

Research of "Zhuang-zi Collection Releases"

【作者】 梁瑞霞

【导师】 庄大钧;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 有清一代,朴学大盛,考古释经,成就斐然。时至晚清,国势衰颓,西学东渐,中西交融之际,子学复兴。时郭庆藩《庄子集释》出,既承朴学之传,又扬子学之帜,实为集大成之作。本文设立第一部分“《庄子集释》作者研究”,通过考察郭庆藩的家世、生平及其著作,以明《庄子集释》产生之家学渊源和学术积淀。《庄子集释》作为郭庆藩代表作,为世所重,然郭氏其人及其他著作,却鲜为人知。他一生著作等身,《集释》之外,尚有训诂学及文学著作三十余部。然而这些作品大多散伙,或有存者,也并未刊刻流传,仅以稿本保存,常人难以得见,故后世学者对其人其作知之甚少。笔者通过多方面搜集考察,得到一些关于郭庆藩家世生平及其著作的资料,力图更为全面地反映郭庆藩其人及其学术成就。本文设立第二部分“《庄子集释》学术环境研究”,通过考察清代朴学及清末子学之盛衰状况,以明《庄子集释》产生之社会与学术之必然原因。朴学为清代显学,时至晚清末季,虽盛况不再,然毕竟为一代之学术思潮,其余绪遗响为后人所承,成就仍然可观。道咸以降,子学复兴,“以子证经”蔚然成风,当此之时,郭庆藩作《庄子集释》,实乃朴学与子学融合之成果。《庄子集释》既成,因其成就显著,流传亦广,对当时及后世学术产生的深刻影响,亦在本文略加论述,以明《庄子集释》之学术地位。本文设立第三部分“《庄子集释》文本研究”,包括体例、内容、价值和不足四个方面。《庄子集释》属于“集注”体之作,具有该体式著作的基本特征,即集诸说以作解,并发明所解之文义,然后就从这两个特征出发,分析《庄子集释》的内容,既集诸说,便有保存古注并使之成一系统整体之功,既发明文义,便有丰富、完善研究成果之功,《庄子集释》的价值,便在于此。成就虽著,不足之处在所难免,指出其疏失,可以让我们对《庄子集释》有一个更为客观、全面的认识。总而言之,本文是在把握作者学术背景和清代学术环境的前提下,对《庄子集释》一书进行考察分析的。本文的写作,将有助于全面认识郭庆藩及其学术成就,有助于深入了解“集释”体式的渊源及特征,有助于深化对清代考据学、训诂学以至于整个朴学特征的研究,有助于正确理解《庄子集释》在庄学史上的地位。

【Abstract】 In the Qing Dynasty, the Chinese philology is greatly abundant, the achievemen of examing the ancient civilization and explaineding classical ancient book was remarkable. In the Qing Dynasty last years, the national strength has declined,and the Western academi spreaded to east area, when China and the West country Exchanged, Pre-Qin thinkers’ study revivaled. At that time, Guoqing fan’s "Zhuang-zi Collection Releases" ,whice both inherits biography of the Chinese philology and develops the pre-Qin thinkers’ study, was the work of centralizing achievement.The article sets up the first part:the research of the author of "Zhuang-zi Collection Releases" .Inspects the Guoqing fan’s family background, the biography and the work. As Guoqing fan’representative work, "Zhuang-zi Collection Releases" was valued to people. However, his biography and other work are actually rarely known, through collecting and inspecting,I get some other material about Guoqing fan, so we can comprehensively understanding his academic achievement.The article sets up the second part:the research of the academia background of "Zhuang-zi Collection Releases". Chinese philology was no longer remarkable in the Qing Dynasty last years, however, as the important academic of Qing Dynasty,it still be significant. During the times of Daoguang and Xianfeng, Pre-Qin thinkers study revivaled, "Zhuang-zi Collection Releases"became the fusion achievement of Chinese philology and Pre-Qin thinkers study. This article elaborats its influence to society and academic,so that we can understand its academic status.The article sets up the third part: the research of the text of "Zhuang-zi Collection Releases", including style, content, value and shortcoming. "Zhuang-zi Collection Releases" is "collects" style, has essential feature of this style works.on one hand, collects everybody’s viewpoint, on the other hand, develop the meaning.From the characteristics, I analyzes the content of "Zhuang-zi Collection Releases" . This work both preserves ancient note and richs research results,so it is very valued tous. Although,it is outstanding, still has some shortcoming ,so I pointing out together,that we can more objectively understanding "Zhuang-zi Collection Releases".Generally speaking, on the foundation of grasping the author’s academic background and the Qing Dynasty’s academia premise, this article examins and analysis "Zhuang-zi Collection Releases". It can be helpful t for mastering Guoqing fan and his academic achievement. On the other hand ,it helps us further study the origin of "collects" style and the characteristic of Chinese philology.It also helps people correctly understand the academic status of "Zhuang-zi Collection Releases".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期