

Harmony Ideology Research of the Bahá’í Faith

【作者】 陈思宇

【导师】 蔡德贵;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 外国哲学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文揭示巴哈伊信仰关于和谐思想的教义和伦理思想,分析巴哈伊信仰作为一种宗教对于构建当前和谐社会的作用和现实意义。巴哈伊信仰是完全适应经济全球化环境下的政治和文化多元化趋势而创立的信仰,面对文化的多样性和差异性,巴哈伊提倡多样化统一的原则,倡导大同和宽容精神。当代社会的种种问题需要采取一种特殊的和有变革性的解决办法。巴哈伊信仰的经典及其成员的广泛多元的活动几乎涉及了当今世界的每一个重要项目:从关于文化多元性和环境保护的新思维到决策的民主化,从对家庭生活和道德的重归到“新世界秩序”的创建。巴哈伊教被教外人士评论为一个具有鲜明特征的现代型宗教。作为一种新兴宗教,巴哈伊是当代宗教中最活跃的因素,主张宽容、开放、平等、公平、正义,并与现代社会接轨。巴哈伊教的核心教旨有三条:上帝唯一,宗教同源,人类一体。巴哈伊教徒努力争取为人类服务,实现人类“天下一家”、世界大同的教旨。由于它有更为现代化的内容,有更为简化的宗教仪式,更为宽容,更为开放,更为世俗化,所以在20世纪60年代以后取得了惊人的发展。当今世界几大宗教分别都出现了世俗化的趋势,而世俗化在巴哈伊信仰表现得最为显著。巴哈伊教作为一种新兴宗教,是由神学宗教向伦理宗教过渡的典型。巴哈伊信仰致力于伦理思想,特别强调人类整体的和谐的重要性。为此,巴哈伊教提供了一整套伦理原则来实现大同理念。宗教在当今社会的价值,在于它的道德价值和伦理作用。宗教道德的基础是宗教世界观与人生价值观。巴哈伊信仰提供的经验非常值得当今社会重视,面对当今世界的信仰迷失和道德失范,宗教应该重视道德素养与操守,通过道德操行来体现信仰,为构建和谐社会提供道德引领。借鉴和汲取巴哈伊信仰的和谐思想因素,有利于新形势下我们构建和谐社会,从全球视野来看,有利于世界的持久和平和稳定发展。

【Abstract】 This paper mainly studies on harmony ideology of The Bahá’íFaith. By means of analyzing the teachings and ethics and morality of The Bahá’íFaith, we can draw on the experience of The Bahá’íFaith in order to help with our building up the harmonious society in our country.Face economic globalization, accordingly politics and civilization diversification, The Bahá’íFaith emphasizing the spiritual unity of all humankind, because it acknowledge the diversify exist and be willing to tolerate the other kinds of religion. From theory to practice, we can find that The Bahá’íFaith is really a modern, tolerant, open ,reason and humanity religion.The Bahá’íteachings are often summarized by referring to three core principles: the unity of God, the unity of religion, and the unity of mankind .Bahá’íbelieve that there is one God, that all humanity is one family, and that there is a fundamental unity underlying religion.The Bahá’íFaith teaches that there is one God, one human family, and that religions are essentially from the same Source. Teachings on peace, human prosperity, equality between men and women, the elimination of prejudice, the agreement of science and religion, and principles of global governance embodying the requirements of justice are all contained in the Bahá’íwritings. They provide us a vision for the future and the spiritual sustenance to act on that vision.Common custom in The Bahá’íFaith has a very important position, that is the reason why The Bahá’íFaith is so popular. The Bahá’íwritings emphasize the essential equality of human beings, the independent search after truth, harmony of religion and science, and the abolition of prejudice. The Bahá’íFaith is thoroughly concerned with the renewal and advancement of society. The Bahá’íteachings focus on promoting a moral and spiritual education. The links below have information about the Bahá’í Faith’s commitment to human rights, social and economic development, the status of women, and moral development and its involvement in such efforts. The ultimate aim in life of every human soul, the Bahá’íwritings state, should be to attain moral and spiritual excellence—to align one’s inner being and outward behavior with the will of an all-loving Creator. From the global view, the harmony world ideology can provides us the successful experiences and valuable inspiration.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期
  • 【分类号】B989.3
  • 【下载频次】114