

The Research on Logistics Business Process Design and Application of Medium-Sized and Mini-Sized Wine Enterprises

【作者】 张志坚

【导师】 张诚;

【作者基本信息】 华东交通大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,业务流程再造(BPR)作为一种先进的企业管理理念,一种可以提高企业核心竞争力的手段,已被越来越多的企业所采纳。在当前白酒市场竞争如此激烈的状况下,中小白酒企业以自身的资源进行自我调整的速度已远远赶不上市场变化的速度,更无法响应市场需求。因此,中小白酒企业必须做好自身内功,进行物流业务流程再造,以提高企业核心竞争力,只有这样,才能在市场竞争中取得一席之地。笔者对几家中小白酒企业进行了问卷调查和现场访谈,在对目前中小白酒企业物流业务流程现状及存在问题进行分析的基础上,提出了相应的实施对策。并结合中小白酒企业的实际情况,提出了物流业务流程设计的总体思路、指导思想,并规划了物流业务流程的设计过程,其中包括物流业务流程、物流组织结构、物流管理信息系统的设计。最后以四特酒有限责任公司为例,进行了相应的设计应用论证。

【Abstract】 Business process reengineering (BPR) has been increasing adopted by more and more enterprises recently, which can be used as a mean of strengthening enterprises’core competencies. Because the current wine market competition is so fierce , The speed of Medium-sized and mini-sized wine enterprises self-adjustment by their own resource is far lower than of the markets changing,not more timely responses to market demand. Therefore , Medium-sized and mini-sized wine enterprises must improve their qualities and carry out BPR to promote their core competencies. Only by this way can they base themselves upon market competition.Firstly, the author carried out questionnaires survey and Scene investigation in medium-sized and mini-sized wine enterprises, and then puts forward relevant countermeasures based on the analysis of medium-sized and mini-sized wine enterprises’situations and existing problems. Secondly, the author puts forward general train of thought and guiding thoughts of logistics business process design by combining medium-sized and mini-sized wine enterprises’practice situations. Meanwhile, the author makes out the logistics business process design course, which includes logistics business process, logistics organizational structure and logistics management information system design. Thirdly, the author makes relevant design application argumentation by taking SITE wine Co., Ltd. as an example.

  • 【分类号】F253;F426.82
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】713
  • 攻读期成果