

Experimental Research on Hysteretic Behavior of T-Type SHS Joint under Axial Loading

【作者】 陈鹏

【导师】 武振宇;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 结构工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 钢管结构由于其外表美观、自重轻、加工简单、安装快捷,在世界各国得到广泛的应用。尤其是近几年来,我国钢产量逐年增加和钢管加工技术的日益成熟,钢管在我国应用量也逐年增加。对管节点静力性能已经开展了大量的研究工作,并且研究成果已经比较成熟,但对节点在往复轴向载荷作用下工作性能的研究却很少。尤其在我国对方管节点在往复轴向荷载作用下的滞回性能还没有进行试验研究,而我国又是个多地震国家。基于此本文对T型方管节点在轴向荷载作用下的滞回性能进行试验研究,共进行了两种约束条件的12个T型方管节点的伪静力试验。对试验过程和试验结果进行了详细的分析整理,并采用ANSYS程序对试验进行模拟。具体进行了以下几个方面的工作:(1)对T型节点进行ANSYS建模,分析主要参数对节点滞回性能的影响,同时考虑试验室现有条件,确定预做试验节点的几何参数,并分析其静力性能,为试件的详细设计做准备。(2)设计、加工试件,并进行了两种约束条件下12个T型方管节点在支杆端部往复轴向荷载作用下的伪静力试验。对试验方法和试验现象进行了详细的描述和总结。(3)基于试验结果,分析两种约束条件下的T型方管节点在往复荷载下的破坏机制、滞回曲线、骨架曲线、变形能力、承载力、耗能能力及刚度退化。结果表明,T型节点延性好,抗震性能好;当支、弦杆宽度比较小时,两种约束对节点的滞回曲线影响不大;当支、弦杆宽度比较大时,弦杆弯曲对节点的滞回曲线影响较大。(4)采用ANSYS程序对试件进行模拟,比较了三种单元的计算结果,给出了两种考虑焊缝对节点性能影响的方法。确定了可以用来模拟试验的单元和考虑焊缝的方法,并进行有限元模拟。比较了开裂前有限元结果和试验结果,验证了利用ANSYS分析节点在往复荷载作用下工作性能的可行性。

【Abstract】 Steel tubular structures have been widely used in the world because of pleasing appearance, light weight, easy fabrication and rapid installation. Especially in recent years, with the gradual increase of steel output and the developing of steel tubular’s processing technic, steel tubular has been widely used in our country. Many researches have been made to study the static behavior of tubular joints, and research production has been much mature, but there is little of study to research behavior of joints under cyclic axial loading. Especially in our country there is no experimental investigation into hysteretic behavior of SHS (Square Hollow Section) joints under cyclic axial loading, and there is much earthquake in our country. Based on above discussion an experimental investigation into the hysteretic behavior of T-type SHS joints under cyclic axial loading was conducted. Twelve T-type joints with two types of restraints were tested under cyclic quasi-static axial loading in order to get their hysteretic behavior. The detailed analysis for experiment process and its result were conducted. Experiment was simulated and its results were compared by ANSYS program.The main contents in the paper are listed as follows:(1) The ANSYS model of T-type SHS joint was constructed, the main parameters affecting hysteretic behavior of joints were analyzed and laboratory’s existing condition was considered in order to fix geometry parameters of test specimens. Then static load-carrying capacities of these joints were analyzed to prepare for detailed designing specimens using ANSYS.(2) Specimens were designed and fabricated, and then twelve T-type joints with two types of restraints were tested under axial cyclic quasi-static loading acting on the brace end to get their hysteretic behavior. The experimental method was introduced in detail, and experimental phenomenon was also described and summarized.(3) Based on test results, the results of twelve T-type joints with two types of restrictions under cyclic axial loading were analyzed, including failure mechanism, hysteretic curve, skeleton curve, deformation capacity, load-carrying capacity, energy dissipation, stiffness decay and so on. The results show that T- type SHS joint has good ductility and aseismic capacity. Whenβis small, there is little affection of different restraints, but whenβis very large, bending deformation of chord affects the joint’s hysteretic behavior.(4) Experiment was simulated, two methods considering the affection of weld were given, and the results of FEA (Finite Element Analysis) and test were compared. It is proved that it is feasible to analyze the working behavior of joint under axial cyclic quasi-static loading before the appearance of crack using ANSYS program.

  • 【分类号】TU392.3
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】247