

The Application of Anthracite Padding on Biological Removal of Iron and Manganese in Water Supply Plant

【作者】 杨昊

【导师】 张杰; 李冬;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 市政工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 佳木斯江北地下水水厂的源水中总铁含量为14~18mg/L,锰含量为0.6~1.0mg/L,是一座典型的高铁高锰地下水厂。在工艺选择上,经专家多方论证决定采用一级过滤生物除铁除锰工艺;在滤料选择上,摒弃了锰砂和石英砂,第一次启用无烟煤作为生物滤池滤料。本文以生物除铁除锰理论为依据,以课题组多年试验与实践的研究成果为基础,以生产滤池为依托,通过生产运行实验,对用无烟煤作为滤料的生物除铁除锰滤池的工程实现方法、运行规律和后期管理等进行了研究。选取第七水厂跌水曝气池壁上生长的生物黏泥作为种泥,通过连续曝气通水扩增后引入所有滤池,以2m/h的滤速、11L/( s?m2)反冲洗进行培养。保持低滤速、弱反冲洗强度的工况连续培养3~5个月后,生物滤池成熟,出水水质达到国家饮用水标准。然后再逐渐提高滤速培养,每次提高1m/h后稳定培养至滤池出水达标,再进行下一次提速,依此类推,直到滤速达到设计滤速6m/h为止。整个调试工程在进行了6个月后,铁的去除率达到99.5%以上,锰的去除率99%以上,成功地将原水中总铁由14~18mg/L降至0.05mg/L以下;锰由0.6~1.0mg/L降至0.05mg/L以下,明显优于国家饮用水标准(总铁<0.3mg/L;锰<0.1mg/L)。日产量200,000t/d的佳木斯江北水厂是我国乃至世界最大的生物除铁除锰水厂,同时也是第一座采用无烟煤滤料的生物除铁除锰水厂。本次调试的成功,不仅探索出了一条适合高铁高锰地下水厂生物除铁除锰技术的培养方法,更是找到了一种优质的滤料——无烟煤滤料。它密度小、质地硬和孔隙率大等本质特性是生物除铁除锰技术所需要的;缩短滤池成熟期,加强滤池的稳定性和节省反冲洗用水等优点更是其它滤料无法比拟的。本研究旨在拓宽生物除铁除锰技术的应用范围,促进该项技术向前发展。

【Abstract】 Jiamusi Water Supply Plant is a typical groundwater plant using source water with high concentration of iron and manganese. The concentrations of iron and manganese in the source were 14~18mg/L and 0.6~1.0mg/L. Biological iron and manganese removal technology was used in the plant. We chose anthracite sand instead of normal manganese sand and quartz sand for the filter.The operation rules and engineering managements were investigated. Base on the theory of biological iron and manganese removal technology, on-site bend and pilot experiments were performed anthracite as padding. Seed sludge was the sludge sticking on the aeration tank of seventh Water Supply Plant. Domestication condition was 2m/h of filtration velocity and 11L/(s·m2) of backwash intensity after continuous aeration of enhanced cultivation. The cultivation last for about 3~5 months under the low filtration velocity and weak backwash intensity before effluent water quality met the national standard of drinking water. The filtration velocity was gradually increased to 6m/h in 1m/h stepwise. After about 6 months, the total removal efficiency of iron and manganese was 99.5% and 99% respectively. The concentration of iron and manganese in influent was 14~18mg/L and 0.5~1.0mg/L, and in the effluent was 0.05mg/L and 0.05mg/L respectively, which is lower than the National Drinking Water Standard(Fe<0.3mg/L,Mn<0.1mg/L).Jiamusi Water Supply Plant is the largest plant not only in China but also in the world with capacity of 2.0×105m3/d. It is the first plant using anthracite as the filtration package. The project found a high-quality filter marial and explored a cultivation method. The low density, high hardness and large pore ratio of anthracite benefit the technology. The material also shorts the maturing time, enhances the the filtration stability and saves the backwashing water.This research aims at widenning the application of Biological Removal of Iron and Manganese and promotes the development of this technology in the future.
