

Research of Hydrobiology in the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province

【作者】 陈校辉

【导师】 董在杰;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 渔业, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 2004~2005年在长江江苏段选设4个断面7个监测点,通过定点定期监测的方式对长江江苏段鱼类、浮游动植物、底栖动物等进行了为期1年的调查和研究,具体结果概述如下:1长江江苏段鱼类种类组成和优势种的研究根据2001~2005年对长江江苏段鱼类的调查与监测,结合鱼类学研究的最新观点,对长江江苏段鱼类历史资料进行整理和归并,结果长江江苏段共记录鱼类162种(19目42科)。本次调查采集到鱼类15目32科109种,其中2个新种,2个省新记录,种类组成以鲤科鱼类为主,共48种,占44.04%;鳅科和(?)科各7种,分别占6.42%;鰕虎鱼科6种,占5.50%;鮨科5种,占4.25%;银鱼科和塘鳢科各3种,分别占2.75%;鳀科、鲶科、鲻科、弹涂鱼科和鳗虾虎鱼科各2种,分别占1.83%;其它20科各1种。根据相对重要性指标(IRI)计算,江苏全江段的优势种分别为(?)Hemiculterleucisculus(Basilewsky)、鲫Carassius auratus auratus(Linnaeus)、鳊Parabramispekinensis(Basilewsky)、鲤Cyprinus capio Linnaeus、刀鲚Coilia nasus Schlegel、贝氏(?)Hemiculter bleekeri Warpachowsky、似鳊Pseudobrama simony(Bleeker)、香斜棘(?)Callionymus olidus Günther、鲢Hypophthalmichthys molitrix(Valenciennes)、草鱼Ctenopharyngodon idellus(Valenciennes);优势种平均体重为0.974~292.431g,江段鱼类小型化,低龄化态势仍十分严重。2长江江苏段浮游植物群落结构特征2004年9月~2005年3月长江江苏段枯、平、丰3个水期的浮游植物的采集调查,共检出长江江苏段浮游植物10门96属168种(包括未定种),其中绿藻门64种,占38.10%;硅藻门58种,占34.52%;蓝藻门25种,占14.88%;裸藻门8种,占4.76%;黄藻门5种,占2.98%;金藻门3种,占1.79%;甲藻门2种,占1.19%;红藻门、隐藻门和轮藻门各1种,占0.60%。丰水期浮游植物优势群为直链藻(Melosira)、颤藻(Oscilatoria)、脆杆藻(Fragilaria)和纤维藻(Ankistrodesmus);平水期优势群为直链藻(Melosira)、颤藻(Oscilatoria)、脆杆藻(Fragilaria)、微孢藻(Microspora)和圆筛藻(Coscinodiscus);枯水期优势群为星杆藻(Asterionella.)、新月藻(Closterium)、直链藻(Melosira)和脆杆藻(Fragilaria)。各江段浮游密度都以枯水期最高,基本以丰水期为最低。3长江江苏段浮游动物群落结构和多样性研究于2004年9月、12月、2005年3月对长江江苏段浮游动物的群落结构进行了研究,结果表明浮游动物108种,以轮虫最多,45个种属,占41.66%。原生动物,12个种属,占11.11%。枝角类25个种属,占23.14%;桡足类26个种属,占24.07%。年浮游动物密度为个47.96/L,主要是以轮虫为主,全年常见的优势类群为:轮虫的臂尾轮虫属、三肢轮虫属、龟甲轮虫属、晶囊轮虫属;枝角类的象鼻溞属、秀体溞属;桡足类的真剑水蚤属、温剑水蚤属、许水蚤属等。4长江江苏段底栖动物群落结构现状及其水质的初步评价通过2004年9月、12月和2005年3月3次对长江江苏段底栖动物的定量调查及平时的定性补充调查,结果共发现底栖动物58种,其中环节动物门12种、软体动物门16种、节肢动物门30种;平均密度为95.03ind/m~2,不同水期密度分别为丰水期115.74 ind/m~2、平水期127.07 ind/m~2、枯水期42.27ind/m~2;主要优势种类为中华颤蚓、钉螺、日本沙蚕、河蚬和苏氏尾鳃蚓;Shannon-Wiener生物多样性指数为3.281;平均水质综合评定为轻度污染。

【Abstract】 By investigating fish、phytoplankton、zooplankton and zoobenthos in 4 Section 7 monitoring points in the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province during 2004 to 2005,to research of the hydrobiology in this section,the specific results are summarized as follows:1 Fish Composition and Dominant Species in the Yangtze River in Jiangsu ProvinceThe survey showed that 109 fish species representing 15 orders(32 families)in the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province,and two new species and two new-province-record species were found.The Cyprinidae consisting of 48 species is the largest family in the number of species,accounting for 44.04%;the Cobitidae and the Bagridae consists of 7 species respectively,accounting for 6.42%;the Gobiidae consists of 6 species,accounts for 5.50%;the Serranidae consisting of 5 species,accouts for 4.25%;the Salangidae and the Eleotridae consist of 3 species respectively,accounting for 2.75%;the Engraulinae,the Siluridae,the Mugilidae,the Periophthalmidae and the Taenioididae consist of 2 species respectively,accounting for 1.83%;for the remains,20 families were represented by one species respectively.The dominant species in the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province are Hemiculter leucisculus(Basilewsky),Carassius auratus auratus(Linnaeus),Parabramis pekinensis(Basilewsky),Cyprinus capio Linnaeus,Coilia nasus Schlegel,Hemiculter bleekeri Warpachowsky,Pseudobrama simony(Bleeker),Callionymus olidus Gunther, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix(Valenciennes),Ctenopharyngodon idellus(Valenciennes), and the mean weight of the dominant species is 0.974~292.431g.And the fish resources tend to be young in age and miniaturized in size.Combining monitoring data with historical data of fish in the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province in the period of 2001~2005,it is concluded that there are 162 species of fish(19 orders)in the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province.2 The Community Character of Phytoplankton in the Yangtze River in Jiangsu ProvinceDuring the flood period、usual dischange period、drought period of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province from September in 2004 to March in 2005,168 species(including undetermined species),96genus,10phylum phytoplankton were checked out.The phylum Chlorophyta contained 64 species,accounting for 38.10%;Bacillariophyta contained 58 species,accounting for 34.52%;Cyanophyta contained 25 species,accounting for 14.88%;Euglenophyta contained 8 species,accounting for 4.76%;Xanthophyta contained 5 species,accounting for 2.98%;Chrysophyta contained 3 species,accounting for 1.79%;Pyrrophyta contained 2 species,accounting for 1.19%;Rhodophyta, Cryptophyta and Charophyta contained 1 species,respectively,accounting for 0.60%.The dominant genus were Melosira、Oscilatoria、Fragilaria and Ankistrodesmus in the flood period;Melosira、Oscilatoria、Fragilaria、Microspora and Coscinodiscus in the usual dischange period;Asterionella、Closterium、Melosira and Fragilaria in the drought period.The density of phytoplankton was maximal in the drought period in each segment, and minimal in the flood period.3 The Community Character of Zooplankton in the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province.By investigating the community structure of the zooplankton in the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province during September of in 2004 to March of 2005,the result enunciates that are 108 species of zooplankton in the segment,the rotifera is the maximal group,having 45 spcies,accounting 41.66%.Protozoa are 12 species,accounting for 11.11%;cladocera are 25 species,accounting for 23.14%;copepoda are 26 species.The average density of zooplankton is 47.96 ind/L,mainly be composed by rotifera.The dominant genus are: Brachionusa、Filinia、Keratella、Asplanchna;Bosmina、Diaphanosoma;Eucyclops、thermocyclops、Schmackeria and so on.4 The Status of Zoobenthos Community Structure and Preliminary Evaluation of Water Quality in the Yangtze River in Jiangsu ProvinceBy investigate the zoobenthos in the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province during September of in 2004 to March 2005,58 species of zoobenthos were found out,including 12 species of Annelida,16 species of Mollusca and 30 species of Arthropoda;The average density of the zoobenthos in the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province was 95.03 ind/m~2.The density was 115.74 ind/m~2 in flood period、127.07 ind/m~2 in usual dischange period,and 42.27ind/m~2 in drought period,respectively.The dominant species were Tubifex sinicus, Oncomelania sp.,Nereis japonica,Corbicula flurninea and Branchiura sowerbyi.The Shannon-Wiener species diversity index of the Jiangsu section was 3.281.It could be overall evaluated that the average water quality in the Jiangsu section was slightly polluted.
