

Research on Single Longitudinal Mode Laser of Active Frequency Stabilization Control System

【作者】 赵海龙

【导师】 曲彦臣;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 物理电子学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 激光具有良好的单色性和相干性,因此,在精密计量、光通信、光频标、高分辨光谱学等领域中得到了广泛的应用。而激光输出频率受环境条件影响,往往是一个不稳定的、随时间变化的无规则的起伏量。要使激光频率稳定,则要通过稳频技术来解决。若采用恒温、防震、密封隔声等被动稳频措施,频率稳定性还不能满足系统要求,就需要主动稳频。主动稳频控制系统通过鉴频系统鉴别频偏,继而自动调节腔长,将激光频率回复到特定的标准频率上,从而达到稳频的目的。本文概括了稳频技术的原理和方法。介绍了两种不同的稳频方案,确定了利用被动稳定的鉴频系统来自动稳定激光器频率的方案,介绍了PID控制算法,分析了PID参数对系统性能的影响。在此基础上,设计了稳频系统的控制方案。选定了稳频控制的硬件设备,并确定了系统的工作流程。之后,对控制系统进行理论分析,采用SIMULINK工具对稳频控制系统进行了仿真。利用VC++ 6.0 IDE开发了一套应用软件。其功能包括位移控制、数据采集、开环扫描运行、闭环稳频控制等。软件中利用PID控制原理,设计了闭环控制算法。软件经过调试,能够可靠运行。在实验方面,完成了一台用于进行稳频控制的单纵模YAG激光器搭建和调试。利用F-P标准具,完成了激光器输出单纵模的测试,实现了F-P共焦干涉仪的透射光的检测,搭建和调试了主动稳频控制系统,完成了稳频控制系统的初步实验研究。

【Abstract】 Laser has many good characteristics such as monochromaticity and coherence. Therefore, it is widely used in accurate measurement, optical communication, optical frequency scale, and high-resolution spectroscopy. Affected by its surroundings, the laser frequency is usually a fluctuating signal as a variable of time. To stabilize the frequency, technology of frequency stabilization is needed. When the passive frequency stabilization we use, such as constant temperature, quakeproof, airproof and sound insulation, can not satisfy the demand of the system, the active frequency stabilization is required. The controlling system of active frequency stabilization gets the frequency deviation from the frequecy discrimination system and adjusts the length of resonant cavity to make the frequency revert to the standard frequency, so we can achieve stabilization of frequency.In this paper, basic principles and technology of frequency stabilization have been generalized. Two plans on how to stabilize frequency have been introduced. The method of using passively stabilized frequecy discrimination system to stabilize the frequency has been chosen. PID controlling algorithm has been introduced and the influence of PID parameters on the system has been analyzed. On the base of that, the plan of frequency stabilization has been designed. The equipment of frequency stabilization has been chosen and workflow has been comfirmed. Then the controlling system has been theoretically analyzed and simulated with SIMULINK.With VC++ 6.0 IDE, a software has been developed,whose fuctions include displacement control, data acquisition, operation of open loop scanning and operation of closed loop frequency stabilization. PID controlling algorithm is applied and controlling algorithm of closed loop is designed in the software. After having been debugged,the software can run reliably.In the experiment, a single longitudinal mode laser and a Confocal Fabray-Perot cavity, which are both used for frequency stabilization, have been set up and configurated. The testing of the single longitudinal mode output of the laser has been completed using the F-P cavity.The laser beam penetrating the CFP is observed. System of active frequency stabilization has been built up and configurated. Elementary experiment research of control system has been finished.
