

Effects of Different Formulas of Foliar Fertilizers on Vegetable Growth and Quality

【作者】 全思懋

【导师】 沈其荣; 徐阳春;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 植物营养, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以青菜、黄瓜、蕹菜为供试对象,设置3个重复处理,采用盆栽试验与田间试验和室内分析相结合的方法,研究了不同配方叶面肥对蔬菜生长和品质的影响。其中,采用盆栽试验研究了不同浓度尿素与微量元素组合叶面喷施对青菜、黄瓜生长状况及品质的影响;采用大田试验研究了不同活性物质与微量元素组合叶面喷施对蕹菜生长状况的影响。其主要研究结果如下:1、与对照(喷清水)比较,本试验条件下所有供试的叶面肥均促进了青菜的生长,其中不添加微量元素、尿素浓度为1的处理青菜单株鲜重增加幅度最高,达34.8%,该处理的叶绿素含量增加幅度也最大;所有处理的青菜可溶性糖含量均显著增加,1尿素与1微量元素组合的A4处理的青菜可溶性糖含量最高,为对照的1.3倍;就维生素C而言,单纯喷施尿素会降低青菜的维生素C含量,但尿素与微量元素配合喷施能显著提高青菜维生素C含量,其中1/2尿素和1/2微量元素组合的A3处理的青菜维生素C含量最高,比对照增加了11.4%;与对照相比,所有喷施叶面肥的青菜硝酸盐含量均显著增加,其中1/2尿素与1微量元素组合的处理增加幅度最小。2、与对照(喷清水)比较,本试验条件下所有供试叶面肥均提高了黄瓜的产量和植株干重,其中3尿素与1/4微量元素组合处理的黄瓜产量增长幅度最高,达43.2%,该配方对提高黄瓜叶片叶绿素含量和黄瓜果实可溶性糖含量的效果也最好;相比与对照,所有处理的黄瓜植株后期根系活力、果实可溶性蛋白含量及果实维生素C含量都得到显著提高,其中3尿素与1/2微量元素组合的处理对提高黄瓜后期根系活力和果实可溶性蛋白含量的效果最显著,分别比对照提高了90.9%和23.1%;就黄瓜果实维生素C含量而言,3尿素与1微量元素组合的处理效果最好,比对照提高了11.7%。3、田间试验结果表明,与清水对照相比,供试叶面肥的各个配方均能显著改善蕹菜的生物学性状,提高产量,其中以在氮、钾、镁固定的基础上,叶面肥中添加活性物质2和1/4浓度微量元素的配方增产效果最好,增产幅度达52.5%,且该处理蕹菜的维生素C含量也最高;就蕹菜的可溶性糖含量和叶片叶绿素含量而言,以在氮、钾、镁一定的基础上,叶面肥中添加活性物质1和1/4微量元素与添加活性物质2和1/4微量元素的两个配方的效果最好,但二者之间没有显著差异;在氮、钾、镁一定的基础上,叶面肥中添加活性物质1和1/2微量元素与添加活性物质2和1/2微量元素的两个配方对提高蕹菜可溶性蛋白含量的效果最好,但二者之间没有显著差异。与对照相比,所有喷施叶面肥的蕹菜硝酸盐含量均显著增加,其中在氮、钾、镁一定的基础上,活性物质1与1微量元素及活性物质2与1微量元素组合的两个处理硝酸盐含量增加幅度最小,但二者之间差异不显著。研究还发现,活性物质2比活性物质1对提高蕹菜可溶性糖含量和维生素C含量效果更好。

【Abstract】 This paper studied effect of different formulas of foliar fertilizers on growth and quality of three types of vegetables, i.e., pechay (Brassica chinensis Linn), cucumber (Cucumis sativus), and water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica). Experiments included pot experiments and a field experiment. Greenhouse pot experiments was conducted to investigate effects of formulas with different concentrations of urea and micronutrients on growth and quality of pechay and cucumber, while field experiment was designed to reveal the effects of formulas with different concentrations of active substances and micronutrient on the growth and qualities of water spinach. The main results are listed as follows:1. Our formulas significantly increased fresh weight and plant height of pechay. Formula containing of one unit of urea obtained the highest fresh weight which was 34.8% higher than CK (freshwater application), and also significantly increased the plant chlorophyll content. All formula greatly increased total soluble sugar (TSS) in leaves. The highes TSS, which was 29.6% higher than CK, was found in formula with one unit of urea and one unit of micronutrient concentration. The effect of micronutrient addition increased vitamine C (Vc) content as compared with treatments of mircronutrient free formula, but the highes Vc content was in the formula in which the content of urea and micronutrients was halved and was 11.4% higher than CK. In terms of nitrate (NO3-) in leaves, the accumulation of NO3- was increased by addition of urea in comparson to CK, but was decreased by halving the concentrations of urea and maintaining that of micronutrients.2. As to cucumber, our formulars also significantly increased the plant dry weight and yield. The formula with 3 units of urea and one quarter unit of micronutrient reached the highest yield which was 43.2% higher than CK and increased contents of chlorophyll and soluble sugar in leaves. When micronutrient level was adjusted to one half unit, the root activity in maturate stage and the content of total soluble protein (TSP) in fruit reached to the highest and were 90.9% and 23.1% higher than CK, respectively. However, the treatment with one unit of micronutrient and 3 unit of urea gained the highest content of Vc in fruit and the Vc value on average was 11.7% higher than CK.3. Field plot experiment study showed that all formulas improved the agronomic performance and significantly increased yield of water spinach. The formula with 2 unit of active substance and one quarter unit of micronutrient and a set content of N, K and Mg had the highest yield which was 52.5% more than CK and the highest Vc content. Chlorophyll, TSS and TSP in spinach leaves were obviously increased under foliar fertilizer application with one quarter unit of micronutrient, but no significant difference between 1 and 2 units of active substances amendment at the same levels of other nutrients. Increasing of micronutrient concentration in formula to one half of unit enhanced TSP. When the micronutrient concentration was furtherly increased to one unit, NO3- content in leaves decreased. Additionally, 2 units of active substance was preferred to 1 unit for increasing of TSS and Vc, and for decreasing of NO3-.

【关键词】 叶面肥配方蔬菜生长与产量品质
【Key words】 Foliar fertilizersFormulaVegetablesGrowth and yieldQuality