

Flight Software Besed on VxWorks and Its Integration Test Platform Design

【作者】 吕广强

【导师】 徐敏强;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 一般力学与力学基础, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 深空探测是21世纪世界宇航大国关注的焦点,深空探测器自主技术是当前研究的热点,星载软件是实现探测器自主运行的基础。本学位论文结合民用航天项目的需求,研究了探测器自主星载软件设计的相关问题。因为目前公开的国内外工程化的星载软件设计资料匮乏,同时嵌入式系统开发又具有难度高的特点,所以本文需要解决建立星载软件硬件、软件条件;研究星载软件标准化;设计开放的星载软件体系结构;设计一体化星载软件测试系统这四个问题。针对这四个问题,本文主要工作包括:(1)参考国外星载机的设计规范,结合课题星载软件对硬件的要求,提出星载机设计需求。依据需求研制星载机,并进行VxWorks操作系统BSP移植和裁减;(2)整理分析CCSDS有关板上数据系统的推荐标准体系,进行星载软件数据标准化设计,为星载软件编码提供规范文挡,再总结设计流程;(3)设计基于实时数据库的参数化星载软件数据管理平台,提出参数化虚拟接口概念,将星上所有软硬件资源参数化,使星载应用软件模块面对同一的虚拟参数接口。并在此基础上设计自主GNC任务;(4)参考国内外仿真测试系统设计文献,引入嵌入式领域最新技术,为星载软件的开发和测试设计一体化集成测试平台。

【Abstract】 Deep space exploration is the 21st century world aerospace power concern, deep space probes and independent technology research is the current hot, on-board software design is the core detectors autonomy. The degree thesis researches the independent on-board detector design of software related issues.Because of the public at home and abroad-engineering of on-board lack of information on the software design, meanwhile embedded systems development and has the characteristics of high degree of difficulty. This paper is the need to address the establishment of on-board software and hardware, and software. Research the on-board software standardization. Design its architecture. Design on-board software integration testing system to these four problems.The main contents of this paper is:(1) With reference to foreign-board machine design specifications contained in connection with the topic of software-hardware requirements, on-board machine design needs. Based on the development needs of on-board aircraft, and VxWorks BSP transplantation and reduction;(2) Analysis of CCSDS collate data on the system board recommended standard system, on-board software for data standardization of design, on-board software for coding the text block with a standardized, and then summing up the design process;(3) Based on the real-time database design parameters of the on-board data management software platform, virtual interface parameters of the concept, Star of all parameters of the hardware and software resources, on-board application software module face the same virtual interface parameters. And on this basis GNC independent design tasks;(4) Domestic and international reference simulation test system design documentation, embedded areas of the introduction of the latest technology, on-board software for the design development and testing Integration Test Platform.

【关键词】 深空探测星载软件实时数据库VxWorks
【Key words】 deep space explorationsoftwareRTDBVxWorks