

Research on Ecosystem Health Evaluation, Restoration and Service Value of Xiao-qing River in Jinan City

【作者】 刘晓丽

【导师】 赵然杭; 曹升乐;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自20世纪50年代以来,伴随人口的急剧膨胀和经济的高速发展,关系到人类自身生存的水资源、水环境与水生态等重大问题日益突出,成为世界范围内高度关注的共同主题。在我国,80年代以来迅速发展的水环境污染与局部地区失衡的水生态系统对国家经济社会的可持续发展产生了严重的影响和制约,使水生态系统的保护与修复上升到了国家战略发展的高度。本文在总结分析国内外有关河流生态系统健康、治理修复及服务功能价值的综合研究成果的基础上,结合济南市小清河干流的实际情况,开展了以下研究:(1)总结了河流生态系统健康评价、河流生态系统治理修复、生态系统服务功能价值的研究进展。对济南市小清河河流生态系统概况进行了调查。(2)根据济南市小清河的特点,提出河流健康生命评价指标选择的目的性、科学性、综合性、可持续性和可操作性等原则,针对小清河河流健康现状,分层次分类别选择了反映水生态环境、河道形态结构、河岸带状况、社会和经济因素四个方面的13个具体指标,给出了每个指标的评估方法和5级标准特征值,建立了河流生态系统健康指标体系。考虑到河流健康具有模糊性,采用二元对比专家分析法确定指标权重和多目标模糊可变评价模型对小清河干流济南段生态系统健康水平进行了评价,得到了小清河干流济南段生态系统健康水平为不健康,需要进行保护和治理的结论。(3)结合小清河干流济南段综合治理工程规划实际情况和小清河生态系统的现状,主要从工程措施和生物措施两方面对小清河生态系统综合治理修复措施进行了初步设计。(4)以济南市小清河干流综合治理规划为基础,采用生态经济学方法,对济南市小清河主要的生态系统服务功能进行了研究和划分,并且从生态系统服务功能的角度出发,对小清河综合治理后的生态效益进行了粗略的价值量化,有助于人们从宏观上了解河流生态治理带来的巨大的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益,为小清河生态生态系统服务功能价值纳入济南市国民经济核算体系和促进生态补偿机制提供了依据,有利于济南市的生态、经济和社会的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 With the rapid expansion of population and the development of economy since 1950s, the big problems related to water resource, water environment and ecology have been increasingly important,which concern the existence of human being itself and became the highly focused worldwide issues.In our country, the rapid development of water pollution and the imbalance of water ecology in a certain regions since 1980s have badly affected the sustainable development of society and economy.Therefore, the protection and restoration of water ecosystem has became a development stradegy of our country.Based on former research results of river ecosystem health and it’s evaluation, river restoration technologies and ecosystem service value, researches on Xiao-qing River of Jinan city were started.Main contents and achievement s are as follows:(1) Research progress about river ecosystem health evaluation, restoration and ecosystem service value was summed up. The ecosystem current situation of Xiao-qing River was investigated.(2) Based on our nation’s conditions and the characters of Xiao-qing River, it proposed the principles when selecting river health indices.According to the current river health status of Xiao-qing River, it constructed thirteen specific indices that reflected water entironment, river structure, bank status,river social economy function in different layers and classes.It also put forward the assessment method of each index and five grades of standard character values.Thinking of the fuzziness of river healht, it fixed index weight through layered binary compared expert analysis mehtod, and valuated river health by multi-objective variable fuzzy model.It concluded that the ecology system health level of Xiao-qing River is unhealthy and protective and restoration measures shoud be taken.(3)According to the current situation of ecosystem and the comprehensive treatment plan of Xiao-qing River, mechanical and biological restoration measures were preliminary designed.(4)Based on the comprehensive treatment plan of Xiao-qing River, the ecosystem service function was divided by ecological economics methods.The ecology benefit of the rehabilitated Xiao-qing River was quantized.The assessment of river ecosystem value helps people to macroscopically know the huge ecological ,social and economic benefits which was brought about by the comprehensive treatment of Xiao-qing River.It provides foundation for policy of ecological compensation and national economic accounting system including ecological value. It is advantageous to the sustainable development of ecology ,economy and society of Jinan city.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期