

Research on Relevance of Serving Time of Qinggong Drug and Its Clinical Efficacy

【作者】 陆雅娟

【导师】 刘长松;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 临床兽医学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以昆明小鼠及荷斯坦奶牛为试验动物,采用随机化试验设计,研究了昆明小鼠怀孕期、模拟发情期、分娩后1~9h离体子宫收缩:分娩后1~9h内昆明小鼠、分娩后1~6d内奶牛血中E2、P4水平的变化;分娩后不同E2、P4水平时期投服清宫药增强子宫张力、减少子宫内细菌数量、促进子宫净化、加快生殖机能恢复的相关性,探讨了奶牛分娩后投服清宫药的最佳时期。1、清宫药对怀孕期、模拟发情期昆明小鼠离体子宫收缩力的影响。将32只小鼠分为A(怀孕14天投药)、B(怀孕14天未投药)、C(发情后投药)、D(发情后未投药)4组,每组8只,投药后1小时均行离体子宫收缩测定。结果表明:A、C组分别显著高于B、D组(P<0.05)。2、分娩后投服清宫药对昆明小鼠离体子宫收缩力的影响。将80只分娩后母鼠分为A(分娩后1h投药)、B(分娩后3h投药)、C(分娩后5h投药)、D(分娩后7h投药)、E(分娩后9h投药)、F(分娩后1h未投药)、G(分娩后3h未投药)、H(分娩后5h未投药)、I(分娩后7h未投药)、J(分娩后9h未投药)10组,每组8只,投药后1小时均行离体子宫收缩测定。结果表明:投药组子宫收缩力均显著高于未投药组(P<0.05),其中D组极显著高于I组(P<0.01)。3、分娩后昆明小鼠血中E2、P4水平的变化。将40只分娩后母鼠分为A(分娩后1h未投药)、B(分娩后3h未投药)、C(分娩后5h未投药)、D(分娩后7h未投药)、E(分娩后9h未投药)5组,每组8只,放射免疫法测定各组小鼠血清中E2、P4水平。结果表明:D组小鼠血中E2含量显著高于A、B、C、E组(P<0.01),P4含量极显著高于A和E组(P<0.01)。4、分娩后奶牛E2、P4水平的消涨。随机选择正常分娩奶牛6头,于分娩后第1、2、3、4、5、6天测定E2、P4水平。结果表明:E2第1~3天呈上升趋势,第4天起开始下降;P4于第1~4天呈上升趋势,第5天起开始下降。5、奶牛分娩后血中不同E2、P4水平投服清宫药与子宫内细菌总数,子宫净化,生殖机能恢复的相关性。将48头2~3胎正常分娩奶牛随机分为六组,A组(分娩后第1d投服清宫药)、B组(分娩后第2d投服清宫药)、C组(分娩后第3d投服清宫药)、D组(分娩后第4d投服清宫药)、E组(分娩后第5d投服清宫药)、F组(分娩后未投药),每组8头,分别测定各组奶牛分娩后1-7天子宫内细菌总数、恶露排尽天数、首次配种受胎率、子宫炎发生率、发情周期。结果表明:分娩后第7d,A组(5.59±0.23×106 cfu/ml)和F组(5.45±0.42×106 cfu/ml)子宫内细菌总数均显著高于其它各组(P<0.01)。恶露排尽平均天数(15.6 d)和首次发情平均天数(32.4d)属D组最短,但差异不显著;D组的首次配种受胎率(80.00%)显著高于A组(40.00%)和F组(40.00%)(P<0.01);子宫炎发生率(0.00%)显著低于A组(12.00%)和F组(37.50%)(P<0.01);发情周期正常率(100.00%)高于A组(80.00%)和F组(62.50%)但差异不显著(P>0.05)。本研究表明:投服清宫药的效果与血中E2、P4水平密切相关。奶牛分娩后第4d在E2开始下降,P4开始升高时投服清宫药具有明显促进产后生殖机能恢复、减少子宫炎发生、显著提高首次配种受胎率的效果。

【Abstract】 The Kunming mouse and Holstein cows were been taken as laboratory animals for this experiment,which study by randomized experimental design to study vitro uterine contractions of the mice during pregnancy,simulation estrus period,and1 to 9 h after childbirth;the changes of the level of E2 and P4 from 1 to 9 h within mice’delivery and1 to 6 days within cows’ childbirth;to study taking Qinggong drug after childbirth in different level of E2 and P4 to increase uterine tension,reduce the number of bacteria in the uterus, promote uterine purification,and speed up recovery of related reproductive function.And discuss the best time of taking Qinggong medicine after cows’ childbirth.1.The infuhence of Qinggong drugs on mice’s vitro uterine contraction during pregnancy and analog estrus.We divide 32 baby mouse into A、B、C、D 4 groups of each have eight mouse.A is taken drug in 14-days’ pregnancy.B is not taken drug in 14-days’ pregnancy.C is taken drugs after estrus and D is not taken drugs after estrus.We determine vitro uterine contractions in one hour after the 32 mouse using the medicine,and the result showes that,uterine contraction in group A,B respectively significantly highter than in C, D(P<0.05).2.The infuluence of taken Qinggong drugs after mice’s childbirth on uterine contraction.80 female rats after childbirth are divided into A(use medicine after childbirth in 1h),B(use medicine after childbirth in 3h),C(use medicine after childbirth in 5h),D(use medicine after childbirth in 7h),E(use medicine after childbirth in 9h),F(not use medicine after childbirth in 1h),G(not use medicine after childbirth in 3h),H(not use medicine after childbirth 5h),I(not use medicine after childbirth in 7h),J(not use medicine after childbirth in 9h) 10 groups,each with 8 mouse.We determine vitro uterine contractions after take them medicine in one hour.Result shows that,dosing groups’ uterine contractility are significantly highter than the otherwise(P<0.05),and group d is obviously higher than group I(P<0.01).3.The change of P4 level in the mice,s blood after childbirth.40 female rats after childbirth are divided into A(not use medicine after childbirth in 1h),B(not use medicine after childbirth in 3h),C(not use medicine after childbirth in 5h),D(not use medicine after childbirth in 7h),E(not use medicine after childbirth in 9h) 5 groups,each with eight mouse.We determine each group’ E2 and P4 levels in blood by RIA,and the result shows that,E2 levels in the mice,s blood of group D is significantly highter than in group A,B,C and E(P<0.01).4.The changes of E2,P4 level of the cow after childbirth.We select six cows randomly which are normal deliveries,and determine E2,P4 level in the 1,2,3,4,5,6 days after delivery.The results show that,E2 has a upward trend in the first 1~3 days,and begins declining from the 4th day.P4 in the first one to four days has a upward trend,and begins to decline from fifth days.5.The correlation among taking Qinggong drug after childbirth in different level of E2 and P4 in cows’ blood,the number of bacteria in the uterus,and recovery of related reproductive function.We divide 48 cows which have normal delivery in the first 2 to 3 childbirths into six groups randomly,group A(take Oinggong drug after delivery in 1d), group B(take Qinggong drug after delivery in 2d),group C(take Oinggong drug after delivery in 3d),group D(take Qinggong drug after delivery in 4d),group E(take Qinggong drug after delivery in 5d),group F(not take Qinggong drug after delivery),and each group has 8 mouse.We respectively determine each group’ total number of bacteria, number of lyma exhaustion’s days,the rate of first breeding conception,the rate of endometritis,and estrus cycle of the 1~7 days after delivery.The result shows that:Delivery after the 7th day,the total number of bacteria in the cows uterus of group 6(5.45±0.42×106 Cfu/ml) and group 1(5.59±0.23×106 cfu/ml) significantly higher than the other groups(P<0.01).The average days of lyma exhaustion(15.6 d) and the first estrus on group D is shortest in all groupes,but the difference is not significant.The first breeding conception rate on group D(80.00%) is significantly higher than that of a group A(40.00%) and group F(40.00%)(P<0.01).The rate of occur endometritis on group D(0.00%) is significantly lower than group A (12.00%) and group F(37.50%)(P<0.01). Normal estrous cycle rate on group D(100.00%)is higher than that of group A(80.00 percent) and group F(62.50 percent),but the difference is not significant(P>0.05).This study shows that:the effect of takeing Qinggong drug is closely correlated with the level of E2,P4 in blood.We take cows Qinggong medincine on the fourth day after cow’s delivery when E2 starts to decline,P4 begins to increase,and have good effect on obvious reproductive function for postpartum recovery,decreasing rate of endometritis and improving the first breeding pregnancy rate significantly.

【关键词】 雌激素孕激素子宫复旧清宫药奶牛子宫收缩力
【Key words】 EstrogenProgesteroneUterine involutionQinggong drugsCow
  • 【分类号】S853.7
  • 【被引频次】1
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