

A Study of the Listening Process of Chinese EFL Students: From the Perspective of Dual Coding Theory

【作者】 曾凤英

【导师】 王俊菊;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 听力理解在外语/二语习得的基本技能中占有举足轻重的地位,人们越来越重视研究听力理解过程以及如何提高英语学习者的听力理解能力。最近出现的自下而上理论、自上而下理论和图式理论部分地解释了听力理解过程,但是这些理论比较注重听力理解过程中的语言因素而忽视了听力理解过程中的非语言因素。而双重代码理论认为,人们在认知过程中有两套语码处理系统。其中,语言系统处理语言因素,非语言系统处理非语言因素,主要包括意象和情感反应。本文以双重代码理论为基础,从实证的角度论证了双重代码理论在听力教学中的有效性,以期全面理解听力理解过程,找到更多有效提高学生听力理解能力的途径。本文选取了山东工艺美术学院的四十名大一新生作为被试,采取定量研究的方法解决了以下三个问题:在理解文章和记忆文章方面,形成意象和情感反应多的学生与形成意象和情感反应少的学生有何区别?在形成意象和情感反应方面以及在理解文章和记忆文章方面,男生和女生有何区别?在不同体裁的文章中,具体的文章是否比抽象的文章更好理解,更易引起学生的兴趣,也比较易于记忆?结果表明:在听力过程中,形成意象和情感反应多的学生与形成意象和情感反应少的学生在文章的理解和记忆方面有显著的区别,形成意象和情感反应多的学生能更好地理解文章,并能将文章记得时间更长;男生和女生在形成意象和情感反应方面具有明显的差异,女生能形成更多的意象和情感反应,因而女生比男生能更好地理解和记忆文章;在不同体裁的文章中,具体的文章比抽象的文章更好理解,也比较易于记忆。最后,本文讨论了上述研究结果在大学英语听力教学等方面的教学启示,指出了研究的局限性,对下一步的研究提出了几点建议。

【Abstract】 Due to the importance of listening comprehension among the four basic foreign/second language skills, considerable attention has been given to the exploration of listening process and how to improve EFL’s listening comprehension. However, theories on listening like bottom-up theories, top-down theories, and schema theory can partly explain the process of listening, and most of them put emphasis on linguistic factors in the listening process rather than non-linguistic factors.Different from other listening theories, Dual Coding Theory takes listening as a cognitive activity mediated by two independent but partly interconnected symbolic systems specialized for encoding, organizing, storing, and retrieving stimulus information. One is the image (or imagery) system, and the other is the verbal system. Based on this theory, this thesis conducted two empirical studies on the application and role of Dual Coding Theory in English listening process in order to better understand the listening process of Chinese EFL learners and find more strategies to promote EFL’s listening comprehension.Forty freshmen from Shandong College of Art and Design are selected as the subjects of the study. Quantitative analytical methods are adopted to answer the research questions focusing on what the differences are between the participants evoking more mental images and affective responses and those evoking fewer mental images and affective responses in understanding and remembering the text, what the differences are between boys and girls in forming mental images and affective responses and in understanding and remembering the text and in different text types (narrative, expository and argumentative texts), whether concrete texts are more comprehensible, more interesting and can be better recalled than abstract texts.It has been found that in the listening process there are significant differences between the participants evoking more mental images and affective responses and those evoking fewer mental images and affective responses in understanding and remembering the text, the participants evoking more mental images and affective responses can understand and recall the text better than those evoking fewer mental images and affective responses; there are significant differences between boys and girls in forming mental images and affective responses, girls can form more mental images and evoke more affective responses than boys, which results in their better understanding and recall of the text than boys’ and concrete texts are more comprehensible and can be better recalled than abstract texts in different text types (narrative, expository and argumentative texts).Based on the main findings of the study, this thesis then discusses its pedagogical implications by providing some suggestions for the teaching of English listening. Limitations of the study and suggestions for future research are finally provided.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期