

Research of the Value Analyzing and Achieving High Performance Price Ratio to the Design of Metalloscope

【作者】 施杰

【导师】 萧泽新;

【作者基本信息】 桂林电子科技大学 , 机械制造及自动化, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 金相显微镜是冶金、机械制造和交通运输等工业生产的眼睛,对防止产生废品、提高产品质量起重要作用。近年来,随着微电子行业的发展,对金相显微镜的要求越来越高。国内各显微镜生产厂家竞相致力于高性能金相显微镜的开发,力图设计制造出达到国际先进水平的产品来,并具有较高的性价比,这样才能在国内市场,特别是国际市场占有一席之地,而由于原材料的价格上涨,成本随之增高,这使我国金相显微镜在抢占国际市场上的处境举步维艰,市场呼唤具有低成本、高价值、高性能的国产金相显微镜的出现,也引发了我们对此研发的强烈欲望。价值工程作为一种卓有成效的管理方法和先进的设计方法,旨在提高研究对象的功能、降低投入成本,以达到提升产品价值和提高性价比的目的。本文将价值工程贯穿于金相显微镜的设计过程,以此提高金相显微镜品质、提高其性价比、提升我国金相显微镜国际竞争力,进而提高企业的经济效益和社会效益。本文从研究价值工程对象选择方法入手,列举几种常用方法,并分析各自的优缺点,然后结合金相显微镜的特点,选择了价值系数法作为对象选择方法;根据价值系数法,通过对金相显微镜的各组成部分进行功能评价和成本评价,找出物镜、目镜以及照明器为影响正置金相显微镜性价比的主要部分;然后通过大量的调查、访问、咨询,以及查阅大量的资料,分别收集了光学系统和显微镜机械结构设计的相关情报,对这些情报进行分析研究,确定金相显微镜设计的基本原则。对物镜、目镜以及照明器进行详细的价值分析包括功能分析和成本构成分析,针对其各自的功能以及成本构成提出改进设计方案,并将这些方案运用于实际,通过优化选材、合理选型、创新结构、改进工艺等设计出具国际先进水平的齐焦距可调长工作距离平场半复消色差物镜;通过优化选型、优化系列产品、改进工艺、合理设计结构等设计出具国内领先水平的广角目镜;通过改进灯泡可调装置和灯罩设计出新型的照明器,并对这些设计成果从技术和经济上进行详细的分析与评价,评价表明,这些成果性价比较高。最后对采用了改进设计后的物镜、目镜和照明器的金相显微镜进行总体评价,包括金相显微镜的性能参数评价、经济效益评价和用户评价,通过评价表明我们的价值工程项目是成功的,达到了预期目标。

【Abstract】 The metalloscope is the eye of metallurgy ,manufacture and tra?c it is very impor-tant for avoiding wasters ,enhancing the quality Recently ,the require to metalloscopeis higher and higher .Many microscope producers try their best to empolder the highperformance metalloscopes which achieve the international advanced level and havethe high performance-to-price ratio. So we should hold a small space in the domes-tic market, specially the international market. And, as a result of raw material rise inprice, the cost is also getting higher and higher, this causes the situation of our countrymetallography microscope in international market, even more has one misfortune afteranother, the society’s calling to providing the low cost, high value, high performancemetallography microscope is getting higher and higher.As highly e?ective management methods and an advanced design methods .Thevalue engineering is for the purpose of enhancing the performance of the researchobject, reducing the invested cost, promoting the product value and enhancing theperformance-to-price ratio. This paper introduces the Value Engineering in the processof metalloscope design to optimizing the metalloscope quality enhancing the performance-to-price ratio and promoting the international competitiveness of our metalloscope,then the economic e?ciency and social e?ciency of the enterprises can be raised.This paper begins with the methods of choosing the VE objects, enumerates somecommon methods ,and analyses their advantages and disadvantages ,then elects thevalue coe?cient method combined with the characteristics of metalloscope ;accordingto the coe?cient method ,after doing the functional evaluation and cost evaluationwhich is to be all parts of the metalloscope ,the objective lens ,the eyepieces and theilluminators which are the most important to the performance-to-price of metalloscopeare found out .According to do investigating ,interview ,consultation ,and consult alot of datum ,the information which are about the optical system and machine struc-ture design are collected ,after studying and analyzing those information ,the designprinciples are confirmed.The objective lens, the eye lens as well as the illuminating apparatus have becarried on the detailed value analysis including the functional analysis and the costconstitution analysis, and the optimization design plans are proposed in view of theirrespective function as well as the cost constitution, then these plans are utilized inactual. The confocal distance adjustable, long work distance ?at field ,S-ApochromaticCF Microscopic Objective which achieves the international advanced level is schemedout through selecting materials optimizing ,selecting models rationally, inauguratingstructure ;the wide-angle eyepiece which achieves domestic advanced level is schemed out through selecting models rationally ,optimizing the series products ,optimizing thetechniques ,designing structure rationally ;the new illuminator is schemed out throughoptimizing the buld place adjustable device and the lampshade. The detailed analysisand the appraisal to these design achievement from the technology and the economyare carried on, these appraisal indicates the function and cost of these productions ismatching.Lastly the holistic appraisal to the metalloscope is given including the performanceparameter appraisal, economic benefit appraisal and user appraisal, the appraisalsindicate that our VE item is successful, obtaining the anticipate purpose.
