属性并进行分析,优选出能反映不同扇体的地震属性,并利用多种地震属性分析方法获得各个扇体的地震属性特征。通过以上定量、半定量地震分析方法建立各类扇体的识别模式,判断扇体储层性质,并建立了一套从实际资料→模型→模型资料→实际资料与模型对比→回到实际资料的分析砂砾岩反射特征的研究方法,为砂砾岩体勘探打下基础。

【Abstract】 Glutenite reservoir in steep slope zone has great exploration potential. Because of specialsedimentary tectonic setting of steep slope zone,the distribution of glutenite fans and thecharacteristics of reservoir formation are different from other kinds of reservoir。We candemarcate and interpret glutenite from the seismic sections, but could not determine thereservoir nature and the properties of the fan. According to the known glutenite reservoir, wesummarized the reservoir formation rules and exploration method of small turbidite fan,which has significant deployment sense for guiding similar fan exploration in steep slopezone. Based on the geology, logging and seismic data in the north zone of Chezhen ,startingfrom the actual data with seismic reflectivity signature of wave kinematics and dynamics, thispaper analyzed the geological and seismic feature of glutenite body in steep slope zone, andaccessed the type of fans, as well as the feature and distribution of various fans. Then weestablished the model of the glutenite body in steep slope zone, and gained the seismicresponse of the glutenite theoretical model using wave equation imaging method. Through theanalysis of the model seismic response, we acquired seismic reflectivity signature under thecondition of different sedimentation and the effect of reservoir parameters on seismicreflectivity signature. Then we made impedance inversion on the seismic data of typical fanand the forward results of the built models. On this basis, we analyzed the relationshipbetween the results of the inversion and the different glutenite body, and obtainedcorresponding feature of the inversion of the different lithology in subfacies. Variousattributions were extracted and analyzed from the typical seismic data. Then we selected theseismic attributions which can reflect different fans and gained the feature of seismicattributions using various analysis methods. Through the pattern recognition of various typesof fan established by above quantitative or semi-quantitative analysis methods, we can discriminate reservoir properties of the fan and establish the methods of seismic feature ofglutenite. It built the foundation for the exploration of glutenite.
