

Study on the Roadway Floor Heave Mechanism and Control Technology of Soft and Fragmental Surrounding Rock in Zhuxianzhuang Coal Mine

【作者】 安智海

【导师】 张农;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 采矿工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着采深增加和巷道断面增大,巷道底鼓现象越来越突出,已成为松软破碎围岩巷道矿压显现的重要特征,是急待解决的技术难题。论文在总结分析前人研究成果的基础上,运用实验室实验、理论分析、相似材料模拟、数值模拟、工业性试验等方法,以朱仙庄煤矿Ⅱ5回风上山为工程背景,深入研究了松软破碎围岩巷道底鼓机理及其控制技术。通过X射线衍射实验对该矿典型岩样进行定性与组分定量测试分析,利用透射电镜实验对岩样微结构进行了观测分析;分析研究了影响Ⅱ5回风上山巷道底鼓的主要因素,包括底板围岩性态、应力状况、水理作用、支护阻力和巷道断面形状;建立了巷道底板的受力状态力学模型,应用弹性力学中的变分法推导了巷道底板在水平应力和垂直应力作用下的位移;分析了松软破碎围岩巷道挤压流动性底鼓的流变特点;通过相似材料模拟实验研究了巷道围岩变形破坏的范围;以数值模拟为主要手段,使用FLAC软件中viscous蠕变模型和摩尔库伦模型分别对圆形、矩形、半圆拱形、近似椭圆形巷道进行计算分析,并对比不同形状断面巷道支护效果;根据巷道围岩分阶段过程控制思想,通过强化支护技术手段,对该巷道进行支护设计。工业性试验结果表明,巷道支护状况良好,围岩保持了长期稳定。论文研究成果对控制松软破碎围岩巷道底鼓具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 With the increasing of depth and roadway section, roadway floor heave phenomenon is more and more salient, and has become a technique problem which need to settle quickly and a notable feature of rock pressure of such roadway.TakeⅡ5 return airway in Zhuxianzhuang Coal Mine for example, the paper has summarized and analyzed the previous research fruits and used five methods to study the roadway floor heave mechanics and controlling technology of soft and fragmental surroundings which are theoretical analysis、similar material simulation experiment、numerical analysis、industry and laboratory experiment.The paper has analyzed the property and contents of the typical sample in the mine, and analyzed the microstructure of the rock sample using TEM experiment; summarized the main influence factor to the roadway floor heave which are wall rock behavior of the floor、rock pressure、water、supporting resistance and section figure of the roadway; constituted a mechanical model of floor stress state, and got the floor heave result under horizon and vertical stress; analysed rheology specialty of extrusion and fluid roadway floor heave in soft and fragmental surroundings; simulating and analyzing the distortion and destruct area of the roadway surroundings by similar material simulation experiment; simulating and analyzing different kinds of roadway section shape such as Circular arch、Rectangle、Horse-shoe arch and Horse-shoe with Invert Roadway using creep model“viscous”of software FLAC, contrasting the effect of supporting; designed the roadway supporting form based on the idea of grading process control technology and strengthening support technique instrument. Locale observation indicates a good status of the roadway supporting. The study of the paper has definite reference to roadway floor heave of soft and fragmental surroundings.
