

A Study on Psychosocial Factors to Social Avoidance and Distress in Pilots

【作者】 熊波

【导师】 娄振山;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 应用心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 军事飞行员是一个特殊的群体,从事高空、高速、高紧张、高危险的职业,与其他军事职业相比具有独特性。如他们总是工作在相对封闭的坏境,经常身处模拟战争的情景等,其生理和心理始终承受着巨大的压力。特别是现代高技术战争条件下,飞行员的心理健康水平的高低,将会直接影响飞行部队的战斗力。近年来我们在临床工作中发现,飞行员中出现的社交焦虑问题呈上升趋势,它不仅使飞行员产生主观紧张,而且妨碍社交活动,并使之社交主动性下降,已经严重地影响了飞行员的身心健康,降低了生活质量、婚姻质量。因而,加强对飞行员社交焦虑问题的研究,减轻焦虑对工作生活的影响,对增强飞行部队的战斗力具有重要的现实意义。目的:调查疗养期间部队飞行员的社交焦虑状况,研究其相关的心理社会因素,以期为临床心理咨询和治疗提供科学依据,对提高飞行部队的心理健康水平,确保训练任务的顺利完成具有重要的意义。方法:以2006年11月至2007年4月于南京军区杭州疗养院空勤疗养区入院疗养的部队飞行员476人为调查对象。采用社交回避及苦恼量表(SAD)、卡特尔16项人格因素问卷(16PF)、症状自评量表(SCL-90)、生活事件量表(LES)、特质应对方式问卷(TCSQ)、领悟社会支持量表(PSSS)及个人信息调查表进行调查和测评。数据采用社会科学数据统计软件包(SPSS15.0)进行统计分析。结果: 1.飞行员SAD得分为5.42±4.93,社交回避(SA)得分为3.42±2.73,社交苦恼(SD)得分为2.00±2.66,低于国内大学生常模(9.89±6.06,5.06±3.36,4.87±3.41);将16分定为SAD划界分,初略筛查出社交焦虑者17人,占3.71%,该比率也显著低于国内学者同期对不同学生群体的调查结果。运输机组SA和SD均显著大于其他机种组;飞行时间小于300小时的飞行员组SD明显大于其它组;疾病组SD明显大于健康组。2.与全国常模相比,飞行员具有高乐群性、聪慧性、稳定性、恃强性、兴奋性、有恒性、敢为性、世故性、自律性,具有低敏感性、怀疑性、忧虑性、独立性、紧张性。SA和SD均与16PF的恃强性、兴奋性、敢为性和忧虑性个性特质具有显著相关性,相关系数均大于0.343。3.飞行员SCL-90各因子得分均显著低于青年常模及军人常模,SA和SD与SCL-90的9个因子均呈显著正相关,尤其是SD受之影响更大,相关系数均大于0.251。4.飞行员LES总分为31.00±49.67,总分超过20分的有183人,占39.96%,超过32分的有125人,占27.29%。其中家庭问题23.78±37.94,工作学习问题5.37±12.22,社交其他问题1.68±5.40。SA和SD与过去发生的负性家庭、工作学习、社交问题密切相关,工作学习问题尤为突出(相关系数为0.151和0.275)。5.飞行员TCSQ的积极应对因子(PC)得分显著高于健康人常模及病人常模,消极应对因子(NC)得分显著低于健康人常模及病人常模。PC与SA和SD均呈显著负相关(相关系数为-0.267和-0.218);NC与SA和SD均呈显著正相关(相关系数为0.362和0.736)。6.飞行员PSSS的社会支持总分为67.91±7.69:其中家庭支持分23.43±3.15,朋友支持分24.22±2.35,其他支持分20.22±3.86。SD与朋友支持呈显著负相关(相关系数为-0.116),与其他支持呈显著正相关(相关系数为0.163),SA与PSSS无相关性。7.飞行员社交焦虑多因素分析显示,兴奋性、有恒性、敢为性和消极应对方式对SA的贡献较大(标准回归系数依次为-0.346、0.230、-0.219、0.209);消极应对方式、兴奋性、社会支持和敢为性对SD的贡献较大(标准回归系数依次为0.591、-0.324、0.185、-0.129)。结论:飞行员存在一定的社交焦虑问题,特别是刚刚开始飞行以及驾驶运输机的飞行员的社交焦虑问题更加突出,飞行员社交焦虑受其个性、心理健康、生活事件、应对方式和社会支持等心理社会因素的影响。多因素分析揭示,对社交回避贡献最大的是个性因素中的低兴奋性,对社交苦恼贡献最大的是消极应对方式。因此对于存在社交焦虑问题的飞行员,应该将这些因素都纳入整个心理咨询和治疗体系。

【Abstract】 Military pilots are a special group, engaged in high-altitude, high-speed, high-tension, high-risk occupations, with peculiarity as compared with other military careers. The pilots always work in the relatively closed environments and the scenes of the simulated war, and they are always challenged by the heavy mental and behavior pressures. Especially, under the modern high technique war, the level of the mental health will directly affect combat effectiveness of flight troop .In recent years we have found that in clinical work, the emerging social anxiety problems in pilots upward trend. Social anxiety problems not only produce pilots subjective tension, and hamper their social activities, and decline their social initiative, have seriously affected their physical and mental health, reduced the quality of living and marriage. Therefore, strengthening the studies of social anxiety in pilots, relieving the effect to working and living, is great realistic significance to enhancing the combat effectiveness of the flight troop.AIM: The research work is to investigate the social anxiety situation of pilots during convalescence, to study its associated psychosocial factors, to provide a scientific basis for clinical psychological counseling and treatment, to improve the mental health level of flight troop, to ensure the smooth completion of the training mission.Methods: Using Social Avoidance and Distress Scale(SAD), Sixteen Personality Factors Questionnaire (16PF),Symptom Checklist 90(SCL-90),Life Event Scale(LES),Trait Coping Style Questionnaire(TCSQ),Perceived Social Support Scale(PSSS)and personal information questionnaire,476 pilots were tested and investigated in Air Convalescent Zone, Hangzhou Sanatorium, Nanjing Military District from November 2006 to April 2007.Data were analyzed by statistical package for social sciences(SPSS15.0).Result:1. The pilots’score was 5.42±4.93 in SAD, 3.42±2.73 in social avoidance(SA), 2.00±2.66 in social distress(SD), lower than the national norm of college students (9.89±6.06,5.06±3.36,4.87±3.41);16 points as the demarcation line of SAD, slightly early screening out 17 pilots as social anxiety patients(3.71%),the ratio was significantly lower than the investigation outcome of different student groups by the domestic scholars in the same period. SA and SD of transport group were significantly higher than other aircrafts group; SD of the pilots group whose flight time was less than 300 hours was significantly higher than other groups; SD of diseases group was significantly higher than the health group.2. Compared with the nationwide norm, this study indicated that the scores of the pilots were higher in sociality, intelligence, stability, stubbornness, excitability, perseverance, boldness, experience, self-restraint. Lower in sensitivity, suspicion, worry, independence, nervousness. The results showed there was significant relationship between SA and SD with stubbornness, excitability, boldness, worry of 16PF, correlation coefficients were all bigger than 0.343.3. The pilots’all factor scores of SCL-90 were significantly lower than the military group norm and the nationwide norm, and high positively correlated with SA and SD, particularly SD whose correlation coefficients were all bigger than 0.251.4. The pilots’total score was 31.00±49.67 of LES, 183 pilots exceeded 20 points(39.96%),125 pilots exceeded 32 points(27.29%).The score was 31.00±49.67 in the family problems, 31.00±49.67 in the working and learning problems, 31.00±49.67 in social problems. The results showed there was significant relationship between SA and SD with negative family, working and learning, social problems, particularly working and learning problems(correlation coefficients were 0.151 and 0.275)5. The pilots’score in Positive Coping Styles factor (PC) of TCSQ was significantly higher than the healthy norm and patients norm, and their score in Negative Coping Styles factor (NC) was significantly lower. PC was high negatively correlated with SA and SD(correlation coefficients were -0.267and -0.218), NC was high positively correlated with SA and SD(correlation coefficients were 0.362and 0.736),6. The pilots’total score was 67.91±7.69 of PSSS: including 23.43±3.15 in family support, 24.22±2.35 in friends support, 20.22±3.86 in other support. SD was high negatively correlated with friends support(correlation coefficient was -0.116), positively correlated with other support(correlation coefficient was 0.163).SA had no relationship with PSSS.7. It was showed in the multiple correlation regression analysis that excitability, perseverance, boldness and negative coping styles made more contribution to SA(standardized coefficients were -0.346,0.230,-0.219,0.209 in turn), negative coping styles, excitability, social support and boldness made more contribution to SD(standardized coefficients were 0.591, -0.324, 0.185, -0.129 in turn).Conclusion: There are relative social anxiety problems in pilots, particularly the transport pilots and the pilots who have just started flying. Social anxiety in pilots is affected by personality, mental health, life event, coping style, social support and other psychosocial factors. It was showed in the multiple correlation regression analysis that lower excitability made the greatest contribution to the social avoidance, negative coping style made the greatest contribution to the social distress.Therefore, we should put these factors into the whole psychological counseling and treatment system.

【关键词】 飞行员社交焦虑心理社会因素
【Key words】 pilotsocial anxietypsychosocial factor