

The Reservior Geological Characteristic and Evaluation of Development Effect in Che40 & Che44 Block Dongfenggang Oilfield

【作者】 代鹤伟

【导师】 毕义泉; 林承焰;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 东风港油田车40、44块目前处在油田开发的中期阶段,开发过程中表现出的问题主要是,油藏压力水平较低,油井供液不足,产量递减快。为了保证油田有效平稳的开发,详细研究了解工区的油藏地质特征,明确影响开发的地质因素,在此基础上进行生产动态分析和开发效果的评价,找出影响目前开发效果的原因,有针对性的提出技术对策和制定调整措施方案。本论文对研究区进行了油藏地质特征分析,对主力层段的地层发育特征、沉积特征以及储层非均质性进行了研究。研究认为研究区沙三上段为浊积扇沉积,油层分布以岩性为主要控制因素,属构造—岩性油藏。砂体发育相对较差,各小层内部砂体零散分布,面积小,多呈透镜体状、小面积扇状和条带状,且平面上厚度变化较大(2-6m)。储层平面非均质性较强,连通性较差,给油田大面积注水开发带来一定困难。同时,本文对研究区这种呈透镜状、小面积扇状和条带状零散分布的砂岩油藏的生产特征以及开发效果进行了分析研究,明确指出了目前油田开发过程中存在的注采井数比不合理,油藏压力低,产量自然递减率高等诸多问题。针对存在的问题提出了相应的技术对策,包括开发层系的划分,开发方式的选择,合理井距的确定,日产油能力,含水后最大日产油产液量的确定以及注水量的确定。最后在油藏地质特征及开发特征研究的基础上制定了综合调整方案,共提出转注井27口,重新投注已停注井车40-17-17,更新井一口车40-27-33,注采井数比提高为为1:1.46,并且对15年的生产指标进行预测,采用多种方法计算平均水驱采收率为27.35%。

【Abstract】 Che40&Che44 block,DongFenggang is in middle period of development of the oil field, the principal problems in the process of development are that the value of reservoir pressure is on the low side,the feed flow of production wells is insufficient and the decline of production is fast.In order to ensure efficient and steady development, the paper investigates and studies the geologic reservoir characteristics of this area so as to understand the geologic factors which affect the production, and on this basis, the dynamic analysis and the evaluation of development are made in order to find the inappropriate working system existing in production process at present, and proposes advisable technologic countermeasures to the development problems present and develops flood pattern modification in this paper at last.Firstly,through the investigation of reservoir geology characteristics of the region of interest, stratigraphic characteristics, sedimentary characteristics and reservoir heterogeneity characteristics are studied. The sedimentary facie of the upper sub-section of the third member of Shahejie is turbidity fan, and the distribution of oil layers in the third member of Shahejie is controlled dominantly by lithology. The reservoirs belong to structure-lithology reservoirs.Sand bodies in every layer distribute scatteredly, and have large various thickness with small area in sub layers, liking lens or small fans or banded. The strong heterogeneity and the poor connectivity of reservoir make the pattern flooding difficult.Then , the studys on the production characteristics and the effect of development point out clearly that many defects exist in the process of development, such as the unreasonable injection to producing well ratio , the low reservoir pressure and high the natural decline rate.Countermeasures were proposed for the existing problems properly, which contain the division of layer series of development, the choice of development mode, the confirmation of reasonable well spacing, the determination of daily oil production and the daily injection flow rate. At last, adjustment scheme were made on the basis of the former studying, and predicted the development index
